


  • Poly cystic Ovary Disease--it cause cysts on your ovaries which slows down metabolism and effects your hormones like crazy!
  • Had a prescription for it for 2 months years ago and it was a great boost for me. I admittedly hate exercise and it gave me the energy I needed to force myself to do it while I was able to eat healthy foods in sensible portions because my normally ravenous appetite was suppressed. I did notice that I was extra emotional the first few days. Gaining weight back is my own fault because I stopped being as active and went back to my old comforting junk food habits. Would love the jump start of phentermine again but currently don't have any health insurance and can't afford it.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    I am so surprised the still sell it. Surprised any drs. still prescribe it. If I could find a dr. that would prescribe it to me again, I sure would take it. Makes you full of energy and not hungry at all. It would make me young again. But it might well kill me at 55 years old and I am sure it would not be in my best interest to take it. I used diet pills like that in the 70's. Easy for drs. to prescribe them then. I weighed around 175 back then and remember weighing 117 while taking them. Took them again in the late 80's for a bit and was losing, but moved and could not get a dr. to prescribe them after that.
  • btpeanut
    btpeanut Posts: 20 Member
    i took a 1/2 capsule and got down to 98 lb.i kept it off until i decided to be a stay at home mom.6 years later ive gained it back.ive tried taking it again & got new perscription from my dr. but it made my heart beat fast, irriatable and on edge it just wasnt worth it to me.i was to anxious.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Maybe I missed a post but in my estimation to summarize the last 4 pages... everyone that has tried this drug has gained the weight back once stopping it. Is that right?
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Nope, not me. I did the first time I used it...but I didn't do it with a lifestyle change. The second time was with a different doctor who had me do it along with MFP and 1200 calorie diet. I have been off the medication for almost 2 years now. Gained 10 pounds (of the 40 lost) back when I quit exercising and started eating more pizza...refocused and now up to being almost 10 pounds from my goal.

    My first doctor didn't talk to me at all about lifestyle change...that is why I failed (well, I was the reason that I failed, but she should've explained it better and woke me up)
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 89 Member
    Today is the my day one of trying phentermine. It was prescribed it by a doctor, and I will be seen monthly for check ups. I decided to go this route because I can not seem to get motivated to get up and go work out.. When i am on a regular low cal diet, I am hungry, tired and cranky. I work all day and the last thing I want to do is go exercise. I just need a little help till I can get in a routine and make living healthy a regular part of my life. Today I followed the plan, had plenty of energy, and I wasn't jittery. Its 9:50 pm and I am ready to go to sleep, so i don't think insomnia will be a problem. I hope this helps.... I don't want an easy out, i will do the exercise and make healthy choices for my new lifestyle.
  • I've been on it a month now, just had my month check up today! And for me it has given me that extra motivation.. this chick has never seen a treadmill until last month.. now i exercise everyday! I know this isnt a miracle pill and have a chance of gaining weight back when im off of phentermine. But for someone like myself who so badly wants a lifestyle change but just seem to give up after (what i thought was hard work and dieting) and not seeing results, with phentermine I see results and thats what get my booty back on the treadmill and so gracefully trying taebo! The only side effect that Ive noticed is the dry mouth, so getting my water is not a problem! In my first month of phentermine, MFP, (1200 cals and exercise) I've lost 14 lbs ( 10 was in the first week because i cut out all soda, caffeine and a crap ton of sugar) ! Good luck with your first month!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Wow. They let you guys have that stuff?!

    It's illegal in the UK :/
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I hear you can get the same results by being addicted to meth.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    A little off topic, but I've seen it on here before. What is PCOS? (I think that's what it was).

    Also, do you need a prescription for that? Just curious :)

    PCOS is polycystic Ovary syndrome. It is very common in overweight women. It sucks because it causes hormone imbalances and stuff like that and is a cause for metabolic syndrome which can lead to type 2 diabetes. I have what is called polycystic syndrome which means I get cysts on random organs. Mine usually don't cause pain except for the one I got in my liver.

    yes you have to have a prescription. It is an amphetamine (mine at the end is an indicator of that.) It is also 1/2 of what was in the banned drug fenphen. It is not to be taken without being under a doctor's supervision, but as long as you're being monitored, you should be ok on it. As with any amphetamine it can cause dangerous arrythmias and addiction, so be careful with the dosage. and don't take more than the doctor prescribes
  • I can honestly say that I have had great sucess with phentermine I follow a low carb high protein diet and weight train plus cardio every other day thanks to the little magic pill I learned how to eat healthy and went from 200 plus to 164.8 in 2 months im curently off the pill and continue to eat healthy not much hungry as I thought I would have been off the pill I guess my stomach has shrunken and my body no longer feels the need to eat the junk food I use to eat its easy once u ca n fight off the hunger u can actually make good choices picking food one simple search in ur food diary u can see the nutritional facts on any food ul be ashamed.
    To eat from mcdonalds or any other crap factory once u see wats in their food nothing but 100 s of thousands of calories then u will c how easy it is to ruin ur whole day worth of dieting with just one meal from them..........i drink plenty of water with all my foods it helps make u full eat less flush out toxins etc plus a multivitamin should do the trick
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    No hating here, just want you to be careful while you're on it. My mother-in-law developed a bit of a dependence on it. Her doctor made her stop using it after it damaged her heart valve. She ended up gaining all the weight back plus more. Make sure it's medically supervised and temporary, and that you are not an addictive personality type! Good luck!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I also have taken phentermine, and I had a great deal of success while on it but I gained everything back and was intense, crazy super angry and mad all the time. It really does a number on your mood.

