Poll: YES or NO? Saying "Great Job!" On Your Diary

JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
How do you feel about people congratulating others for coming under calories or losing weight even if they don't have time to read the food/exercise diary to see if they're doing it a healthy way?

There's been a couple posts about encouraging people's unhealthy eating habits and how a lot of us (yep, me too!) are commenting without reading what the person is eating/doing. If we see they were under the calorie goal, we are happy for them and congratulate them. If they are losing weight, we celebrate with them. That's why were here, to get support.

I, personally, have dropped off on this because when I was sick, and coming waaaaay under calories, I got a lot of "great job!" and "keep it up" comments even though my food diary notes said I felt horrible, was sick, etc.,. I appreciate the support, but it felt kinda empty, because... well... I was sick and hurting. So if I don't have time to read the diary, I try to comment on other things besides the "came under calories" posts.

Your thoughts? I'm curious


  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    There are so many different opinions as to what's the right thing to eat, I don't think you would get a stright answer. Personally I don't post my food journal (when I do) to be judged.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    I dont understand people congratulating other for eating crap yet coming in under cals. or congrats for 800 cal days. This tells me that either people dont read the food diaries or that they have no idea what healthy eating is
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I agree completely. It worries me to see my friends eating under their calorie goal when it was only set for 1200 to begin with! I'm concerned that they are setting themselves up for failure and that they will gain back whatevery weight they lose. Occasionally, I have made a comment encouraging them to eat more.
    And one day, on a day that the kids were sick and I did not feel well, I only ate around 1000 calories (my daily goal is set around 1550, and I normally eat 1700-1800 if I exercise). It bothered me to see people congratulating me on that.

    ETA--that's why I open my food diary for all to read. I want my friends to see that we can reach our goals without starving ourselves and even if we "slip up" sometimes, it's OK!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Since I rarely have time to read people's diary I try to only comment if they have an explanatory statement in their comments. That way I know I'm not congratulating someone on eating crap! However, I feel weight loss (if intended) is worth congratulating on, even if sick.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Everyone is here for a different reason and are in different places in this journey. So it doesn't bother me if people don't read my diary. Plus with my food the first step was learning portion control so you will see a lot of crap on my diary. I am in the process of substituting things gradually now that I have a handle on portion control.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I will congratulation someone for a good workout or a good day logging (and eating enough). If they are only netting 600 calories, I don't comment on their food diary at all. I do see some people saying "awesome day!!!!!!!!!!" to someone netting 700 calories and figure they must not be looking at their food diary.
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    I always read someone's diary before commenting (at least the comments). I very rarely comment on someone's diary, and when I do it's only if they have written notes for the day (in which case I comment on the note rather than the foods or calories).

    I do it this way because I don't want anyone to think I'm judging them based on what they eat (how am I to know if this was a cheat day, or a special event, or if the person has a food phobia or something?), and because sometimes I don't even know what the foods are on their list! Seriously, check one of your friend's diaries who lives in another country or something. It's really interesting! :smile:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have good days and bad days. I also have my calorie intake set so that I should come in a few calories under the goal. Before I needed to come in a few calories above it.
    It all depends on how you have it set up. I also had my diary private until recently.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Great Job!
  • achief192
    achief192 Posts: 192
    I don't comment unless I look. I don't want to encourage bad eating by mistake.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I say things like "great job!" but I read them first. I'll still say it if they were just a tiny bit over because let's face it - they all have a goal of losing weight so being a few calories over is still going to let them lose it. I do read through because I've got some friends who are "under calorie goal" because they only ate 900 calories that day, so I'll mention that. Also, I think it's good to read through them because you can give suggestions or maybe suggest a similar food they may enjoy. I know the friends of mine who actually read my diary because they have given me helpful suggestions that have aided me through my journey.

    I do get slightly annoyed, though, when I eat too much or don't exercise and get a "great job." I'm glad of the support but it wasn't a great job at all....:grumble:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    If you don't have time to read it ... Don't take time to comment on it !

    Somebody might be under and had a Big Mac from McDonalds and three Hershey bars for the day ... And some *kitten* comes along and says " great job staying under " ....

    Really ??? Seriously ??? Wow ! Why not just say " great job clogging your arteries " !!!! Diabolical !

    Yeah ... I have a STRONG opinion on this subject ! :drinker:
  • brettle1
    brettle1 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, so much to complain about! Geez!
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    I personally take the few seconds that it takes to actually look at someone's diary before commenting on it...Unless they don't have it open...then I usually don't comment :flowerforyou:
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    Everyone is here for a different reason and are in different places in this journey. So it doesn't bother me if people don't read my diary. Plus with my food the first step was learning portion control so you will see a lot of crap on my diary. I am in the process of substituting things gradually now that I have a handle on portion control.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I had this same thought earlier this morning. Sometimes, I'll have a wonderful food day, full of nutritious choices and great macros. But I'll be over by 20 or 30 calories. I get no comments because I wasn't "under my calories." But the days I go under, I get tons of congrats and great-jobs. Kind of upsetting.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 829 Member
    I don't comment on anything unless I have the time to read all of it.... that goes for diaries, wall comments AND forum posts. :flowerforyou:
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I don't comment unless I look. I don't want to encourage bad eating by mistake.

    Me too. But I often reply "Great Job". I can't think of a brilliant and individual reply for every diary entry I read.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    It always surprised me that some people comment at all, let alone "great job" or something similar, when the person's diary is closed. I only comment on my friends' diaries if they are open, and I read every one. I realize some people aren't always eating all their exercise calories back every day, so sometimes show a deficit, but I am familiar enough with their habits to recognize when they're off track...
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Personally for me, when I throw out a generic great job -- it's for actually logging, especially when I can't see the diary. When I first started, it was soooo hard for me to consistently log, so (to me) logging in itself is worthy of support. It's a start, especially for those at the very beginning. Besides, who am I to judge the quality of the food they are eating...I am certainly not perfect in my own choices.

    On the other hand, once I have a friend that I know well and who is consistently logging, I'll be sure to give more specific praise when they deserve it. If they have a crappy food day, I'll be sure to give them a "tomorrow is a new day" or something like that. Personally, I never critique unless specifically asked ... because we are all here for the same reason because we've had the same struggle. And I absolutely hate getting that PM that says ... "Whoa! A little too much wine today." or "You went way over on sodium today good luck ever having abs." <--(it happened) ....I logged it, so trust me, I know :drinker: