March Day by Day Challenge--Open to ALL!!!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 5:
    1. Plenty of fluids!--Not bad, should still be better!
    2. Stay on my plan!!!l--Again, did well most of the day but slipped in the afternoon.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.--Yes, and a short walk in the rain with my grandson. (He does't care what the weather is like!)

    I'm starting to feel better.

    This week is a challenge for me--3 birthdays! Today is my son-in-law's, Thursday is mine, and Saturday is my brother's. Usually we celebrate them all o n one day but my DD and S-i-L are going away for the weekend so we are celebrating them individually this time! There won't be much cake but there will be special foods as tradition says the birthday person gets to pick what the evening meal is. (I said that I didn't care so long as I didn't have to cook it or clean up afterwards!)

    Goals for March 6:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Stay on my plan!!!l.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    My name is Kat (Kathy) and I am not new to MFP but I am new to this group. I have strayed and fell off the wagon since the holidays. I am struggling to get back into it.

    My goals for this week:

    1) Maintain a low-carb week and stay under my fat and calorie allowance.
    2) Start 30-day shred with kettlebell workout and do it 3 times this week.
    3) Drink more water.
    4) Possible fourth, get outside and walk/run weather permitting.

    If you're new, tell us your name a little about yourself if you like.
    If you're returning, introduce yourself and briefly tell what this thread means to you!
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    Met all of yesterday's goals. It feels so good to wake up in the morning knowing yesterday was a good day of eating. It gives me more confidence that I can do it again today.

    Today's goals:
    Run at 5:20 am - DONE!
    Stay within my calories
    No bingeing or trigger foods
  • JKB52
    JKB52 Posts: 7 Member
    my goals for today are
    1. more water
    2. 3 miles plus some stepping
    3. keep active all day!

    Starting to feel better this week finally so hoping to keep up the good work!
    Meal planning is the biggest problem right now need to get better at that!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Monday were:
    1 complete w3 day3 of c25k
    2. stay at a peaceful level as I feel so out of it
    3. do my best to keep food at calorie level

    I completed all 3 until after hours eating started.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. go to my husband's doctore appointment
    2. get water heater fixed
    3. get the dog out for a hike or walk
  • Goals for 3/6
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- only 8
    2. Log all food and stay closer to limit- yes
    3. Continue not drinking soda- had a small rootbeer but it's caffeine free so it's still a step in the right direction
    4. Try to get in some form of exercise between work and school- walked for 45 around campus at school

    Goals for 3/7
    1. Drink water
    2. Swim for 1 hour
    3. Log all food
    4. Try to not be stressed with completing 4 weeks worth of assignments in 3 days
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Excited to be back today!!

    Can't believe I did it all yesterday!
    Goals for 3/6
    1-drink 10 glasses of water-DONE!
    2-work out for 60 minutes-DONE!
    3-accomplish all errands and get to dry cleaners by 4!!-DONE!

    Goals for 3/7
    1-avoid chocolate
    2-drink 10 glasses of water
    3-update school website
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Goals for 3/6/12

    1) 90 oz water -- Fell a little short, had 72
    2) Finally start Shred...Day 1 -- YES !!!
    3) Get required protein -- Yes

    Goals for 3/7/12

    1) Day 2 Shred
    2) Be under calorie allowance by 100 cals
    3) Get @ least 3 servings of veggies and 2 fruit
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member

    My goals for 3/6 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 45 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories - Done
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps
    5. Walk a minimum of 3 miles

    My goals for 3/7 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 45 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps
    5. Walk a minimum of 3 miles
  • Hi All!

    This is only my second day posting but it's already given me a little boost that I can do this. I love the one day at a time philosophy! I need to apply to everything in my life..HAHA!

    Yesterday met all my goals:
    1) Went to town with the water
    2.) Did 30 Day Shred after work
    3) Was very careful when I went out for dinner (even though it was SO tempting).

    My mother ordered tiramisu to share for dessert. I had 3 fork fulls. I logged that as half a piece. Not good by any means but I wanted to down the whole piece and lick the plate!

    Ok, today's goals:
    1.) Continue with the water increase and only have one cup of coffee today.
    2.) My body is yelling at me from two days of toning-like exercise so I'm going to aim for a walk after work.
    3.) No binge eating while I'm home writing a paper for a graduate class tonight.
    (I HAVE to throw out the box of cheez-its. Reduced fat or not... they are deadly!!)
  • This is completely off topic but I went to the grocery store last night. Why is healthy food SO expensive?! I spent 30 bucks on about 6 things! There is something seriously wrong here.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 6:
    1. Plenty of fluids! --Did okay
    2. Stay on my plan!!!l --Not completely, but not bad.
    3. 1 mile walking workout. --2 mile walk.

