5'2-5'3 girls!!!!



  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 855 Member
    age 34
    5'2" small to medium build

    sw 200.8 lb Jan 14
    cw 194.0 lb Feb 19
    gw 130-150 (undecided as I'm focused on size/fitness, not weight)

    I eat a minimum of 1700 calories daily, but my goal is 1842 on normal days and 2127 on workout days when I do weights. I don't pay attention to exercise calories, because they're already factored into my calorie goals.

    I work out 3x/week doing weights and a couple of cardio days. I'm down 6.8 lb and a total of seven inches so far.
  • jdevrich
    jdevrich Posts: 25
    I'm Jennifer and I'm 29 years old.

    5'2" Medium Build
    SW 197
    CW 170
    GW 150 (then I'll reevaluate)

    MFP set me at 1400ish cals per day and eat exercise calories to make myself net at least 1200 cals per day (which I didn't quite understand before but now I do). I allow myself 1 cheat day per week.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am 32 and 5'3".

    Highest weight was at the end of my 2nd pregnancy - 142lbs
    Post-pregnancy - 130lbs
    4 months post-partum - 115lbs
    CW - 108-111lbs (lost the last few pounds after I weaned my son at 11 months)

    My net calories goal is 1460. I eat back my exercise calories. I don't restrict my diets, and everything in moderation. I was exercising 5 days a week for 12-30 min. I was doing the bodyrock challenge. Some days I rode the stationary bike, so I can eat more. I went on vacation last week, and haven't got back to exercising. I will start again next week, doing bodyrock.
  • hurleyse
    hurleyse Posts: 2

    I am 30 . 5'2" I just started so no room to talk. But here we go anyways: 1200 Calories intake. I dont eat my exercise calories. I work out 2-3 times/week 20-30 min. cardio. Total between 60 - 90 min / week.

    SW : 160 after baby
    CW 113
    GW 109
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    Age: 42

    mom of two teens
    exercise 5-6 times per week including walking, exercise bike, stairmaster, yoga
    I try to mix it up. Your muscles don't recover as fast after 40 so checnging your routine give them more time for recoverey

    CW: 132
    GW: 120

    Eating 1200 cal plus my exercise calories
    gluten free and dairy free due to digestion issues

    I try to eat only natural sugars so my "treats" nut and date bars or dried fruit
    Eating sugar just makes me crave sugar. It is a vicious cycle. I ate artificial sweeteners for years but after a serious recurrance of my digestion issues I try to eat as naturally as possible ...lots of whole foods.

    I was down to 125 last summer. At minimum I want to get back there.
  • lizzy00125
    lizzy00125 Posts: 138

    SW 155
    CW 126
    GW 115-120

    I started out eating 1450 calories plus most of my exercise calories. The smaller I get the more I eat. I am now eating around 1700 on non-workout days and 2000-2100 on workout days. Cardio as a 15 minute warm-up before New rules of lifting program and then cardio immediately following it for however long I am motivated (usually about 10-50minutes). I average around 4 days of working out a week.
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    age 27
    5'3 small build

    SW 236 lbs / 107 kg
    CW 207 lbs/ 94 kg
    GW 145-150 lbs / around 67 kg (then I might re-evaluate)

    1200 calories / day and I usually don't eat much of my exercise calories back, although I will if I'm still hungry.

    When it comes to exercise I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, where I do 45-60 min of cardio then do strength training on the machines, anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. I also usually take a long walk once a week, as a rest between gym days. I usually have a full day off/carte blanche day. No workout and I eat whatever I feel like eating, but still log.
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99

    I'm 46 NS 5'3"

    SW 184
    CW 181.2
    GW 140 (at the moment as I have broken my goal into 2)

    I am on 1200 calories a day and aiming for a 1.5lb weight loss per week. This is very new to me, just compelting my second week. I can see people doing really well and am positive. Nice to see so many people the same height on the site and doing so well.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi I'm 42 5'3"

    SW 235
    CW 179.5
    GW 140ish

    I work out 4-5 times a week
  • missvmae
    missvmae Posts: 3
    I'm 25 and 5'3''

    SW 167
    CW 162
    GW 135

    I eat around 1200 calories, to exercise I do two days on different videos and 3 days of running/jogging I've entered into 5 different 5k's to keep motivated and its working I can feel and see my body changing...
  • Jems916
    Jems916 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 29 and 5'3"

    SW 195
    CW 160
    GW 145 - Not sure what I'll look like at 145 but I thought 50lb sounded like a good number to start with I'll adjust as I need to.

