Friends needed that eat their exercise calories!!



  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I don't always eat them all, because I exercise at the end of my day... but I usually try to eat most of them. Great topic, by the way. :)
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I try to eat them back most days just because I am hungry and I am not trying lose weight anymore but trying to maintain and build lean muscle and I need food aka fuel to do this!!
    Add me if this is cool with you!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    What a wonderful group of eaters I've found.

    This all makes sense and I'm glad you're all on board.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    An absolute must for all of is the use of a quality Heart Rate Monitor (see Polar), that actually provides scientific results of your exercise. MFP comes close with its database of what "45 min on an eliptical" may burn, but the HRM will give you, 'your' results and not an estimate for any given person. Once you have a handle on what you're burining and have it with a lot of confidence, then you can begin to eat your exercise cals every day. Leaving exercise cals on the table can lead to the dreaded, 'starvation mode' which leads to headaches, weight gain/plateaus and constipation... Eating your EC's and keeping slightly under your daily C limit, will lead to losing weight, guaranteed. 2Lbs a week is doable when you have a lot to lose, much more difficult when you get close to your BMI weight.
    Go get em!

    I ordered my Polar TF4 water resistant since I'm in the water a lot) today. :drinker:
  • I am eating my exercise cals back too! I never understood before how was able to get so fat when I barely ate anything ever! Well now I know and after actually feeding my body for 3 weeks I feel great!!! My clothes are already fitting better and I have so much more energy!
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    If anyone else wants to add me too, please do. I was viewing some daily totals and I couldn't believe how little some people ate.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I eat my exercise calories - that's what they are for! I would be depriving myself otherwise and I am slowly but steadily losing weight. This is not a quick fix but a appreciation of calorie content in food and the importance of daily exercise. MFP has really shown me the path to go. Its my 100th day today! Still have a few kilos to go but all part of a daily routine now.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    So Glad I found this thread. First I EAT back my calories....
    Second I am unsure if 1200 calories that MFP gives me is enough? I have over 50 pounds to lose.
    Can someone say if this is ok or not? I dont want to stunt my progress by eating to little calories......................
    I also on 1200 cals....its enough and if you exercise (you should) you can eat more
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Add me, add me, add me. =):laugh:
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
  • placebo50
    placebo50 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey welcome, I sent a friend request, I also am looking for friends for motiviation.
  • peckle123
    peckle123 Posts: 28 Member
    add me guys, I have been eating mine and love factthat I have not been hungry in the evening. It appears to be working too
  • _persephone_
    _persephone_ Posts: 138 Member
    I really try to eat my exercise calories, but at the moment I'm having HUGE trouble doing it (I'm trying to eat more cleanly, and it feels like a giant amount of food to me at the moment!), if you don't mind, I'm going to send you a request. Hopefully will keep me motivated lol.
  • Your absolutely right that you need to eat at least 50 % of your exercise calories to consistantly keep your metabolism burning the fat we have on board. Unfortunately there are an awful lot of miss conceptions about losing weight out there . Yes you would eventually lose weight if you did keep to under 1000 cal per day with exercise but you would be damaging your organs and EATING your Muscle mass that is the key to increased metabolism that burns your calories. I am new to the MFP community my daughters showed me this site when they asked me to join in a family weight loss challenge. So I have been using the MFP tools since November 24 th, 2011 when I started addressing my obesity and poor choices.That being said I am down 27 lbs with MFP and a total of 39lbs since the fall and feeling much better. I would be honored to join ranks with you I exercise when my body allows me I usually walk on the tread mill I have at 3.5- 4miles an hour for an hour.Unfortunately due to my weight I have a torn Meniscus ( cartilage in my knee ) and it will flair up not allowing me to walk with any force but I am looking at other options to promote muscle use.
    Nana Larsen ... :)
  • Smansfield1
    Smansfield1 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't eat all of my exercise calories back everyday. I try to keep a minimum of 1200 net on the days I do work out.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I strongly believe in eating back those calories. I have been at this for just over a year, have lost 58 pounds doing just that. I also have allowed myself one "cheat/free" day a week. Could I have lost faster without that, probably, but I think I am happier and my husband would probably say, more sane, for doing it. It has worked for me. :smile:
    On a side note, I grew up in Greenwood.
    Sending a friend request now.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    I'm sure "someone" will have mentioned this, but another key is really knowing what you're eating (e.g. scanning a barcode is far more accurate than guessing at the Macaroni Grill (major calorie danger restaurant), while also keeping it real with a quality heart rate monitor and chest strap. This way you have a fighting chance of knowing what's coming in and what's going out. I see a lot of forlorn MFP peeps out there, starving for support and encouragement... The truth shall set you free people.

    Always, always always eat thy ex cals! :noway:
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    I totally agree, as long as you get a good workout in you should be able to eat what you want as long as you don't go over calorie wise!!!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I used to eat all of mine when I was on 1400 cals a day. Now I've upped it to 1900 a day (and the weight is still coming off) but haven't decided if I'll eat back a large burn (large for me is 500+) or not. I'll be keeping the scale and measuring tape handy for the next few months and see how I feel, see what works. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • chn10342
    chn10342 Posts: 12
    HI!! Since I am new here, I am just getting to that "sweet spot" of when I feel satisfied, but at the same time not overdoing it with "Eating back calories." It's like finding that healthy balance, and I suppose everyone is different when it comes to eating back calories. I like the results that I am seeing by the way I am eating. I am a FIRM believe in the cheat day once a week also!!! Please add me!!! Thanks, Candice!!