    I'm feeling a LOT better today! It's another beautiful day so I will be walking outside later.

    Welcome Kat.

    SiverRoxy--I know! It costs SO much more to buy produce and non-processed foods. I don't get it at all!

    Goals for March 6:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Stay on my plan.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.
  • JKB52
    JKB52 Posts: 7 Member
    Yesterday goals were met and I feel very good about that! Today will be a little harder to do 4 miles of walking as I will be working most of the afternoon at a greenhouse but at least with that I will be doing a lot of walking back and forth from the two greenhouses! I will get in 30 minutes of cardio this morning now before I go. So again I will stick with my goals for today are
    1. drink plenty of water
    2 do 30 mintues plus of cardio
    4. stay with in my calorie limits
  • staceycamp
    staceycamp Posts: 39 Member
    This sounds like a great idea, Thanks for allowing me to join you. I have set a personal goal to loose 10lbs before Easter if possible so this may help me stay on track. This is my first day so here goes....

    My 3 goals for today
    1) make it to the gym today
    2) drink enough water
    3) get in bed on time today
  • haolegurl07
    haolegurl07 Posts: 43 Member
    My name is Cher... I'm not new to MFP but I fell off the wagon last year sometime, even though I had lost like 30lbs, and unfortunetly, I've gained it all back :(
    Just since January, my husband and my life has been insane. He was in the hospital for 1.5 months, had 3 surgeries, and is still scheduled for 1 more. But since being in the hospital, he's lost almost 60-70lbs. INSANE! And although that isn't the ideal way to lose weight, it's a good thing, and it's motivated me to do the same.
    So as far as my goals these previous 6 days of this month...
    It's been NO REGULAR SODA! ... Done-zo! :)
    Cut back on coffee stand coffee... 0 this week so far! :)
    Drink more water... eh, more than normal, but not a ton!

    For today, 3/7/12

    1) Drink lots of water- 24oz before my first cup of coffee
    2) stay under calorie goal
    3) refrain from sweets/temptations at work
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Tuesday were:
    1 go to my husband's doctore appointment
    2. get water heater fixed
    3. get the dog out for a hike or walk

    I completed all 3 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. get my c25k done at the gym
    2. pack a picnic dinner for the softball game
    3. Be nice to myself
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    I am back! this really works.

    goals 3/5

    1.Stay under goal. yes

    2. gym burn 300 calories. yes

    3. get up in the am starting tomorrow to do Wii fit plus even if just weigh myself and body test. add on yoga. oh i forgot about this one.

    Talk to ya tomorrow.

    1. so today is lots of water 6 24oz glasses

    2. under goal yes

    3..get to bed early. this might help with getting up goal someday. no very bad night sleeping. but got up for exercise this morning.

    talk to ya later


    1. get out of bed and weigh and body test on WII done

    2. light work out

    3. under goal
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    Yesterday was a good day!

    Today's goals are:

    1. Stay within my calories
    2. Keep my thoughts focused on the big picture - Each day I eat well, I get closer to my goal. One day at a time.
    3. Work on to-do list and be as productive as I can.
    4. Don't be so stressed or busy that I don't ENJOY TODAY!
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    I am back! this really works.

    goals 3/5

    1.Stay under goal. yes

    2. gym burn 300 calories. yes

    3. get up in the am starting tomorrow to do Wii fit plus even if just weigh myself and body test. add on yoga. oh i forgot about this one.

    Talk to ya tomorrow.

    1. so today is lots of water 6 24oz glasses

    2. under goal yes

    3..get to bed early. this might help with getting up goal someday. no very bad night sleeping. but got up for exercise this morning.

    talk to ya later


    1. get out of bed and weigh and body test on WII done

    2. light work out -burned 121 calories might walk some more

    3. under goal doing good
  • Goals for 3/7
    1. Drink water- 8 glasses
    2. Swim for 1 hour- no too busy working on homework and my internship
    3. Log all food- yes and only 20 calories over
    4. Try to not be stressed with completing 4 weeks worth of assignments in 3 days- 4 assignments done today

    I think I will make it through the next 2 days getting my assignments done. I have 3 planned for Friday and plan to spend all day tomorrow reading textbooks.

    Goals for 3/8
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Swim 1 hour
    3. Finish reading assignments
    4. Log all food
    5. Enjoy a small reward after doctors appointment

    One week into the month and already so much has been accomplished. Keep up the good work ladies!