I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • chcoley
    chcoley Posts: 63 Member
    Constant chit chatting during classes. If you want to chat, do it before or after the class, not during when I can't hear the instructor over your giggling and talking.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    People taking the middle of three machines. :mad:

    I am so curious what is annoying about this? Seriously, not being snarky here just perplexed! Do tell.

    my thoughts exactly. They may like that machine better for a variety of reasons. I usually pick my machine (if I have the option) based on position to the fan (I like it blowing on me to help keep me somewhat cool).
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    People who sweat profusely and insist on wearing a skimpy tank top that doesn't absorb any of the sweat. I don't need to see drippy pits!

    Ummm, I am so not with you on this one. Some people, like me, sweat profusely when we work out and we wear tanks because we are hot. I have a sweat towel and I clean my machine when done and I don't hug other gym goers so I am going to continue to feel just fine about being a hard working and appropriately dressed athlete. :-)
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I wish my gym had a ban on...wearing makeup.

    I hate being the only bummy-looking bare-face girl there. :/ but at least I know my workout isn't going to cause me a breakout!

    I hear you, clearly you are not there to work out if you have that much make up on. The gym is not a place to meet a mate, you are there to exercise, and that doesn't look pretty if you do it right.

    That's absolutely not true. I go to the gym straight after work and do not take the time to take off my make-up. That doesn't mean I am not there to work out. I take pride in how I look, whether it be at the gym, grocery store, work, etc. I also think I look DAMN "pretty" when I work out, thank you very much. & I sweat A LOT.

    P.S. I also don't break out from wearing make-up to the gym. Let's try and remember that everyone is different.Thanks.

    I have to agree with this. If I see a woman come in in work clothes, change to gym clothes, and work up a sweat, I'm not going to judge. But, then there are the people who come in and look like they did themselves up just to go to the gym and spend more time wandering around than actually exercising.
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    i hate it when skinny girls use equipment with blank looks on their face, it is like they aren't even trying to get a burn. or when big people use the treadmill and power walk with no incline, it is like honestly, put the incline up a little bit and you will burn so many more calories. ooh and highschool girls that have no clue what they are doing and just walk around flaunting their stuff.

    but i think my biggest irritant comes from the guys. you know the ones that are there everyday and only work out their upper body and arms and therefore looke insanely out of proportion and then glare at you because you are not as "in shape" as they are. seriously guys, you don't look good. try working out your back, not just your chest.

    maybe the "big people" dont know this, I would politely tell them that bit of info, being a big person myself, I would appreciate it, but why diiferentiate between skinny and big only, I am sure there are more sterotypes we could include here, but seriously let them know, or maybe they are not at that point yet. remember education is the key, not judging from afar.

    Good luck I hope they are receptive
  • mikehorn91
    mikehorn91 Posts: 6 Member
    ...attention *kitten*...

    haha seriously.
  • AmethystSif
    I wish my gym had a ban on...wearing makeup.

    I hate being the only bummy-looking bare-face girl there. :/ but at least I know my workout isn't going to cause me a breakout!

    So agree! I am there to work out, not worry about my lip gloss or mascara running into my eye.
  • billgiersberg
    lol.... ALL the above .... (except the girls in the shorty shorts):devil:

    About the only thing I have not seen mentioned is people who will wait for a place to park up close to the entrance instead of walking across the parking lot. Haha.... looks so funny.

    All these res reasons I'm glad I do my workouts at home ... plus the money I save. (I wonder if I can get my wife to wear those shorty shorts though.....)
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    I wish my gym had a ban on................... women dousing themselves in body spray, hair spray, scented lotion, perfume, etc. Totally choked out last night getting back to my locker, walking through a veritable cloud of perfumigation.

    THIS!!!! my gosh, I have asthma and this makes me barely able to workout because the smells makes me wheezy! :\
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    oh ya! I find that so rude.

    I have had them put a ban on eating food at the gym. Im allergic to bananas and I kept seeing the same guy walking on the treadmill eating a banana! WTH? I now have to worry about what this guy touched so I don't touch it? Im not deathly allergic, but I sure don't like looking like I was beat by a cheese grater.

