what was your wake up call?



  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    When I realized that I didnt have any pictures of me with my 4 year old this christmas... purely because I wouldnt let anybody take my picture. I realized how selfish I was being, because I can never get that exact moment back, and I was depriving her of photos of us as a family on Christmas day.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
  • lesliemifflin
    my wake up call was waking up in the hospital because i kept passing out. medical issues that kept viciously cycling around because i wouldn't get my weight managed ...after 5 trips in 1 year i decided that was absolutely absurd and i started taking action. i have an ovary disease that makes me have to work 10 times harder than the average person, but it is so worth it!!! to anyone whose struggling or hitting a peak, JUST KEEP GOING. once you get back in the swing of things, you NEVER regret a thing!! good luck to everyone!
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Having a stroke at 27 and making a promise to change my life to my mom the week she passed.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    The final trigger was when my OB/GYN offered to write a letter of recomendation for me to have gastric bypass surgery, when I was not asking for any kind of weight loss advice.

    Wow, that's intense. Both of my parents have gone through that and I am terrified of that surgery. Glad to see you have lost 30lbs though :)
  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    getting called "tubby tosha" by my boyfriend. definatly openned my eyes. lol

    I hope he's now your EX boyfriend...
  • mountaingirl222
    My wake up call was being diagnosed with fibromayalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr told me if I lose the weight I wont feel as bad as I did. With every pound gone the pain is less excruciating.
  • swycoff17
    swycoff17 Posts: 50 Member
    My wake up call was looking down at the scale and seeing 198. Being an athlete most of my life, I hovered around the 140's and early 150's....but a few years of not exercising and all the sudden that's what happened.
    I told myself I was NOT going to hit 200 pounds. Each pound I get farther away from 200 the happier and more proud of myself I get.
  • ZumbaBeast86
    My wake up call came right after my brother's wedding. Literally, the next day. Pictures of the wedding party and from throughout the evening were posted online and I was so disgusted with how I looked. I feel ashamed of the fact that I let myself get THIS bad and that I looked that way for my only brother's wedding. I found MyFitnessPal a few months after the wedding, and I'm pushing myself harder every day every time I see one of those wedding pictures. I'm never going back to what I was, because it does not define who I am.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    Going to bed one night and feeling my stomach flop over to the side when I rolled over. That was May 14, 2011. Proud to say I'm down almost 50 pounds (for some reason I've been self-sabatoging for the last month - joined a gym this week.) NO MORE EXCUSES....It's up to me!!!!!
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    The day my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic. That scared the hell out of me. Since that day I have lost 49 lbs and my body fat has dropped from 38% to 30%. My last checkup was great. I am no longer pre-diabetic, my cholesterol numbers are excellent and I am on a lower dosage on my BP meds. My doctor was elated with my progress.

    I weighed in at 205 lbs. this morning. Down from 254 lbs. in September 2011. My goal is 185 lbs. and 20% - 25% body fat. Not doing too bad for an old geezer ... I will be 64 in May. I feel better than I have for many years and I am probably in my best condition since I finished Navy boot camp in 1968.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I did not have a wake-up call. I'm a lifelong healthy, local, whole foods eater (and gardener). I've never been overweight. I just wanted to track my food and workouts and drop a clothing size to fit back into my old work clothes. :)
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    My recent wake up call was when one day I woke up and none of my fat clothes fit! Then you know it is time to either get bigger clothes or make a change. I chose change lol
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    My recent wake up call was when one day I woke up and none of my fat clothes fit! Then you know it is time to either get bigger clothes or make a change. I chose change lol

    I can relate to that one!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Oh my gosh I know that feeling.. I went to sweats bc my pants were to tight! but to make myself stop wearing the sweats, and watch what I ate and ultimately my weight, I squeezed myself back into my pants forcing me to lose the weight! I will not buy bigger pants.. I will not wear sweats, thats what I have to tell myself!
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    My then-husband said that he wasn't as attracted to me because of my weight (although I asked, so don't ask a question you don't want the answer to), and I was stressed to the max, needed an outlet for energy, so what better than exercise? Once I found this site, too, myfitnesspal REALLY helped me--once I realized how many calories I was actually eating, it was a no-brainer as to how I'd gained so much weight! :P
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My wedding day. I didn't feel beautiful.
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    Feeling my heart doing flip-flops and knowing it was telling me to support it so it could continue to support me; also having my feet and joints hurt after walks I used to be able to do easily. I want to be able to walk across town on a regular basis when I'm 90!
  • slavaheroyam
    I've always been big, but seeing a picture of me and seeing how big I actually was and then stepping on the scale and seeing that I was actually 12 lbs heavier than I thought. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes, but for some reason it never really sank in until I realize that my weight was steadily increasing and I needed to do something about it.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Seeing a rear view picture of myself!:frown: