I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    People who don't wipe down their equipment after using it! So, SO gross! :\

    This I wipe mine down before and after...
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    oh ya! I find that so rude.

    I have had them put a ban on eating food at the gym. Im allergic to bananas and I kept seeing the same guy walking on the treadmill eating a banana! WTH? I now have to worry about what this guy touched so I don't touch it? Im not deathly allergic, but I sure don't like looking like I was beat by a cheese grater.

    I once saw someone eating on a treadmill and it made me laugh out loud - what was his point?? Seriously, the only time you have to grab a meal is DURING your workout? I mean, when training for a marathon I have sucked an energy gel on long runs but when I hop to the gym for an hour on the tread I don't bring a pot roast!

    mmmmm pot roast!!!
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    People under the 1000lb big 3 threshold...

    There is a Planet Fitness down the road, reapply when you've progressed past the basics.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    body odor. You're going to the gym...please put on a little deoderant!
  • shahendrickson
    shahendrickson Posts: 55 Member
    The creepy old pervert that just sits and leers at the women in the gym. Weirdo!
  • tesskb328
    tesskb328 Posts: 19 Member
    Talking while working in the weight region of the gym.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    i hate it when skinny girls use equipment with blank looks on their face, it is like they aren't even trying to get a burn. or when big people use the treadmill and power walk with no incline, it is like honestly, put the incline up a little bit and you will burn so many more calories. ooh and highschool girls that have no clue what they are doing and just walk around flaunting their stuff.

    I think u r being a bit harsh about how people work out. Bravo to them for working out. They might be doing the best they can. Even if they aren't, powerwalking with no incline is 1 billion times better than sitting on the couch. I fear attitudes like yours might inspire fear of the gym for some people. I say, come get your workout on even if your workout isn't killer!
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member

    My friend's friend's ex-stepdad is a known convicted sex offender... and I see him there almost every day. You have to be at least 13 to use the gym, so you'd think he wouldn't be allowed there because people under 18 are there as well. Sigh, it grosses me out to have to be in the same area as him. Yuck.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    oh ya! I find that so rude.

    I have had them put a ban on eating food at the gym. Im allergic to bananas and I kept seeing the same guy walking on the treadmill eating a banana! WTH? I now have to worry about what this guy touched so I don't touch it? Im not deathly allergic, but I sure don't like looking like I was beat by a cheese grater.

    I once saw someone eating on a treadmill and it made me laugh out loud - what was his point?? Seriously, the only time you have to grab a meal is DURING your workout? I mean, when training for a marathon I have sucked an energy gel on long runs but when I hop to the gym for an hour on the tread I don't bring a pot roast!

    As a diabetic, I actually had to stop my workout to eat (once) because my blood sugar was dropping. But, I did go outside because I thought the sound of me crunching an apple would annoy folks.
  • hisBARBI
    hisBARBI Posts: 6
    Literally saw a woman on the treadmill the other day with a large McDonald's Coke in the cup holder...

    My only thought was ... what is the point?? lol
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    People under the 1000lb big 3 threshold...

    There is a Planet Fitness down the road, reapply when you've progressed past the basics.

  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    everyone else but me

    ^^^Now that would be awesome
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    I wish my gym had a ban on...wearing makeup.

    I hate being the only bummy-looking bare-face girl there. :/ but at least I know my workout isn't going to cause me a breakout!

    I don't picture you ever looking bummy lol, but that's just me.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    People who take up machines and space while talking on the phone, reading, etc, etc... and never working up a sweat.

    I am not sure if you are talking about me or not. I usually read the whole time I am on a treadmill but I definitely work up a big sweat and get a great workout. Reading just helps pass the time.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    14 year olds who think they are from Jersey Shore. GTL.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    new years resolution's ! uuuggghhhh all it does is over pack
    the gym, good thing it only last a month or so , lol
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    I wish my gym had a ban on people who jump on the treadmills and stand there and talk with the person next to them for 40 mins and dont use the machine!

    This absolutely infuriates me!!! Especially when there are limited machines!! If you are not here to work.....GET OFF THE MACHINE AND GET OUT THE WAY!!! UGH! That really irritates me.....:noway: :grumble: :mad:
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    I wish my gym had a ban on people who jump on the treadmills and stand there and talk with the person next to them for 40 mins and dont use the machine!

    If someone is on a treadmill not using it and I need one I will politely ask them to get off. However, if they are plenty of open treadmills and nobody is waiting I don't mind if someone chats with a friend. I am usually too busy working out to notice.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    creepy lingerers who use up my precious oxygen.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member