cursing + having little kids ==



  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    if my child is reading constantly, she'll never have a chance to get out & hang out with friends, because she'd be too obsessed. My friends mom is like that, & i think it's crazy...she has no friends at all D:
    I want my child to have friends. And be smart from reading.

    As in not wanting her to read, I mean it as an all day thing. If she wants to read an hour a day, I dont mind. i think that awesome..but all day and not wanting to do anything else? that wouldnt be acceptable to me. She needs communication in her life too. Communication is more important than a book.

    Reading is sometimes a better influence than friends.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Yes i'm guilty of swearing infront of my kids, i never thought i would but it just happens. I don't think its a big deal - some of my friends do but i just make sure I'm careful infront of their kids and my dad and family! xx
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!

    Ha! whats wrong with books? Do people who curse not read? Did I miss the memo?

    what kid/teen wants to read? I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Im saying id rather her not read, but, if she ever wants to, then ok.

    ' I'd rather her not read'

    I've never heard anyone say that before, ever.

    People read for fun, they read to expand their little worlds, they read to learn what it's like to be someone else for a while. My metalhead 15 year old son reads as does his 17 yr old brother. How can you expect them to write good lyrics if they are not encouraged to read?! To not encourage a child to read is to deny them a lot of the world. To lead their own lives and make their own choices, they need to know what's out there and how to avoid the mistakes that others have made. You don't have to miss out on other things in order to can do that as well. I read avidly as a young child and still do - didn't stop me dyeing my hair purple or moving to another continent for a while when I was 21. You don't have to be a conservative nerd to read!

    I'm a Rob Zombie fan that loves to read =]
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I taught my daughter to say "hookers and blow."

    She is 2.
  • I was brought up pretty strictly and swearing was NOT part of my life. I'm now married to a man who swears occasionally, generally only in adult company and with a few drinks under the belt. Unfortunatly any time he or his friends swear my Dads words ring in my ears. "Only a weak person curses or blasphemes".
  • eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!

    Ha! whats wrong with books? Do people who curse not read? Did I miss the memo?

    what kid/teen wants to read? I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Im saying id rather her not read, but, if she ever wants to, then ok.

    I am speechless right now. Almost everyone I know reads for fun. Including my kids. My 15 year old usually has a long list of books she asks for for Christmas or her birthday. My son usually breaks us during book fair week at school.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Is that why we're only seeing your skates, Pippa?:happy:
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    WOW I must be old fashioned, I have a four year old daughter & put her to bed early for saying god damn only last week! I don't swear in front of her & if people wish to visit us I encourage them not to swear in front of her. Swearing in public is an erosion of basic common courtesy, where the "self" has become more important than the "community" & people question why the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I am not saying swearing is the worlds or a childs greatest issue but respect for each other has to start somewhere!

    Funny I don't allow my daughter to stay up late or watch inappropriate programs on television & as for reading if you don't encourage your children to read & to ENJOY reading you are quite simply wrong! IMO :)

  • kemccarty
    kemccarty Posts: 33
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    I don't like swearing/cursing but that doesn't mean I don't do it.

    Couldn't find something in the supermarket a few months back and announced "This bloody shop is *kitten*!" to which my my nearly 3yo parroted "Yeah! This shop is *kitten*!" much to the horror of a little old lady walking by. Oops :embarassed: :laugh:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!

    Ha! whats wrong with books? Do people who curse not read? Did I miss the memo?

    what kid/teen wants to read? I dont know anyone who reads for fun...
    Im saying id rather her not read, but, if she ever wants to, then ok.

    I've loved reading since elementary school... I've always read for enjoyment, and still do.

    Me too. I am stunned that anyone would discourage reading. How incredibly sad for them. How incredibly sad for society, that reading is not cherished and encouraged at every age.
    I try not to curse around my kids. They are little sponges, and I believe that learning to speak is learning what words mean. F@#k is not a concept they can understand, either literally or as a "bad word." I believe children should be raised in a respectful environment. By its very definition, profanity is a show of disrespect to express intense emotions. Not some harmless fluffy word that you teach children because its just so cute.
    Sure, sometimes I slip up, and my 4 year old will mimic me and mutter "What the hell?" We have a talk about grown up words, and we both apologize for using them.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    My husband and I both swear -- a lot. We have a 4 year old.

    She has heard it all. She also knows she's not supposed to use those words outside the house and particularly not at school. Despite knowing this, she's only said them once in a blue moon at home -- which obviously elicits a laugh from both the hubs and I. But that's it. It's just not a big deal in our house.
  • pcronberg
    pcronberg Posts: 224
    Cursing is a part of who I am. It does not make me a "bad" person, stupid, illiterate or anything other negative labels people want to add to it. To the contrary, I currently am in the middle of my Bachelor's degree for Criminal Justice. Yes, reading, writing and learning! I have two children, and lots of friends with kids... Not to mention my 16 nieces and nephews. All of whom have heard me curse. There are a few select occasions I "sensor" myself, including in front of older women (those appearing to be over 70 years of age), and in a job interview. I have and do use just about every word in the book, and do not plan on changing. I don't believe in sheltering my children, they deserve a fair chance at fighting the world when they are old enough to be out on their own. The world is chaotic and dangerous at times, cursing is the least of our worries.
  • jewelsc1
    jewelsc1 Posts: 26
    My parents never cursed around us growing up. I do curse around my kids sometimes, usually if I'm upset about something. My husband does it more frequently than I and my 4 year old has picked up some choice words that she uses at the funniest times. Like when I was searching for the remote and she found it under the covers on the bed and said "Here it is dumbass!" (That was definitely from the hubby talking to his brother) . I tried really hard not to laugh, but there was no holding it in. They are just words, though. I believe that just because you may swear in front of your children that does not make you a bad parent. There are much worse things to worry about then a few bad words.
  • kemccarty
    kemccarty Posts: 33
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
  • WOW I must be old fashioned, I have a four year old daughter & put her to bed early for saying god damn only last week! I don't swear in front of her & if people wish to visit us I encourage them not to swear in front of her. Swearing in public is an erosion of basic common courtesy, where the "self" has become more important than the "community" & people question why the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I am not saying swearing is the worlds or a childs greatest issue but respect for each other has to start somewhere!

    Funny I don't allow my daughter to stay up late or watch inappropriate programs on television & as for reading if you don't encourage your children to read & to ENJOY reading you are quite simply wrong! IMO :)

    You are NOT old fashoined. Just a decent, loving parent.
    My 6 yo daughter was strutting around in my heels with no skirt on the other day singing "I'm sexy and I know it". Just seemed wrong somehow. I got her to stop:-)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I swear husband not so much. I try not to but sometimes the "f" bomb comes out....and boy, do I feel like a trailer trash mom. My 6 yr old never repeats it so it must not be too bad....I hope.
  • ThatGirlGlow
    ThatGirlGlow Posts: 68 Member
    Everyone is entitled to raise their children the way they see fit. For me; I don't swear infront of my children at all. I hate hearing children swear, it's not cute or funny. It's sad. They have heard curse words from the random people out in public who feel that it's okay to swear infront of other people's children, they have also heard family members swear occasionally, God only knows what they hear at school seeing as a majority of children seemed to be raised with these words being deemed okay in the household. I have had the talk of "bad" words, "Good" words "adult" words with them. they are constantly asking me about what words are good, and which ones are bad. I don't punish them for repeating something that they have heard. I just correct the situation, and keep it moving. I know people who swear infront of/and at their children. I don't want my boys to be raised in a household of "Do as I say, not as I do".
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
    I taught my daughter to say "hookers and blow."

    She is 2.
