what was your "a-ha" moment?



  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    Trying to run up 4 flights of stairs to class, no bueno
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    When I started having really obnoxious menstrual problems and my periods were lasting 21 days, my doctor suggested losing some weight as a potential solution.
  • porschej21
    porschej21 Posts: 12 Member
    I was laying in bed one night. Couldn't sleep, it was around 3 in the morning and I decided that I couldn't hate myself anymore and that I had to change. I started looking up all sorts of info and changing things. I pretty much cut out fast food/most processed foods/and unhealthy carbs cold turkey. My friend told me about MFP and I started tracking calories. I have been going for over a month strong now and though I still have a long ways to go I feel confident that I will reach the point where I am not disgusted by myself. It has been a long time coming!
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
    I am a role model and mentor to a bunch of kids at a local technical college. If the older fat guy they look up to can do it, then they can do.

    Really, though that was not enough. When my wife got pregnant, it finally gave me the strength to really get on the wagon and stay on it this time. I wanted a longer life in which I could get to know my child. Sadly, we lost our child to miscarriage, but that has only made it more important for me to get fit. When we can finally have children, I need to be ready to be the best damn father on the planet.
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    A friend posted a picture of me on facebook and tagged me in it. I had no idea that I looked like that! I had been working out regularly but eating badly and I realized that I couldn't throw away all my hard work on a poor diet. I've cleaned up but I need to keep going back to that picture to remind myself.
  • avedagirl96
    avedagirl96 Posts: 15 Member
    When I stepped on the scales and they said the same amount at what I delivered my first daughter. It was 6 weeks after my pregnancy with my 4th child, and I weighed more than when I delivered him. Enough was enough. I know I will never have another pregnancy again, so this is for me. I love that I'm not "dieting" with some fad. It's just a lifestyle change, plain and simple.
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    Mine came when I had to move from a size 20 to a 22. I put the clothes back and swore that I'd never buy that size.. ever. I was so angry at myself for getting so large. My knees and back hurt like crazy from all the excess weight. I could barely make it up stairs.

    So I started working out. That was almost a decade ago, but with a few false starts and hiccups. I think I found my groove.
  • NittanyLion95
    I had been "trying" on and off for months. I was only adding in exercise thinking that would work. I was really bad with food over the holidays and none of my clothes were fitting (I had to go buy jeans in a size up from what I had been wearing). As they say in Texas, I got a wild hair one morning and walked into a Weight Watchers office. I startd writing everything down and three weeks later found MFP from a friend who lost 30 pounds using it...so I added MFP. I'm almost at my WW goal, but I want to go down an additonal 5 pounds from that. You can do it!
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    A friend posted a picture of me on facebook and tagged me in it. I had no idea that I looked like that! I had been working out regularly but eating badly and I realized that I couldn't throw away all my hard work on a poor diet. I've cleaned up but I need to keep going back to that picture to remind myself.

    same here
  • mwapay
    mwapay Posts: 18
    when my headaches cud not go away..i cudnt go up a flight of stairs without panting..and i said no am way tooooooo young to be having all these troubles...
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    When I stood on the nurses scales and they said 15 and a half stone!!! I nearly keeled over! :( x
  • Spinach_Brigade
    When I looked down I couldn't see my own junk anymore. Holy crap! That's when I knew the belly had to go.
  • Lipodestroyer
    When I picked my daughter up from the bus stop and she told me that she was defending her daddy because the other kids on the bus said "your daddy is really fat". It made her so upset she cried. Also, and not to sound like a pervert, it would be nice to see my penis without the aid of a mirror :D
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've been exercising (running, biking, swimming, weights) for a couple of year (lots of yo-yo diets before that) and managed to drop close to 35 lbs but my real a-ha moment came when pictures from this January's swim meet got posted to my tri club's website (I couldn't see my face in several of them but I recognized my swim suit) and I joined MFP the next day(happy coincidence, one of the other soccer dads had just showed me the MFP mobile app)
  • vc2010
    vc2010 Posts: 1
    When my boyfriend told me I was a fat cow, in an arguement.
  • Cnsa143
    Cnsa143 Posts: 53
    When my 6 yo twin daughters said out of no where "Mommy you're not fat" I said "baby you dont have to lie to mommy" she said "I dont want to hurt your feelings and make you cry"

    That was my AH HA moment and I am determined to never be called fat by my children again I want them to be proud of their mommy!
  • jlang625
    jlang625 Posts: 2
    I was dating a body builder who was a pathological liar. We would work out together occassionally, but I never saw much results. When I found out he was cheating, I hit the gym. Started working with a personal trainer, lost 3% body fat, and a friend showed me MFP. Now my diet is catching up with my workouts and I'm excited that sometime soon I'll finally see the scale drop below 150 for the first time since my freshman year of college.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Size 14 pants were getting tight. I refused to be in plus sized territory so I decided to do something about it.
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    MIne? Well I've always been the chubby girl. Looking back now I realize I looked really good in high school. Went to college, packed on lbs, took phen phen and got back down to a size I liked, gained it back. Got married..gained some more. Tried to get pregnant and couldnt so I went to LA weight loss to drop some weight before fertility treatments...and ended up pregnant after loosing about 20lbs. Managed to loose a little during my pregnancy too. I've been that same weight within 10 - 15 lbs for the last 10 years. I guess my average weight during that time was about 175 on a 5'2" frame. Well..I'm very large chested and wanted to have a breast reduction and I thought that since my weight seemed to want to stay steady that I would go ahead and have a tummy tuck done at the same time. I had both done last year. It was a transformation for me in so many ways. First, I could move again! My balance was better from the lack of weight pulling on my shoulders and I didnt feel so cumbersom with other activities without the big roll of fat hanging off my belly and huge bouncing boobs. I was feeling so much better about myself and there was no way I was going to gain weight and ruin what the surgery accomplished. I managed to keep my weight at my post-op weight for a full year with just light excersize but I wanted more. So here I am...I guess you could say my surgery was my a-ha moment. It gave me an immediate improvement that made me just want to work harder not to screw up. I managed not to screw it up for a year...now...I'm gonna make it even better.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The 6 month preggo guy in front of me at Giant Food buying Banquet dinners saying "Me too! I'm a little younger than you though...im 32!"

    He looked like he was 50.....so did I.......i'm 37 =(

    Jamie Oliver shed a lot of light on the issues in the U.S.A. and I realized I was contributing to it.
    Now I make it a habit to try and show at least 1 person a day that weight loss is simple and can be enjoyable once you have the proper know how!