
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I have the same problem. I am 53 years old and can watch my calories, exercise and nothing happens. Its very frustrating and once in awhile I get the "oh well.....I might as well eat whatever I want and just accept the fact that I am what I am and just enjoy life". I need to lose arouond 30 lbs. I have a back and hip problem which makes it very difficult for exercise. I had a cortizone shot in my hip 2 1/2 months ago and the pain was gone. So on the treadmill I climbed. Unfortunately, the pain comes back when I walk and now I can't do it at all again. The Golden Years will be quite a challenge I can see. Any secrets out there that might help this poor woman?

    welcome......i also have back, hip and knee issues.....what i do mostly is biking, spinning, but walking(which i used to enjoy, is off limits right now)and now that i have bronchitis, strenuous exercise is off the table, so i will try light walking, until the pain comes back, then i take OTC meds to help with the inflammation ....i do weights which i have gotten to enjoy very much and are very good for us......good luck on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hello everyone. This is my first post in this forum but it looks like the one I need. I'm 57 years old (will be 58 in April) and have been on MFP since 2010. My progress has been slow. My husband passed away last October and I'm adjusting to my new life. It's very difficult and I keep hitting roadblocks. But my health is very important to me. I learned last month that I'm in the early stages of Kidney Disease and have to watch my protein intake. That, coupled with a sprained knee in January have made dieting and exercising very hard.
    That said ... I'm ready to dive in and need some motivation. I'm finally able to walk my dog again, although the two miles per day is hard on my knee, so I'm sticking to about a mile for awhile. Gotta take care of the knees.
    I need to lose about 65-70 pounds and now is the time for me to do it.
    I'll log on regularly for support from y'all and see how it goes.

    welcome....i am sorry for your loss, we are here to help you along the way, .....logging your food is going to help you so much, since you need to monitor your protein intake....good luck on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi all!Barbie,love your story about strength training.When I first started my journey,the dr suggested going to the wt room,I thought he was out of his mind.Me being 300 lbs,no way.I did go in and did what he said,don`t worry about anyone there,just do what I`m asking you to do.I became a regular,joined the y and went 3xs a week.Wt loss was slow,as I thought if I exercised I could still eat what I want.Doesn`t work that way.
    Haven`t been able to exercise like I use to due to the injury in Sept and the recent surgery.But i`m gonna be back and stronger.
    Just wanted to say to the new ones.You can do whatever you want to do.Just don`t quit.New possiblities,that you would have never seen yourself doing.We may be older,but still got good years left and I for one,to make the best of them.
    i want to be the healthiest grandma around.
    Have a great day!!
    Hugs to all who are struggling or anyone who can use a hug today.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,227 Member
    Hi, new to MFP and looking for people in my age range, so I'm very gald to have found you. I'm 5'1" tall and at my worst weighed about 142 pounds. Over the past eight months, I have shed all but 5 pounds of it and put things back where they belong (more or less) but have 5 pounds left to go to reach my goal.

    Need to look good because my husband of almost 35 years is taking me to Hawaii in July for our anniversary and I want to be able to look good in a bikini. And I don't care if anyone says there are things a person of my age shouldn't wear - I have a better, fitter body than most young girls I see around today and I see no reason why, if they can wear jeans that give them muffin tops and tops that let the spare tire show, there's no reason I can't wear little sundresses and a bikini in Hawaii.

    I'll post a pic for opinions once those last 5 are gone. :)
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: It too late too early so this is just a quick hello to let you know how much you mean to me.:bigsmile: :heart:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: one of the greatest things I learned on this thread is "the best exercise is the one you'll do" :bigsmile: there are so many things to do to keep active....it just might take awhile to find the right ones.:bigsmile: for two years I put strength training as one of my goals and all I did was a few biceps curls or wall push-ups from time to time :bigsmile: then a few months ago someone recommended "Younger Next Year" and I read it.....the book strongly recommends joining a gym and I almost quit reading the book because I knew that joining a gym wouldn't work for me, then I decided to finish the book anyway,. Then someone else recommended "Strong Women Stay Young" and I found the strength training program that would work for me.......now I'm like Nancy, I can hardly wait for my strength training day :bigsmile: so if you're struggling to find the right exercise program, just keep reading and keep an open mind and sooner or later you'll find what you seek. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and until then "if you're moving, you're losing" :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it looks like spring if you ignore the temperatures in the 30's :laugh: :laugh:

