stay at home moms?

Just looking to see where all you ladies are!


  • tomakehermine
    i am a stay at home mom! but a doggie mom - probably doesn't count c: totally does in my heart hee hee (capo beach, CA)
  • Mandy_Pandy
    LOL!!! Counts for me :flowerforyou: My GSD was my baby before my human babies came along! She's still my baby girl!!! Then I added a 5th child and got a rhodesian ridgeback pup. So, I have 3 humans and 2 doggie babes
  • momof2winsplus
    momof2winsplus Posts: 137 Member
    I am SAHM of 3 children. They keep me hoppin' !
  • tigerlily1817
    SAHM of 2 children, full time student. I didn't think I would have the time to lose weight. I was wrong.
  • Mandy_Pandy
    Do you guys find it hard sometimes, during down time, not to snack? Sometimes I walk to the kitchen and have the urge to grab something! Ha!!!
  • Alonnea
    Alonnea Posts: 70 Member
    Stay at home mom of 2 kids.
  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    Does a stay at home grandma count? I was a stay at home mom, then when the grandbabies started, I get to stay home with them now! How lucky is that! There is definately alot of temptation being home (alone at naptime!)
  • lyn611
    lyn611 Posts: 7
    SAHM - Florida - - I have been on here a little over a month - today is the 1st day that I don't seem to be able to walk past/thru the kitchen without getting something to eat!!!
  • Mandy_Pandy
    I ran in a marathon relay a few weeks ago and when I came home, I showed my kids the medal and my middle (who is 4 said) MOM!!! You WON!!! Then my oldest (who is 6 ) said "no she didn't, it's silver. She came in second" :laugh:
  • twilightobession
    twilightobession Posts: 102 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of three kids (19, 13 and 9). All of my kids are in school but I keep other kids in my home. My daycare kids range from 1 years old to 4 years old. Some of my struggles with being at home are----snacking to much, eating anytime they eat, clean off their plates. I sit alot with them reading and playing in the floor, plus I am also on the computer alot. I think I am addicted to the computer. lol.

    When I worked outside the house when my oldest was little, I kept thinking....If I could stay at home I could keep the house clean, keep the flowerbeds cleaned out. I could exercise all the time. Well guess what??????? That stuff is not happening. I have been home since my oldest was five. My house better than it was, but it is not always clean. The flowerbeds would not be cleaned out if it were not for my husband and my mother. And, I do not exercise. There for a while, I did keep the tv on that FIT channel and watched all the exercises. lol. If all you had to do was watch, I would be a negative size 4. lol. I have brought Zumba dvds, walking dvds, plattes dvds, hip hop dvds. You name it I have brought it.

    I need to get up off my BUTT and do something.

    Well, I have vented enought for day. lol. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    If anyone wants to be-friend me feel free.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • Mandy_Pandy
    I totally understand that! I started my TOM Saturday and I was an eating machine this weekend! What is it about it that makes you want to eat everything in sight??
  • greeneyedredneckangel
    i am to i have a dog and 5 yr old
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I am. A 7 year old boy. Happily unmarried, but after 8 years it would be nice :). I'd also like another baby, but I'm happy either way.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    SAHM - Minnesota!

    I have 2 boys, 1 at home all day, the other one is at school ;). OH! And I have dog too :). She helps me get OUT and move.
    It's really hard for me to not snack all day. And I'm a recent SAHM too. Before that I worked part time, but it always seemed I was so worn down emotionally from work that I didn't have the energy to do much else.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    SAHM of 2 boys, ages 2 and 7, transitioning back to work as a substitute teacher. i find it easier on days I stay out and shower during naptime! Days I work take a lot more planning...
  • JoWharton
    JoWharton Posts: 13 Member
    That just made my day thanks for the laugh
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    SAHM in Maryland to a 5 month old little girl :D
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Do you guys find it hard sometimes, during down time, not to snack? Sometimes I walk to the kitchen and have the urge to grab something! Ha!!!

    This is very hard for me. I'm still working on it. I'm trying to just stay outside more. Or we spend a lot of time upstairs, away from the kitchen! :)

    eta: My kids are 8, 6, and 3. The two oldest are in school.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm in MD !
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of three kids (19, 13 and 9). All of my kids are in school but I keep other kids in my home. My daycare kids range from 1 years old to 4 years old. Some of my struggles with being at home are----snacking to much, eating anytime they eat, clean off their plates. I sit alot with them reading and playing in the floor, plus I am also on the computer alot. I think I am addicted to the computer. lol.

    When I worked outside the house when my oldest was little, I kept thinking....If I could stay at home I could keep the house clean, keep the flowerbeds cleaned out. I could exercise all the time. Well guess what??????? That stuff is not happening. I have been home since my oldest was five. My house better than it was, but it is not always clean. The flowerbeds would not be cleaned out if it were not for my husband and my mother. And, I do not exercise. There for a while, I did keep the tv on that FIT channel and watched all the exercises. lol. If all you had to do was watch, I would be a negative size 4. lol. I have brought Zumba dvds, walking dvds, plattes dvds, hip hop dvds. You name it I have brought it.

    I need to get up off my BUTT and do something.

    Well, I have vented enought for day. lol. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    If anyone wants to be-friend me feel free.

    Good luck to everyone.

    You TOTALLY said everything I feel and do!