
  • Kathee1956
    Kathee1956 Posts: 8 Member
    I was reading these posts as I am a lady of 50+ and had to comment on the answer given to question that said, you can only be the north star and your children have to choose to follow or not. That is SO insightful. I loved that and I will keep that in my head as I raise my two teenager daughters (age 14 and 17), truly it was a great way of putting it. thanks...
  • Happy March everyone,

    The daffodils are blooming, and I am looking forward to working in the garden this month.
    My goals include
    increase my cardio
    start weight training
    continue to log in every day even if I go over my calorie goal
    eat more fruits and vegetables

    I am good at home, but when I go out its a challenge.to eat right. We don't keep many unhealthy foods in the house, so when I see them at a party or buffet, it's hard to resist.


    When your children become adults, its hard to step back. Sometimes they make choices we can't support. We don't need to help them in what we believe is an unwise choice, but be careful not to sabotage their efforts either. It could push them the other way. They learn best from their own mistakes. Keep the channels of communication open and make sure your son knows he can talk to you even if you don't agree.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    To those in need and going through hard times with family and friends, let me repeat what my son’s family therapist says and so far she is always right – If you truly lead with your heart than what you say is always right. It sounds simple, but sometimes it is hard to clear your mind and let your heart speak.

    Cindy – I am so sorry to hear about your mom.

    Renny – I hope your sister is OK.

    Happy Birthday to all our March Ladies! My your special day be wonderful

    I met my February goal which was to do strength exercises 3-4 times a week. Nothing to show for it, but that will come.

    For March I want to continue the strength exercises and start adding back in aerobics.

    General recap: Dad was in and out of the hospital again. We thought this might be the beginning of the end, but it ended up being something new and fixable. My MIL had a series of mini strokes and hubby had to go to AZ to help handle things there, but that is looking good too and he is back home. We find out next week if she will be able to live alone any more. My son continues to struggle with the stress in life and my daughter got her first date at 17 and is looking forward to date two coming up next weekend and we both gave up all meat for Lent. Still a single income family. No progress on hubby getting disability or SS. The trip to AZ and back did a number on his back. Mom is starting to really get easily confused, so is MIL.

    Time to measure myself for the month.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    So Just finished reading all the posts.
    So many things to be happy about and so many concerns. I am so glad we have this thread to support oneanother.

    Cindy - So sorry for your loss.

    JaneMartin - Best wishes for smooth therapy and permanent postion for Hubby.

    Rita - Good luck with the root canal.

    Kackie - so happy for the new addition to your family!

    Michele - Glad you got a new suit. One tip my mom used when she was doing water aerobics was to place the suit in water that had chlorine remover added to it. The Stuff you put in fish tanks. It seemed to work for her.

    Virginia - Like that idea of a 50 mile goal!

    Mimi7grands - Enjoy your time with your family. Hope you can get that family photo!

    Renny - Hope your sister is well soon.

    AmandaX - Good luck with your detox. Hope your stomache feels better.

    Ellie- Hang in there.

    Kckramp - congrats on the .8 loss.

    jb - Thanks for the moivation!

    msh0530 - glad you finally got your haircut.I can't believe that you didn't lose any weight getting it cut though. :bigsmile:

    Happy Birthday to all the March Birthdays!!

    I have good new to report. I at least got in a partial walk at my son's soccer practice last night. I purposely went in the opposite direction from the ohter parents and got 1 lap in before being stopped.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone. I'm off the first soccer game of the season.

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Whew....missing a day on the thread makes catching up quite a job...but love to read about everyone's successes, frustrations and daily activities. Congratulations to the new grandmas and condolences to those who have lost loved ones. My thoughts are with all of you.

    I have to tell you that I have a ENTIRELY NEW RESPECT for all you ladies out there who do squats daily. Yesterday I decided to join that band wagon, and did 20 squats ... just to have a place to start. Ohmygosh....My legs are notifying me of every measly muscle that I haven't worked in the last 20 years. It hurts...but...that means it's working, and I went right ahead and did another
    20 squats today...granted they may have been a bit shallower than yesterdays...but I did them.

    Got up early walked on the TM for 30 minutes, healthy breakfast & lunch...did some outside cleanup work, and dinner is planned with a healthy flare. The day started out rainy & ugly, but has turned into a pretty lovely afternoon.

    Hoping noone on the thread was affected by the terrible tornadoes in the mid-west.

    Have a healthy day everyone.

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44 Member
    hello everyone!

    hope everyone is having a smashing weekend! i went to the gym this am since it was raining and couldn't ride my mare....did not eat before i went and so i let my blood sugar drop too low.....really dizzy and then starving! (i did eat breakfast (bagel and tea) ) but i find that i need to eat mid morning as well especially if i am going to exercise. so i went home and ate too much! ut i didnt go over my daily yet, so maybe i will make it! now the sun is out pretty but ground is so squishy that anything but walk is not going to happen on horseback. she's not very balanced yet, just learning so the last thing i need is for her to slip and break her leg! (or me either for that matter!) so its out to the barn to unload the shavings and feed! hope everyone gets the encouragement she/he needs today...peace and light to all!:heart:
  • Pavient
    Pavient Posts: 15
    I would love to join your group too!
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Like to join as well. February was not a good month for me, but at least I did not gain. My goals for March... Back on track!!!

    1. Log every day
    2. Eat as cleanly as possible.
    3. Cardio 6X a week (a minimum of 30 shoot for 60)
    4. Trainer 2x a week.

    Love the thought of plan what you eat, eat what you plan!!!
  • 2492389kwdkszdtke.gif

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Welcome to the supportive thread that helped to change my life.

    :flowerforyou: The title says Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    :flowerforyou: This is a supportive and encouraging group of women who have helped me along my weight loss journey and I know they will do the same for you.

    :bigsmile: How did you do with your goals for February?

    :bigsmile: What goals do you have for March?

    :flowerforyou: Some of us set weight loss goals and others have goals that address exercise, healthy behaviors, or new attitudes.

    :smile: I love the start of a new month because it is a clean page on the calendar ready for a new beginning.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    March goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *17,000 steps a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • My 27 year old daughter and I joined a 10 week fitness challenge in January, and I had a weight loss goal in mind. Since then, have celebrated 2 birthdays and faced the monthly cravings and thought that I might not make it to my end challenge weight goal.
    Weighed in today and am now thinking that yes it is possible.
    I had lost weight 2 years ago and bought new clothes, then gained back 2/3 of the weight loss so the new clothes didn't fit. I want back into those clothes (and maybe some of the smaller target outfits I have).
    My daughter is having good successes this time, which is quite motivating for her - she plans to run a relay marathon this summer. She starts training after this challenge.
    Meanwhile I have bought a pass to the pool - I am not a runner (at least not yet), which combined with gardening, etc. I hope will be enough to continue this weight loss journey. She saws I can borrow her dog anytime to walk her!
    I am rather enjoying my fifties - I have quality time with my kids, time for my hobbies, time for me!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,472 Member
    Ellie - have you taken your measurements? Many times we don't see a weight loss, but we see and feel it in our clothing. Muscle weighs more than fat, so even if the scale doesn't show a loss, a better indicator is how you feel and look. Don't get discouraged.

    mimi - have fun each day you are gone. We know that you'll do your absolute best.

    Renny - BIG HUG

    Amanda - your bag sounds wonderful!

    Welcome mobycat! So glad your friend suggested MFP, we're glad you joined us. You'll get lots of good ideas here.

    Happy birthday to all our March birthdays. Mary, why not just post the birthdays for the month and maybe the next month rather than always having to post all the birthdays?

    Dawn - thanks so much for the tip about putting the bathingsuit in water with chlorine remover in it. I never thought of that! Is there a reason that you were stopped from your walk or was the game just over?

    Meg - whenever my legs hurt I always remind myself that one of the positives is that I don't want to get up and get something to eat....lol Congrats on doing the squats.