    Love this!! Thank you Barbie. I needed some inspiration today. We can't swing a gym $ right now, but I can buy a few weights and borrow a book from the library. I read "Younger Next Year", last fall. I'm going to look for "Strong Women Stay Young".
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Exhausted................................ sigh. I have gotten called to sub every day but Monday this week. When it rains it pours. I haven't exercised hardly at all and know that is why my energy is zapped. Off to our son's bball practice. I might sleep leaning against the wall. :blushing:

    Happy Weekend Ladies! It was 75 here today....
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    My suitcase is packed and DH will drive me down to the airport at 4AM for the early flight to Chicago to meet our darling new grand daughter! :love: :love: I can't wait. MOST of what is in my suitcase are gifts for new baby, and 3 year old big sister...and a few things for the parents! Buying baby things is WAY more fun than grown-up things...especially the clothing:love:

    I will help out however I can and the "kids" like to eat healthy, so hopefully, that won't be a problem. Exercise will be interesting...I just hope I can get some long walks in between helping with the DGDs. I will take pedometer and HRM, so that should help! I am ready for a bit of a break from skiing, much as I like it. My body needs to do something else for a bit. DH will stay here and we will both go for a visit next month after things settle down there for them.

    Read all the posts....WELCOME to all of our new members! This is a great place for support, friendship and encouragement. I have learned so much from everyone here.

    Take care and have a healthy weekend, dear Friends!:heart: Kackie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Viv - I believe you asked me which step tapes that I like At the time I was in FL and didn't have access to them. Anyway, I like Kathy Smith's Classic Step Workout, Gin Miller's Simply Step Classic Moves, Gilad Step Aerobics, and Kari Anderson Go Step. To me, these aren't real complicated but they get your heart rate up. I did get some by Petra Kolby (not sure I( spelled her last name correctly) and I really didn't like them at all. She'll say something like "over in five", and I constantly thought that meant over five times but what it meant was over in five steps. That just confused me too much so I returned the DVD's. Sometimes I get them from collage video (hope I spelled that right), Amazon, and I just found another place, Total Fitness DVD's. Total Fitness says you enter "10off" in the coupon code box at the checkout and you get 10% off their videos.

    Someone posted links to crafts you can do with bowling pins. I don't remember who did. Again, at the time we were in FL and I couldn't view them (well, I could but I didn't want to use up all the download on our MiFi)

    Sally - I never go by the number of calories that the machines at the gym tell me I burn. For example, when I do HIIT, I know that I'm burning more calories when I'm sprinting than when I'm recovering, yet the machine's calorie burn is the same when you are recovering as when you are sprinting. I like the FT7 in that I can replace the battery myself and don't have to return it to the manufacturer. I think one time when I took it to have the battery replace (probably at WalMart), they really messed with the battery cover. You know what I found, my heart rate was all over the chart, it would be in the 200's, then drop down to 85. I found that if I just loosened the watch part by one notch, it gave me a more accurate count. Maybe it was picking up my pulse???? I did find that the directions for the Polar were somewhat confusing and they didn't offer a lot of customer support. Another thing that I like about the Polar is that the chest strap is comfortable. It's cloth so I can wash it, I just have to take the transmitter off. Consumer Report rated the Timex Personal Trainer very highly. I need to check it out further. So far I've found out that you can replace the battery yourself, which I want to be able to do.

    western - I'm the same way with Girl Scout cookies -- before I know it, I've eaten the whole box. That's one of the reasons I tried to buy the cookies that Vince likes that I don't...lol I did get two boxes of the Lemonades (I'll eat them) but only had 4 before Vince finished them up (yea!)

    Amanda - you poor dear. Stress can really do a number on you! Take care of yourself because it'll only get worse if you don't

    fisher and tracyjayne - Welcome! Oh, you'll get lots of support and hints here

    Marilyn - I love my foam roller. It so helps with muscle relaxation

    Roasted the asparagus I got yesterday on sale. Now I'm constantly munching on it. Well, it's certainly better than munching on cookies! And it tastes so much better, too

    JulieGo - welcome! So sorry about your husband. You'll get lots of good ideas here. This site will definitely help you as one of the things you can do is chart your protein intake.