    It also did not give me a lot of energy, as some are saying it did them. I think it has too many temptations for me (temptation not to eat, temptation to keep taking it, temptation to kill someone).

    I stopped taking it. Gained everything back. Started a healthy drug-free lifestyle and I've lost 58 lbs. I also have PCOS, so it is possible!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I do not prescribe it to my patients at all.
  • I was on Phentermine for about a year before I got pregnant, I lost 76.5 lbs but didn't really make many lifestyle changes, but it was what probably helped me finally get preg after almost 4 years of trying. After my pregnancy I lost weight quickly, 40 lbs in 3-4 mos, but I was also breast feeding so any extra calories were being used. When I stopped breastfeeding I gained it all back plus some extra. I started going to the gym every other day & walking at night with my baby on the alternate days. I also kept a food diary for 1.5 mos with no weight loss & my military Dr's just told me I had to do more!! I told them I wanted to be tested for celiac's, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) & my vitamin/mineral levels since I also have depression. As we all know depression & weight go hand in hand. After multiple times pestering him he finally agreed to test me for PCOS but nothing else, well LOW & BEHOLD I have PCOS, wouldn't you think that would trigger something to follow my wishes and test me for the other things?! I am not a dang Hypochondriac, I know my body better than you (Dr), I don't come in every time I am sick or anything else but whatever.....Well after finding that out & doing even more research I tried a few things with no success in my weight I went back 5 mos later & asked for phentermine. I had to pester for a while again & after threatening that I was going to go see a Dr off base to get it I finally got it with a warning that I wouldn't receive more than 6 mos worth. Fine by me, better than nothing & all I need is that extra push from it.

    There are side effects but what medication doesn't carry side effects? It is a member of the Phen-fen family, which is why it is a controlled substance and you can't get it without a script. Some scripts have a MUCH WORSE list of side effects than those of phentermine & majority of people won't question them. Personally, I get the headaches for the first week, making me cranky/moody & dry mouth for the first 3 weeks but as I see it, these side effects just tell me I am not drinking enough water so I up my intake & don't leave the house without my water jug & it helps, if you miss a few doses and then stat back up you will probably go through the headaches again, I did. Also I am only taking 1/2 a pill now & found the app for this page on my phone making it much easier to watch what I eat so I can be more conscience about things when I am done with my script & I take herbal supplements to give me a little extra help everyday.

    Personally I commend people for seeking out something like phentermine used under Dr supervision vs going to more drastic measures like going under the knife where the risks of something happening or going wrong are much higher. I do not look down on the people who do go under the knife bc that may be their last option & I would have looked into it for myself if it had not been for my previous encounter with phentermine.
  • I hear you can get the same results by being addicted to meth.

    Yes you can get the same results being addicted to Meth, my best friend was addicted to Meth and lost a lot of weight but gained anxiety, paranoia & extreme acne & the craters they left behind on her face. Your body naturally looks for ways to push out toxins like Meth & they usually come out on a person's face or back (big open pores to push toxins out)
  • I also have taken phentermine, and I had a great deal of success while on it but I gained everything back and was intense, crazy super angry and mad all the time. It really does a number on your mood.

    It also did not give me a lot of energy, as some are saying it did them. I think it has too many temptations for me (temptation not to eat, temptation to keep taking it, temptation to kill someone).

    I stopped taking it. Gained everything back. Started a healthy drug-free lifestyle and I've lost 58 lbs. I also have PCOS, so it is possible!

    Phentermine is the only lab created med I take. I also have PCOS & Kidney Stones (since age 12); My mother in law is a Natural Health Consultant & does organic, natural, essential oils, homeopathic & holistic remedies for everything & gave me a hard time about being on it the first time but after trying many different things with no real improvement I got back on the phentermine & this time she had no real objections. With the kidney stones I can't increase the calcium, vit C & D supplements I already take & have to limit my dark leafy greens & animal my options were running scarce. I take many vit & mineral supplements to help with anything I may be missing in my diet. I even refuse to take meds for headaches. No one body reacts the same to meds or lifestyle changes. Congrats that you could it on your own though!
  • Nope, not me. I did the first time I used it...but I didn't do it with a lifestyle change. The second time was with a different doctor who had me do it along with MFP and 1200 calorie diet. I have been off the medication for almost 2 years now. Gained 10 pounds (of the 40 lost) back when I quit exercising and started eating more pizza...refocused and now up to being almost 10 pounds from my goal.

    My first doctor didn't talk to me at all about lifestyle change...that is why I failed (well, I was the reason that I failed, but she should've explained it better and woke me up)

    Same here. It was my fault for not making the changes after my pregnancy but the sit down would have probably helped; even a monthly follow up instead of 90day script at a time & no guidance. I figured it was some great magic pill (which I still think it is, but you have to change your ways at the same time) that would take the weight off & as long as I stayed as active as it made me from the energy boost & lightened load on my body I would be fine. I never counted calories or took into acct that within 6 mos of moving to Guam with a 5 month old it would be stuck in rainy season for the next year making my motivation plummet + depression & anxiety soar + stay at home mom blues = lots of weight gain! This time is much different, I have to keep up with a toddler & the sun has come back out, making me WANT to get out more :happy:
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I started loosing weight on it right away until about week in when I had an allergic reaction to it :( wish I could take it it would make this journey easier.
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