    I've hit a bit of a plateau and need to change up my workout routine. Problem there is I have ZERO motivation right now. I want to start C25K and see how that goes. I also want to do 30DS again. So we'll see what happens from here!

    Feel free to add me.
  • SarahE1092
    age 25.. almost 26 (yikes)
    5'2 - not sure what build I am because I have always been fat

    SW- 262 lbs
    CW- 244.4
    GW- not sure. I am aiming for 200 for my first goal weight. After that maybe150, then who knows. I wanna keep going until I feel and look good in my own skin.

    I eat about 1400- 1700 calories a day. I eat about half of my exercise calories back. I have been nursing a knee injury for the past 2-3 weeks now, so my exercise has suffered some. I am now down 18 lbs in 9 weeks.

    It says that my BMI is healthy at 130 something, which I dont buy. I want to feel good, not look skinny.
  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    Age: 35
    5' 2" -- Large frame with hourglass shape

    SW - 195
    CW - 190
    GW - 150 -- after that I will see how I look or how clothes feel. I was 135 in hs and in great physical shape, but since having 2 kids, I am unsure what changes (hips and boobs and such) have occured.

    I workout 5 days a week and I am set at almost 1400 calories. Sometimes I eat back workout calories and sometimes not. But, I just started so I am sure that this will change over time.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Age 42

    5'3" (medium frame)

    SW - 193
    CW - 188
    GW - 145 (though I'd love to get down to 135 but want to be realistic. I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore!)

    I have my calories set at 1400 and sometimes I eat back my exercise calories and sometimes I don't. It really just depends on how hungry I am. If I'm hungry, I'll eat. If not, I won't eat back those calories. I really just try to listen to my body and do what it needs.
  • misszed
    misszed Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 35
    SW 137
    CW 129
    GW 114
    UGW 110

    I eat 1200 calories/day and I eat some of my exercise calories back, the amount I eat back depends on how hungry I am.
    I am dong P90X (lean version) so I work out at least 6 days per week.
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 29 and 5'3"

    SW 195
    CW 160
    GW 145 - Not sure what I'll look like at 145 but I thought 50lb sounded like a good number to start with I'll adjust as I need to.

    I've hit a bit of a plateau and need to change up my workout routine. Problem there is I have ZERO motivation right now. I want to start C25K and see how that goes. I also want to do 30DS again. So we'll see what happens from here!

    Feel free to add me.

    You can do it!! We should look into another Zumba class or something we can do together again! Love you :D
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I am 40

    SW- 235 (heaviest 240)

    I eat 1200 calories- sometimes eat back my work out calories, depending on if it is a "hungry" day that day or not. I walk my dog daily and just recently started doing Zumba.
  • CocoNuttie
    I'm 27 and 5'3 , small frame (muscly legs though!!)

    SW 144
    CW 118.5
    GW 110
    UGW 105 or 15% body fat

    I'm speeding up for holidays at the moment so doing quite a lot of exercise. Over the week I normally do : 2 x zumba, 1x step class, 1 x body pump class, 2 x 30mins interval running, 1 x 10km run in the weekend. I eat 1200 kcal, dont eat my exercise cal back if I can go without because I know in a week there will be one or two days that I go over (I eat out a couple of times a week, and like to enjoy it!)
  • apilant
    apilant Posts: 87 Member
    5' almost 2"

    SW: 175 ( I know right?)
    CW:140.2(been here a while)
    GW: 130
    UGW: 125

    MFP set my goal at 1400. I usually don't eat that much so rarely go into my exercise calories, but I do allow for one "cheat day" as long as it's not excessive. I try to jog/run 3 days a week and am currently suffering thru the Butt Bible workout 6 days a week.
  • SailorStarMaker
    Age 21.

    CW: 142 lbs
    GW: 125 lbs
    UGW: 115 lbs
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