    Deidre - we're so glad you found us. I'd love to go to Hawaii. Let me live vicariously thru you, tell us all about the preparations, etc. I'm with you about the clothes that some young things wear. I'd be so embarassed to be showing my stomach bulging out, but I guess they aren't. Isn't it just amazing how men don't seem to gain weight yet we can so easily?

    Sometimes when I "complete this entry", I get a message (like today) that says that I'm not eating enough. I only had 78 calories left. What's the story with that, do you always get this message whenever you're below your calorie consumption?

    kackie - safe travels, and try not to spoil that baby too much!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Kackie.enjoy the grand baby and the big sister.safe flight and a great time.
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Evening ladies...

    Kackie...enjoy your new grandbaby...and chasing a 3 year old will be exercise I am sure:tongue:

    Realpure...hang in there...the weekend is coming...perhaps some time for YOU is in order!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Deidre...I so agree with you on the youth of today..they sure aren't built like we were at that age. I personally think that it has to do with the hormonally enhanced chicken that the young are subject to these days.:wink:

    Jane...LOVE your statement "Just don`t quit. New possiblities,that you would have never seen yourself doing.We may be older,but still got good years left and I for one,to make the best of them." I'm with you girlfriend!:drinker:

    Pam...you are such a wonderful "welcome committee". Your words of wisdom to each new arrival are inspirational.

    Julie...welcome...and so sorry for your loss...cannot even begin to imagine. Stick with this group and you will have a support system 24 x 7.:flowerforyou:

    Loribenz...Wow...you echo my attitude 6 months ago...when I had 30 to lose. Finally January 1 I decided I didn't want to be a "flubber-wife". 15 pounds gone has made me feel so much better...and 15 more to go will be the ultimate. You CAN do it!

    Mixdouble --- WayToGo...business trip and a loss is AWESOME!

    Westernjoy...taking the "whole" picture into account is so important. Just because the scale doesn't move, doesn't mean things are not changing. Congrats!

    Laura...congrats on the progress! Keep it up.

    Welcome Tracie...enjoy this wonderful group!

    JB...it has been an incredibly stressful week for you. Positive thoughts & hugs being sent your way.

    Barbara...I assume "mat time" is yoga...could you recommend a good "beginner video" perhaps?

    Nancy...My HOT pants were waiting when I got home. Upon reading up on them you can wear them during exercise or just to wear them. I put them on when I got home under my jeans...and I can seriously feel them working....I think I have "sweaty butt"!
    Took my measurements before putting them on (which I haven't yet done on this weight loss journey) & will check them again in a week.

    Marilyn...sounds like you have your own personal trainer in your son....keep us posted on all of the new happenings please!

    Fisher110...Welcome...and your statement "I am one of those people who let my long term goals get messed up because of short term pleasures. (A cookie here, a drink there, etc.)" was my worst enemy...I've managed to overcome the cookies...but a glass of wine is still a challenge.

    YClayton...enjoy your weekend with the kids!

    Sarah...Envying you your March Break...enjoy!

    Amanda...hope you're feeling better soon!

    Barb...Barbiecate is so right when she says move ...when you talk on your cellphone...walk around the house...it's amazing what a difference it can make. Personally I wish I could figure out a way to walk & post...that would be some really good movement...hard to do with a desktop computer though!

    Debbie...hope you're feeling better!


    Barbiecat... I think I speak for all of us when I say that your philosophy and the wisdom that you have acquired in this journey to health; and you share...is so appreciated by everyone in this group. Thank you!

    Weekend coming up and hardwoods to mop & glow...think I will try it with my new Hotpants on...I am pretty anxious to see what happens in the next week. So far, after five whole hours I am pretty impressed.

    Lovely evening all...TGIF tomorrow!

  • HOWDY11
    HOWDY11 Posts: 23
    Hi I feel your pain and would love to be your friend. My name is Tamie and I am 50,I've lost 35 lbs before MFP and only 4 since. I have a catering and cake business and in the summer a hotdog cart and love food. But I love to cook. Feel free to fiend me. I have 40 lbs to go and would like to do it before my youngest graduates in May. Thanks Tamie:flowerforyou:
  • cbsmith56
    cbsmith56 Posts: 2 Member
    On my way to 50 early this year and do not want to be this weight when that happens so I need to get serious about tracking what i am eating --as it is easy to under estimate the calories when your grazing a little here a little there... so glad to find a like minded group -- Can't wait to make March the month it all started
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    so glad tomorrow is Friday. Day of my real job to do consulting at another Dr office. Going away this weekend for a girls weekend away, will try to be good will do a lot walking so that will help. Santa Barbara here we come.