    I once saw someone eating on a treadmill and it made me laugh out loud - what was his point?? Seriously, the only time you have to grab a meal is DURING your workout? I mean, when training for a marathon I have sucked an energy gel on long runs but when I hop to the gym for an hour on the tread I don't bring a pot roast!
  • mwoods4146
    mwoods4146 Posts: 30 Member
    ....all those huge dudes flexing their muscles into the mirror and going "oh yeah, yeah, yeah"...it sounds awkward and you look silly...save it for home!

    I totally agree with this one!
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    I agree with kids not being in the gym part, but sometimes you have to drag your son into the women's locker room if the family one is full! Especially if he has to pee. I am not sending him in the men's locker room by himself!

    Then you wouldn't mind if i walked in front of/ stood in front of your son buck *kitten* naked in the change room?:laugh:
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    People taking the middle of three machines. :mad:

    I am so curious what is annoying about this? Seriously, not being snarky here just perplexed! Do tell.

    my thoughts exactly. They may like that machine better for a variety of reasons. I usually pick my machine (if I have the option) based on position to the fan (I like it blowing on me to help keep me somewhat cool).

    exactly I personally dont like to be on the end, I guess I feel safe in the middle, hell who doesnt like to be in the middle, sounds like maybe you are mad cause they got the middle b4 you, hahahaha, just being funny here, cause that would irritate me too if I wanted the middle, go a bit earlier and you may be to be the lucky middle person...woohoooo
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    People taking the middle of three machines. :mad:

    I am so curious what is annoying about this? Seriously, not being snarky here just perplexed! Do tell.

    Haha, in one part of the gym there are three bikes in a row, and so many times there is someone on the middle one. I go with a friend and we like to bike together, but we have to sit apart because of the person in the middle. It's like in a bathroom, you should take the outside stalls, not the middle.
  • mjkin413
    mjkin413 Posts: 1
    1.) people who talk too loud to another person on treadmills
    2.) guys who think the shower is a good place to hock up lungers and spit.
    3.) people who don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze.
    4.) people who think they can use 2 machines at the same time.
    5.) people who think a nautilus machine is a good place to sit and rest for a few minutes while others wait.
    6.) people on cell phones
    I could go on and on......
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    the same people that only show up on mondays... every monday like its new years day.. pisses me off
  • hisBARBI
    hisBARBI Posts: 6

    Yes I'm a girl, and I know how to use these free weights too. :happy:
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    Wearing @#@$ing sunglasses. I mean, seriously????
  • NicoleLyn1818
    I wish my gym had a ban on...wearing makeup.

    I hate being the only bummy-looking bare-face girl there. :/ but at least I know my workout isn't going to cause me a breakout!

    I hear you, clearly you are not there to work out if you have that much make up on. The gym is not a place to meet a mate, you are there to exercise, and that doesn't look pretty if you do it right.

    Going to work out over lunch in my work's gym room... Yes, I'm wearing make-up. What's it to you?

    I go to work out after work.....obviously I have my makeup still on. Do you want me to wash it off so I don't look like I'm wearing any at the gym??? :)
  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    Children.... which to me is ANYONE under 18.... (well, I could make an exception here and there, but it would be a case by case basis).

    AND.... Mother's who have no freakin' sense and bring their 8 yr. old SON into the WOMEN'S locker room! There are FAMILY locker rooms just for this situation.

    You must not have kids...

    I agree with kids not being in the gym part, but sometimes you have to drag your son into the women's locker room if the family one is full! Especially if he has to pee. I am not sending him in the men's locker room by himself!

    I can appreciate that a need is a need, but I've felt pretty violated before by unexpected male children in the adult locker room. If there's a family locker room that's child-friendly and an adult one that isn't, I choose the adult one, because I don't want to feel like a creep for being naked like I should be allowed to in a locker room. I really don't want to get naked in front of someone's 8 year old boy.

    I know it's not as simple as just leaving your kids at home or whatever, but it makes me really uncomfortable to be confronted with other people's kids, particularly boys, when I'm naked.