    Welcome pavient. Do you have a special topic that you like to write about?

    splashwags - you can do it, and we'll be here every step of the way

    We have the Newcomer gala tonight. I'm really not looking forward to it at all. That's sad. The lady who is running it is a real control freak and it wouldn't surprise me if she goes over the top with this. I do hope there's at least something decent to eat, not real fatty or creamy. Bet there won't be fruit for dessert. Well, I've told Vince (who said that he really isn't looking forward to it either) that we'll eat, he can pay the bills, and then we can just leave. The woman who's running it is basing the succcess of it by how many people come, to me the success should be how many people stay.

    I made the spinach brownies. Used a package of brownie mix, 1 egg, 3T of water and 10oz of spinach. Not sure if I was able to process the spinach small enough so that Vince won't see it. Time will tell.

    Guess we'll be leaving for the gala soon. Will post this now. Hope everyone has a great evening. I'm going to watch what I eat.

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Ladies! Welcome newcomers!

    I've been at a stand still for losing lbs. 5 off since Jan :sad: It's the exercise or should I say lack there of.
    Anyway goal for March......EXERCISE some how, some thing, some way every day.

    That's it. Short & sweet.

    Thanks for all the tips, support and sharing.

    Determined in AZ
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member

    I've yo-yo for the past 6 weeks. I need to break through the barrier, just not sure how. With sitting at computer for 9 hrs a day I'm so mentally exhausted I just want to relax when I get home. I am trying to take a walk on am break - 1/2 mile around business complex and do my DH stationary bike 15-30 mins at night. Because of the pain in my lower back and rt leg I have take pain pills before I start.

    I've been told I need to eat more calories than MFP recommends. I'm 5'6" with cw 247 and it is very hard to stay @ 1325 cal. I am diabetic.

    My goal for March is:
    Increase my H2O (I hate water)
    continue with bike everyday and start again on the treadmill.
    start taking my measurements.

    Everyone have a great month
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Took Muffin on her first bike ride yesterday. It was her first time to ride in the basket and she was pretty apprehensive at first, but after a few minutes she was nose to the wind.

    It was our husband's weekend to work so spent an enjoyable afternoon with a girlfriend watching a chick flick and eating clean fruited chicken salad and chocolate dipped strawberries. Then when hubby got off work I helped him replace his mom's back door her great grandson kicked in trying to get away from her rooster. This one is metal so hopefully it is both rooster and grandson proof! :wink:
  • meanbmc
    meanbmc Posts: 28
    i'm right there with you! my oldest has a girlfriend that i can't stand, she's got 3 kids and is a horrible mother, they fight all the time, and have a horrible relationship. i've discovered that all you can do is sit back and keep your mouth shut. thankfully, mine doesn't live with us (he had to throw him out a year ago), and it broke my heart. he was my friend as well. we used to go and do things together, he would help me shop and all kinds of stuff. now i never see him without her, so our friendship is very strained. and like i said, unfortunately there isn't anything we as moms can do. they have to make their own decisions. so, if you would like, my shoulder is here.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    oooo...not my best day. I was out shopping all day...first w/hubby then with my son Patrick. The shopping part was wonderful...the eating part is where i didn't do so well. Tomorrow is Patrick's 20th birthday. My baby isn't even a teen anymore! He's having dinner w/his dad tomorrow nite and we're doing a big breakfast for him at home (my house). Sadly, he hasn't asked for fruit for his bd breakfast.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Since hubby is now awake on his way to work...I can finally do the noisy cleaning, He works over night...and it seems for tonite i will be as well.
    Must get to it!

  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I use my new heart monitor for the first time today, it is pretty cool to see the heart rate, pecentage of heart use, and even how many calories you burn, so my diary can be more accurate now.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,579 Member
    Welcome all newcomers! The gals here are warm, wise, encouraging, positive and just the BEST!

    Terrible eating day worsened by fewer than 4000 steps, but I DID get a lot of paperwork done (yuck!). How is it that during the work week I can get close to 10,000 steps, eat wisely, even do the matwork, but on the weekends, it all goes to (my) pot?

