How many teas and or coffees do you drink a day?



  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I don't drink coffee but I do drink a lot of tea. Since my Dad was diagnosed with Diabetes, it really hit closer to home since all my grandparents had it, I scaled back on cream and sugar in my tea until I didn't need it anymore. Now I drink several cups a day and the calories don't add up. =)
  • 2 cups of coffee (16 oz) in the morning with unsweetened almond milk and steva.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    1 Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino in the morning and if I have extra calories or if I just want another ... :drinker: at night!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just out of interest!

    I feel i drink too many but at work we constantly do rounds i think just to get away from the desk!

    I have about 2 white coffes and 2 white teas a day and then maybe a couple of large green teas.

    With one sweetner in each - you?

    What's a "white coffee"?
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I used to live on 6 cups a day of coffee with a splash of nonfat milk. Gave it up for Lent and never felt better!
  • I drink a large tea in the morning with breakfast, a coffee when I get into work, another at 1030, a green tea at 12, another coffee at 2.30 and then in the evening hot ribena or fruit juices. I'm pretty sure I only drink so much at work because people make it for me, but trying to slowly replace it with green tea.
    Tried drinking just water for a week but started skipping drinks and getting dehydrated.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I have a Latte in the morning (so about 2oz of coffee) and Anywhere from 0-20oz of Tea, usually Green unsweetened, a day.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have two coffees, but my cup is REALLY big.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    coffee 1-3x a week. New Favorite is vending machine whipped cofee and hot chocolate mix about 60 calories.
    Tea..where to begin...
    Green tea 1-3 a day
    Black tea 1-3 a day
    Herbal blend sleepytime - 1 a day
    All this is black so no calories, I change up the types of tea, peppermint, lady grey, rose black and so on to keep it interesting.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I generally have 2 coffees a day, with about 60ml of skim milk and two sweeteners in them. Sometimes I have 3..and on occasion, 4. Depends on the weather. I also don't drink coffee after 12 pm, which really annoys some people who try to force feed me a coffee, and don't believe I am just fine with water.

    Tea I mostly drink in winter of an evening, or if I happen to be sick.
  • TransTina
    TransTina Posts: 82
    9 coffees a day. semi skimmed milk and sweetner
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I hate coffee, but drink tea all day long. 4-6 cups, black tea mostly. It's usually all I drink between breakfast and my evening workout.
  • DiscipleN2k
    DiscipleN2k Posts: 24 Member
    Power coffee once (coffee with chocolate protein powder)
    Coffee only maybe once in the afternoon...

    That actually sounds good! Hmmmm a new take on a Cafe Mocha!!! Thanks!

    Agreed. I am SO trying this!
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    None, just water.