how long have you been married (or ...)



  • I have been in my commited relationship for 6 years...and ENGAGED for 5 years out of the 6. At first I wanted to hold off, postpone the wedding until we knew each other really well and felt that it was a sure bet. Now, after 5 years I am ready to take it to the courthouse (no fancy-schmancy crap, just get it done), and HE'S the one who suddenly wants to wait until (and I quote) "the time is right". WTF?! I'm assuming that the RIGHT time will be after all of our extended family dies, and we are on life support in the retirement home. Now I wish I would've eloped away with his *kitten* right at the get-go. Dang - felt good to vent lol. See, I started here in hopes to lose some weight, then get the marriage thing I dropped 21 lbs, and told him that I thought we should be looking into a date. After all, he TOLD me that it was SOLELY up to me - If I name a date or a place, we would do it. So I did, and now he's back-peddling.....Makes me grouchy. :explode: Made me lose my drive to lose this weight and everything lol. Since I am a woman, I now feel SLIGHTLY rejected therefore I ate a LARGE meal at McDonalds and 8 of those d**n Cadbury Creme Egg things....blew it all to hell. Gah - just can't win, man. LOL.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 718 Member
    how long have you been married or in a committed relationship?

    For the first 8 years of my marriage, I would have been full of words dripping in puppydogs and rainbows about marriage. But now, 11 years into the marriage, i literally seethe in anger just having to talk to the man. (yeah, the big ~divorce~ is coming soon).

    I'm totally not implying that "give it time, it won't work". It simply didn't work for me. I'm just interested in seeing how long you've all been together.

  • We have seen the absolute best and the absolute worst of each other for 35 years. I am so proud of this achievement, but no matter what your relationship status is, you need love and support.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    Been together in total for 18 years and married for 5
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    37 years, we knew each other for 6 weeks before we wed. Four grown kids and 3 grandkids.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    We have been happily married 17 years this year. Sorry to hear yours is not going well. :(
  • mama_of_3cubs
    mama_of_3cubs Posts: 15 Member
    I met my best friend, it'll be 6 years on May 22nd. We've been Inseparable ever since <3 We are currently engaged with 3 amazing children :)
  • malanu
    malanu Posts: 15
    24 years
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Been best friends for 12 years, been together 6 years this Christmas and will have been married for 4 years this September...he's my pain in the *kitten*, my better half, the thorn in my side, my best friend....sure, I'm still me without him and I'm complete, but I consider him to be the best part of me. We've had our ups and downs but you have to fight to make up. I love that man of mine. :smooched:
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    11 years as a couple, 8 years married, 3 kids.
  • Mera_Mera
    Mera_Mera Posts: 153
    Have known the hubby for 7 years and 2 weeks. Been married for 7 years and 1 week. What can I say? The kid - he wasn't even 21 yrs old -looked good in his army uniform. He caught my eyes and I couldn't let him wander around the world without claiming him as mine. He is so great and easy to love, that he grew on me. Everyday, I fall head-over-heels in love with him and those baby blue eyes of his. He's a great guy! Good guys don't turn up around here so often. You gotta snatch them. I caught me a rare specimen! I'm one lucky SOB. LOL!
  • matrim68
    matrim68 Posts: 12
    Married ten years this September. Together for 15 years . I love her more now then when I first met her and we are still discovering each other and having a blast together.
  • nanacoop
    nanacoop Posts: 16 Member
    We just celebrated 37 years and I can honestly say that it gets better and better. Every marriage hits rough places but when you get through them life is just sweeter. You love and appreciate each other more. Growing old together is wonderful. My husband is my best encourager on this weight loss journey. I think he wants to keep me around a while longer. :love:
  • DCAT3
    DCAT3 Posts: 4 Member
    We have been married for 25 years together 35 years. I saw my husband walk by my class window in the 7th grade and I told my friends see that guy I'm going to marry him one day .:love: It took us 3 years before we became a couple I just waited until he was ready, then 10 years later we were finally married he is my best friend we have had our ups and downs but l when I see him at the end of the day I still get butterflies in my tummy and he makes me smile.:blushing: We have 3 children 2 in college and one almost in middle school. I too have to thank God for giving me this life that I am blessed with.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    12 years - 6 years married. definitely have our ups and downs... i guess we'll see what the future brings!
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    We will have our 44th wedding anniversary in June of this year......and loved every day of our journey together! We met and married later than many.....I was nearly 24 and my husband 25 when we married.
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    we will be celebrating our 28th anniversary this saturday march 10th
  • We have been together about 6 1/2 years and got married nearly 4 weeks ago. I'm 25 and he is 26... :-) Very happy!
    I'm sorry to hear about your divorce! :-(
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    Together for 5 years married 3 years this July. :)
  • I have been with my husband for just over 20 years but we have only been married for 3 months (today). We're still just as in love as we were when we met (possibly even more). We have the odd argument (most people do) but it never lasts. Our love life is still great too :heart: