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When I see overweight people running...



  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I think, "Oh, another runner. We are of the same tribe." Then I make eye contact and give "the nod".

    :laugh: I've gotten "the nod" a few times as well and I feel such a cheat, they must think I'm a real runner and I'm only just halfway couch to 5k
  • Terrainia
    Terrainia Posts: 6 Member
    I think it is GREAT!!! I am always very supportive .... in my mind I am thinking ' I wish I was jogging....I probably need to start'....
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I with the other comments..heavy or not, those people are out there making the right decision and doing something about their health. I know when I'm outside doing my exercise people are watching but I'm out there doing something about it. I'm sure someone watching me is asking themselves, why am I not out there also?
  • CindyRx
    CindyRx Posts: 46 Member
    I'm glad you asked this question, I always wondered that too. I remember when I ran my first 5K 2 years ago and this guy said to me, "I've been trying to catch up and pass you through the whole race." That really made me feel good. My goal was to finish and not come in last and I did that plus beat many other people. I'm still overweight, but just got back to running and counting calories. I wonder what people think, but don't care at the same time. I finally go to a public gym and don't care what people think there either. That way I know they'll see me later at a much lower weight. If they think negative thoughts now, they won't then!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I run in the dark, it makes me feel an awful lot less self conscious - not just cos there's fewer people but I dunno, there's just something so 'open' about running in the daylight, I just find it much harder (get me and my psychological hangups!)

    I actually got heckled by children last week, they told me I was old! :D I'm 28!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    when I see things of that nature, I am happy for them. I am also happy for those who ask what they should do in order to make a change for the better for themselves in regards to food.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I think, "Oh, another runner. We are of the same tribe." Then I make eye contact and give "the nod".

    :laugh: I've gotten "the nod" a few times as well and I feel such a cheat, they must think I'm a real runner and I'm only just halfway couch to 5k
    You aren't a cheat, just a new member.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I just do it! I figure anyone looking at me just wishes they had the guts and determination to do it as well! Go for it! :drinker:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I am inspired to see people with physical disabilities or a lot of weight to lose working hard in the gym and I usually want to work that much harder because, well, "No Excuses", right?

    Occasionally I will see someone who has smooshed themselves into a very colorful workout outfit that sausages them very badly in all the wrong places and I think "Oh, honey". :smokin:

    No one looks good in ill-fitting or mismatched clothes though, regardless of size :P
  • khorinek
    khorinek Posts: 2
    I think it's great to see overweight people and all people for that matter getting in shape. One thing to be mindful though, while carrying the extra weight and doing strenuous excersize, you can develop sore hips and sore knees, which can discourage some people from reaching their weight goals. I like to see some of the weight come off with diet and moderate exercize first, then ease into the strenuous routines like running. Remember, take care of your hips and knees! A sore knee can put you back on that dreaded couch. Keep up the good work!
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    I thin, and say out loud "Way to go!!" I think it's GREAT!! Especially when I see overweight ppl running!

    Good Luck, and know that more ppl are supporting you than you had thought.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I am always impressed when I see people working out at the park or pass them on the road. Good for them!
    I'm also a bit jealous because I'm always looking forward to when its my turn to be running at the park, etc. hehe

    i am happy for anyone out exercising and proud of them, doesn't matter size, age, etc.
  • wittamama
    wittamama Posts: 7 Member
    I think it's great when I see anyone overweight, doing any kind of exercise. I can't run, but I do feel self-concious when I exercise. I feel good about it though, and I just think about the fact that I'm doing something good for myself. I dance on my lunch hour, and people tell me I'm not doing enough, esp. when I'm taking a break. I just tell 'em, "I'm doing a lot more than you are, just standing there criticising me." I'm proud of you, even if I don't know you! Keep up the good work!:wink:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I have a perfect example. When I first started at the gym, there was a man who I saw whenever I was there at night. He had to weight close to 400 pounds. He would walk in, say hello to everyone he passed, get on that treadmill and walk for at least an hour. Every time I saw him I thought "Wow, that is so great.". At the same time, I was 277 and so embarrassed being there thinking that everyone was watching and judging me. I told my husband and he said that if anyone did stop to think about me being there that chances were they were thinking the same exact thing that I was. That HE was proud of me for making these changes and that, if anything, I should ask this gentleman if he wanted a treadmill partner.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have noticed that since I have started running I notice runners everywhere!! and everytime I do I wish real life was like facebook where I could click "like" as I drive by and let them know that they are awesome for being out there and doing their best!!

    Ha ha, agreed! When I'm driving and I see someone running, I wish I could supportively honk my horn at them, like "Hey, way to go! I see what you're doing there, and I think it's awesome!" But I know if I honk at them it's probably going to be misunderstood so I refrain, haha.

    my husband suggested I roll my window down and scream "like" but again I refrain!

    This demonstrates an admirable level of self control. :)
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    If I see someone overweight running, I think a couple of things:

    1. Good for them! That's awesome.
    2. I know it's got to be harder for them than it is for me, so if they can do it, I can do it. When I see people working on goals bigger than mine, I find it inspirational. I should suck it up! If they can get out there and do it, so can I.

    I'm not in the overweight category, but I'm sure someone somewhere judges me when I work out anyway. Maybe my form is poor. Maybe they don't think I'm working hard enough. Blah blah blah. But I hope I'm inspiring some people, too.

    (Honestly, usually I don't even really notice. But if I think anything, it's the above.)

    ^^ all of this!
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    When I see them, I think, "Hooray!" I know how great it feels to build up that capability, and I love seeing people taking their health into their own hands and trying to make their lives more active.

    And since I also run, when I pass someone overweight who is running, or when I run by someone going the other direction, I try to give them a huge smile. Isn't it great to be outside and using your body and taking in the air?

    Have fun and be careful out there! Don't be self-conscious--you rock!
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 79 Member
    I think "bless their heart....wish I had the courage and strenght to run"! And I envy more than anything! :)
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I am about to start week 2 of Couch to 5k and I like to do my walk/jogs in a secluded area with not too many people looking at me. I mean, I know its something that I am going to get over with progress, but now I prefer not too many extra eyes. The park that I go to has a lot of people who park their cars without getting out. Awkward.

    Anyway, these people dont keep me from doing my workout, never said anything. And I am down with the idea of ignoring them and working out just for myself, but to be real, this is what is on my mind, soooooooo I'm curious what YOU think (if anything) when you see somone overweight working out/running, and how you feel if you are the one working out/running???

    Off to my run, but shall return!!

    I ran Cross Country in High School and we had one girl on our team who was at least 100lbs overweight, but damnit she tried every day and she was ALWAYS the last one, but I tell you what, I had more respect for her than I did our fastest runner.

    So to answer your question, when I see an overweight person running they have my respect because they're making the change for themselves and actually trying to achieve a goal versus people sitting on the couch.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    :flowerforyou: I think " I wonder where they got the motivation to be out there running". I'd love to have the drive to get up and do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Most of the time I just move at home. Move as in.. zumba, wii, wrestling with my kids.
    That's what I think.