    Faye know what you mean. SOmetimes I can skim and not respond, then there are nights like tonight when letting it be is harder...
    Cindy my heart goes out to you. :brokenheart: Imagine you're feeling quite lost.
    Pam Congrats on returning to the gym, hope your bronchitis is ALL gone!
    Rita root canal? owww!:sick:
    Kackie post pics of Rita Kate soon? Travel safe.
    Michele water yoga? I'll try that in the hot tub tomorrow, Thanks! Can't wait to hear how Vince liked the "special" brownies :laugh:
    Virginia meant to chime in long ago, those glamour pics, WOW. YOU ARE glamorous!
    Renny plese keep us posted on your sister's condition.:cry:
    Amanda what's an Oyster card?
    SMVQ 5-1/2 miles WOWOWOW:flowerforyou:
    Jane hope your therapy goes well.
    Congrats KC and VickiM!
    JB thanks for the poem.
    Mary thanks for the belly laugh! Never thought of shaving my legs before weigh-in!:laugh:
    Jeanie "marking" LOL. It takes a really special gal to find the laughter with all you're going through.:love:
    Meg, My kneeds make traditional squats out of reach. CAN do 10 ball-on-the-wall squats. You inspire me to see if I can make it 11.
    DeterminedBarb to make the daily activity easier, find something fun. Play. Take a dance class. Walk, skate, bike, ski, snowshoe, even just dance around the house. Good luck!
    Dawn, SuzyQ, Robin and all, read every post, but need to sleep.:yawn:

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    March: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Greetings All

    On Nancy's recommendation, I picked up The New Rules of Lifting for Women at the library yesterday and spent the evening reading it. Although I have been using weights for almost three years, I have never had a set program nor have I recorded my workouts. I figure it's worth a try. The discussion on diet was interesting too. They are quite keen on protein shakes and powders which I find revolting so I think I will have to stick with protein bars, but they are also very adamant about eating more calories than most diet plans say if you are trying to build muscle. It made sense to me.

    My ski trip this weekend was cancelled due to huge winds....not as bad as in the midwest but I wouldn't want to have skied in it. I had a couple of branches come down and there have been power outages all over southern Ontario. I'm going to miss the big calorie burn and fresh air but I will head to the gym to start the weight lifting program.

    Kackie: Congrats

    Nancy: I feel your pain. The sabre rattling has started in Ontario this week and our contract isn't even up until September. I remember being on the picket line years ago and someone leaning out their truck window yelling, "You all deserve to die" which I thought was a bit excessive.

    qadosh: a friend of mine who has similar health issues found yoga really really helpful

    Barbara: what is an AHMOD. I have tried to figure it out but have to admit defeat.

    One more week and then it's March break ( yippee) I'm heading east to Montreal and Ottawa to visit various family members and spend some time with my girls. I'm hoping to get some skiing in but I doubt I will get as much exercise as I usually do, although I will try to at least walk daily and maybe make a yoga class.

    Anyway, I am going to get up and get going. Half tidied the house yesterday, today I will finish. I even matched all my socks and put them away which may not sound like a big deal but I absolutely hate doing it, probably because they are always mysteriously disappearing for a while and then surprisingly reappearing. I cannot tell you how many lonely singles I have at any given time.:mad:

    Have a good week and happy birthday to all who are celebrating this week.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    It is a beautiful cool and sunny morning here in South Louisiana. I am actually liking this everyday weigh in. So far a loss each and every day. I know it is only the first week and that wont last but will enjoy while it does. We had a great time last night at Beth's. We boiled crawfish and ken and I, 4 kids, spouses, and grandkids had a wonderful time. I enjoyed but felt good after eating and then grandkids put music on tv and started dancing so we went back in time to their parents music and then mine. So we did the locomotion around the house. one of girls videoed and put on facebook. so if you want to see me dancing (if you want to call it that) look on my facebook. Then crazy night after that. Kenneth was waiting for a call to go to work. He fell asleep waiting then got call at 1:30 am. He went to work. came home 4 am and then went back at 6:30. will need a nap later for sure. I am so blessed with my family. My heart goes out to those of you that are facing struggles in this area. Well ready to eat breakfast and start my day. Have a good day ladies.
    vicki m