what was your wake up call?



  • kmkersey
    kmkersey Posts: 5
    Realizing that I weigh exactly what I weighed when I gave birth. Almost 8 years ago. It slowwwwly crept up on me. Disgusting.
  • DarkWolfX
    DarkWolfX Posts: 1 Member
    Congestive Heart Failure at 28... Recovered in 5 years due to modern medicine and lower salt intake.. at 33, discovered my heart was failing again, 9 months later, showed even more progress back to heart failure land. Best bet to combat it now is my stronger meds, and weight loss.

    My motivation is to not die.

    and if I'm going to.. I'm not going to go gentle.
  • hikerjen
    hikerjen Posts: 6 Member
    Nothing as life changing as some of the posts I've read. I was only a little bit out of shape, and was looking for a good food calculator when I stumbled upon MFP. I've got a big 12 day backpacking trip I need to train for in July, so counting calories seemed the right thing to do. Also, I've reached menopause and I've been reading it's harder to lose weight after,and that weight gain and bone density loss is a real possibility. So, exercising longer and harder, increasing my weights for strength training, and really watching my calories is paying off. I've lost 6 lbs. since I logged in, and I've noticed my clothes fitting better.
  • QueenB985
    QueenB985 Posts: 63 Member
    My wake up call was the sad reality that my "baby" is 5 and I weigh more now than I did with either pregnancy!!! And when the fat clothes started to get tight....time for a serious change!!!
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    Seeing a new doctor and being told that I was "too heavy" for birth control pills and she wouldn't give them to me because I was too much at risk for blood clots "at my weight". :(
  • These are such inspriational stories. However, mine is turning 30.

    My husband thinks I am attractive and smart...but I want to be HOT. I can put on a tight dress and makeup to pull off cute...but not HOT. So when I turned 30, I made a "Become HOT list"

    1) Lose enough weight to look good naked
    2) Get monthly chem peels to reduce hyperpigmentation and fine lines (crows feet and forhead wrinkles - GONE after 6 months)
    3) Get waxed every 6 weeks (after the 4th wax, you can tolerate the pain fine - like a pro)
    4) Get a digital perm (growing out my hair now)
    5) Boob job in 2013 (maybe). I'm rockin' B cups now.

    I know totally selfish. I'm sick and tired of being a nerdy engineer.
  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    Eating made me feel good at the moment but, after I would eat, I always felt a horrible type of guilt. That resulted in a feeling of being out-of-control. Not good.
  • mamelly
    mamelly Posts: 3
    I too has to go to the ER for gall bladder stones and was told by the ER Doc that it was because of my weight, felt so ashamed and in horrible agonizing pain that I inflicted upon myself. I would love to lose weight to look better, but honestly I don't ever want to go through that type of pain again, it was worse than childbirth!!
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    My big NOPE moment came when the scale got too close to 300. I told myself that I was not going to hit 300, so I got myself down. Now I tell myself that I'll never be 280 again, never be 270 again, etc.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    When I went to a department store to get fitted for a bra, and the shop assistant, told me that they didn't have any bra's in my size and that I'd have to go to a speciality store to get a bra.

    I found some bra's that (barely) fitted online, and brought all their stock of them, and then vowed I wouldn't buy any more bras' until I could fit a bra from a 'regular' store.

    I'm only 1/3 of my way to my target, and already have brought 7 new bra's in my my new size.

  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I was sicking of being in pain. I have always had back problems but with this extra weight made my back spasm much worse and occur more often. I have not have had any back issues since I lost the original 7lbs. I have only been doing my fitness pal for a little over 4 weeks and have already lost over 13 pounds( maybe more my weigh in with my Trainer is tomorrow). My youngest is almost nine and It is about time I took off the baby weight. I am focussed and I know by my 45th Birthday I wll hit my goal of 40lbs of weight loss.
  • pearsy67
    pearsy67 Posts: 104 Member
    I was always on the 'tomorrow train' - start exercising tomorrow, eat less tomorrow, go to the gym tomorrow. Then I had a severe gout attack that left me crippled for a week and the tests told the worst, yes gout, yes v.high BP, borderline diabetic, all this combined with a family history of heart troubles was a slap in the face.

    I joined a gym, got a trainer as I need the pushing and then found MFP a month later.
    This journey isn't easy, it isn't fun, it isn't without pain and doubt.
    It IS satisfying, it IS wanted, it IS bloody hard work.
    It IS only starting.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Can i please get a 5am wake up call? anyone? anyone?
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Cardiac arrest in 2008

    Nuff said
  • suedo52
    suedo52 Posts: 1
    When you are on your way to surgery after a car accident and are told that you might never walk again, you start to think about all of the things you should change. Wake up from surgery and find out two days later that you can walk, but oh, sorry you have cancer! A two year battle through surgery, chemo and radiation and I now find myself with fighting strength and I will win the weight battle too!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    Realising that, unless I change things permanently, I am never going to be anything other than somebody's drunken mistake.

    This breaks my heart. I want you to know that feeling isn't about your size, it's about your self worth. So please as you change your life, be proud of who you are and love yourself. *hugs*