how long have you been married (or ...)



  • mom2my3angels123
    I've been with my husband since April 2004. Married to him since October 2005. It started out as a long-distance relationship, but I made the move to Oregon from Las Vegas, NV to be with him. it's not been sunshine and roses all the time, but he treats me a lot better than my ex-husband ever did. So I'll keep him. <3
  • aprildawn81
    aprildawn81 Posts: 668 Member
    We got married sooo young - he was 19 and I was 18 - got pregnant 3 months later. We will be celebrating our 13th anniversary in July & we've been together for 14 yrs (we got engaged fast, The first two years were very rocky - almost didn't make it, we were both so young and dumb. Now though, it's great. I think one of the biggest keys to a happy marriage is being able to laugh with each other. :)
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    We met online spring 2004, had our first kiss New Years Eve 2004/2005, married summer 2010. Over 7 years together, and he's still my best friend.
  • Shedding4Wedding72
    This last December my high school sweetheart proposed to me on our 6 year anniversary :)

    People might think that we're young and don't know anything (We're both almost 23) and that we don't know what love is... but let me tell you:

    I don't think anyone has a better relationship than we do. We have DEFINITELY had hard times in our relationship, more than people would ever imagine, but we made it through it. We respect each other, trust each other, and wait for it......... COMMUNICATE. I let him do (for the most part) whatever he wants to do BECAUSE I TRUST HIM. And he has never given me a reason to not trust him. We have a very strong relationship, and most importantly, we are Best Friends before anything.

    I can't wait to marry this wonderful amazing caring person. I don't know when it will happen (things are a little crazy right now with his parents going through some marital problems) but it WILL happen, and we will live happily ever after. We both don't believe in divorce, so we are both going to make it work.

    In my opinion, you can make any relationship work if you try hard enough. We do try, but luckily we don't have to try that hard... it just comes easily for us. and plus, we have some pretty great role models:
    His parents: they show us how NOT to be
    His grandparents: have been together for over 45 years (:
    My parents: have been happily married for 25 years last August.

    But if I could give one word of advice (yes coming from a 22 year old... I do know what I'm talking about lol): If you love him, whatever you are going through will be worth the fight. You will get past this. And if he still wants it to work, it WILL work. You married him for a reason (:
  • sharonsissell
    been maried 28 years later this month. he asked me to be his wife a week after we met and were maried 4 months later
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    4 years tommorow!! :love:
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 46 and will have been married to my gorgeous wife for 25 years in June. I love her to death still. She is not just my wife ... she my girlfriend. We have super busy lives but always make time for a date night or a quick brunch on Sunday. The secret...TRUST, HONESTY, FAITHTFULNESS, SHARING RESPONSIBILTY, LISTENING....But most importantly GOD. For those of you who don't believe in Him... well he saved my marriage many years ago when I was pointing the finger because I was stressed out because I had to carry the load. Once I started going to church and learned how to be a real man I realize that I almost gave away the best gift that He ever gave me. So listen. It is not too late. Get on your knees and ask the Lord to give the strength to put up with your man's foolishness until he comes around. You will be blown away by what God can do if you would just open up your hands and give your man to Him.
  • Elenazuniga
    Married 10 years. Not one arguement. Not one raised voice. Not one unkind word towards one another.

    It might sound cliche'd when you hear, "You just know." It's totally true. We both knew the very day we set eyes on each other, which was just after New Years, 2002. First date was Valentine's Day (she lived in Michigan, I was stationed in Savannah GA), proposed on St Patrick's Day, married on Memorial Day weekend.

    We're best friends, lovers, sex buddies, protectors...the whole nine yards.

    Two souls and one heart.

    This is awesome.!!!
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    We have our 5 year anniversary coming up in June. We have been FAR from the perfect couple and have had serious issues from both sides, almost separated even, but we came out of it eventually. And even after all that we have a better relationship and understanding of what it takes to make a marriage work. We're young, but still in love. :)
  • taylorgirl
    We hit "35 years" in November 2011!!!! After all these years we finally found something we truly like and enjoy and can do together...Workout! Our children are between 28-34 and we can run circles around them. Our grands think we're the BOMB! I taught my grandsons how to box, skate, swim take them on beach workouts and now schedule boxing and workout session for them with our trainer! Our lives couldn't be better!
  • addies_mom
    Married 2.5 years, together for 6. I'm married to my best friend, and I hope to stay that way til death do us part :)
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Been together 30 years, married for 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    We have been together for 6 years, married for almost 5 (in September).
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    We've been together since July 2005 -
    got married March 15/08 - so, celebrating our 4th anniversary in a week.
  • MummyDB
    MummyDB Posts: 106 Member
    We celebrated our 20th anniversary in December. We knew each other for 24 days before we got married. We have been through almost anything you can imagine. We endure the ups and downs together always supporting one another. We are each others rock. Neither of us are perfect and some times I just want to smack him (as I'm sure he does me) but we always find a way to see the bright side. When first got married he promised me there would never be a dull moment, he has definately kept that promise. There has been sickness, health, better, worse, richer, poorer, good times, and bad. Together we walked through it all.

    This sounds so much like my marriage. We knew one another 3 months when we got married. We have been married for 12 years. Been through some really high high's and some very low low's, but I couldnt have chosen a better person to spend my life with....well I guess I should say God couldnt have given me a better person to spend my life with.

    I agree with the above. A bit like me too. Met and married in just under 9 months. Will be 15 years in June.4 kids later. Some highs and lows. But believe God brought us together. And for us believe that anything worth it often takes work. And believe God will help us thru the tough patches. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

    I know stats say basically 50% divorce rate. But I have to say reading so many of these posts confirming divorce. I find it sad. :-(
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    Been married 14 years here .. Separated at the 7 yr mark .. Got back together again ... Tried to make it work .. And yuppp the big '"D" word is on the cards ..
  • BritFitB
    BritFitB Posts: 106 Member
    I am not married, and never been, and the way it's looking.... never will, lol!!
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    Have never wanted to marry, been with current partner since August '95, I've had occasional transgressions but have been faithful since the end of 2004.
    We learn by our mistakes.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I'm not married, but I'm engaged :) I've been with him for 7 years!
  • Ginger4real
    Ginger4real Posts: 162
    Together 20 years , Married 9 ....talked about divorce for a few years now. I had a separation agreement drawn up ...Bought the divorce kit,,started to fill it in together ...both got too upset ..shut it off , talked it out (yelled a tonne) and couldn't work on it anymore so it sits half filled in. Feels over , then feels better , then feels over again .. I dunno ..we are all the other has really ever known ..I guess from 13-33 you grow change and develop goals that the other can't live for even if you love each other sometimes life takes you in opposite directions. It's so complicated. If we do get a divorce I won't ever marry again.

    I swear being marrried puts too much pressure on us to be in the same place..or live together.. I don't want to live in our house..hate the area .. HE LOVES IT! If we lived apart but spent our time together when we had free time we would do just fine i'm sure.

    He is very traditional in his thoughts of what a wife should be and do ..and that couples should be together all the time. I am more modern thinking and feel like we should chase our dreams even if the means of getting there doesn't fit the marriage box. He is introvert and could live in a house in the woods with no one around(we pretty much do now ). I am extrovert and could live in the city in a condo with people around me 24/7 ....But can't imagine living with or having a serious relationship with anyone else ...Is that odd ..or maybe more normal than I think????

    And right now he is in the Kitchen being a total sweetheart making me breakfast ...tomorrow we will be pissed at each other over something...and looking for ways to live life separate lol...It's nuts :) But I love him anyway !!