    good luck ladies, this isn't a race. :)
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I have the same problem. I am 53 years old and can watch my calories, exercise and nothing happens. Its very frustrating and once in awhile I get the "oh well.....I might as well eat whatever I want and just accept the fact that I am what I am and just enjoy life". I need to lose arouond 30 lbs. I have a back and hip problem which makes it very difficult for exercise. I had a cortizone shot in my hip 2 1/2 months ago and the pain was gone. So on the treadmill I climbed. Unfortunately, the pain comes back when I walk and now I can't do it at all again. The Golden Years will be quite a challenge I can see. Any secrets out there that might help this poor woman?
    Loribenz, I sent you a private message with info about a book called "Pain Free" that literally saved my life. It's by Pete Egoscue. You have to do the exercises faithfully, but they're not strenuous. It will take time but if you dedicate yourself to it, you might be able to solve your pain problems. I sure hope so!
  • BeadMarie
    BeadMarie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm brand new here today. I'm 58 and I have about 20 lbs to loose. I'm really just looking for motivation and support along this journey.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am happy enough to be back that it doesn’t matter how many “days in a row” I’ve logged in. We’re packing again tonight to go away for the weekend----this time to stay with some new friends who may or may not have a computer I can use to log onto MFP. I don’t know what chances I’ll have for exercise or what kind of eating we’ll be doing but I've brought some of my own food and you can bet that I'll be walking any chance I get.

    :flowerforyou: If anyone is curious about how long any of us has been around MFP, all you have to do is look at our posts and it says right under the picture “Joined _________”

    :flowerforyou: Next week I’ll be back to more personal messages. I read all the posts but now it’s bedtime……Bernie, the cat keeps walking on the keyboard to tell me to go to bed.:laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Well..... the imaging place called back, they found "spots" on my mammogram and want to have some additional ones done. You'd think after telling me that they'd whip me right in to alleviate worry. Nope, got to wait until Wed. No history of breast cancer in my family but plenty of cysts so I'm hopeful that is all it is... or that I moved and smudged the picture. Let's go for best case scenario. :)

    In the meantime I have to get the house clean for company. My daughter's in-laws are coming in to town to meet the new grandbaby and they are staying with us. I get to be a hotel. I will provide lodging, they deal with their food and I get to ignore them. Works for me. Not sure that will be reality though. *sigh*

    I will survive.....
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, it's Friday Fun Day!

    I am so happy to be back at work. :happy: Today my math students are doing "Measurement Olympics". They have a variety of stations where they will measure distance, mass, volume and surface area. For example, they throw a paper plate (discus) down the hallway and measure how far it went in cm, dm and m. I am looking forward to it because I get to introduce the concept of measuring volume by displacement. Eureka! and they get to play with water and wooden blocks. I have to borrow all the stuff from the kindergarten teacher. I think every classroom should have a water table and wooden blocks.

    Whew! New Rules of Lifting for Women update. I am half way through the first stage, and yesterday moved on to doing 3 sets of 10 reps of each exercise. I increased the weight on the seated row and lowered the step I use for push-ups. :explode: My arms are still feeling the shock. Bring on the biceps. Just say no to osteoporosis. :happy:

    JB – “At least 75% of how you experience age is under your control.” Thanks for that quote, it’s going on my wall. Have fun shopping for new clothes.

    Joyce – good work on getting 12000+ steps.

    Jane, “Just don’t quit" :smile: I know you live up to your words!

    Realpure: I think working as a TOC (teacher on call) is the toughest job in the education system. In my opinion you should be the highest paid and most respected of us all. I have done it, and I would not go back. Good for you for taking it on. :flowerforyou: What grades/ages are your working with? Be sure to get your rest, even if it means going to bed at the same time as your children (or earlier!).

    Hasta pronto,

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    good morning ladies. I am so glad its Friday. The job stress and DH's job stress is just really taking a toll on both of us. I hope things change soon.

    Take care all.

    Much love,
    Robin, Bodi boy and the Ritter pup.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Anyone have luck with using natural foods, supplements to prevent/reduce hotflashes? I'm getting desperate here. :(