this just might start a riot, but...



  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Truly love me some carbs- bread, rice, pasta, cakes - so yum! All you need is balance, moderation and exercise and you can eat w/e you want. Stressing over any one macro just screams of FAD and isn't sustainable!
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    I've done low carb before and lost weight. But eventually quit and gained it back. I think if you cut out something completely it just makes you want it more. And I just don't see low carb being a lifetime maintainable lifestyle for me. I don't regularly eat sweets but just because I've never been a big sweet eater. But I do love me some carbs...rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, etc. All yummers!!! I do try to pick whole grain choices where available. Baked potatoes are one of my go to sides for dinner. And I love not feeling guilty about it. Plus I love fruit of all kinds! I have lost almost 25 lbs (24.6) since January 17th. So you can still lose weight and eat carbs and fat too. I don't eat any fat free cheese or fat free salad dressing either. I just hate it, so I just switched to light and still yummers! I decided this time if I wanted something, I would allow it as long as I stayed within my calories. And so far it is working. :). If I want an ice cream then I'll have it too! :)

    It's all about moderation for me.

    Exactly!! I have tried the rabbit diet and failed miserably. I cannot restrict what I eat and succeed, only how much I
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    Oh...and did I mention-- eating this way did get me my current body? Just sayin' ...all the carb phobia is a bit unfounded.

    There is more to health than what is in the mirror.

    FACT: Carbohydrates drive insulin production that causes cardiovascular heart disease (CHD).
    FACT: Carbohydrates, which turn to glucose, hype the metabolism and trigger the release of disease-causing hormones like insulin, cortisol and adrenaline.

    FACT: oatmeal is proven to help cardiovascular health

    Problem . . . ?

    It lowers your cholesterol. Cholesterol which has recently WIDELY been proven to not cause cardiovascular disease. Not the same as what you are trying to say.
  • teener009
    teener009 Posts: 9 Member
    Okay, I guess I worded that wrong....there ARE good just have to watch your percentages.
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    I've done low carb before and lost weight. But eventually quit and gained it back. I think if you cut out something completely it just makes you want it more. And I just don't see low carb being a lifetime maintainable lifestyle for me. I don't regularly eat sweets but just because I've never been a big sweet eater. But I do love me some carbs...rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, etc. All yummers!!! I do try to pick whole grain choices where available. Baked potatoes are one of my go to sides for dinner. And I love not feeling guilty about it. Plus I love fruit of all kinds! I have lost almost 25 lbs (24.6) since January 17th. So you can still lose weight and eat carbs and fat too. I don't eat any fat free cheese or fat free salad dressing either. I just hate it, so I just switched to light and still yummers! I decided this time if I wanted something, I would allow it as long as I stayed within my calories. And so far it is working. :). If I want an ice cream then I'll have it too! :)

    It's all about moderation for me.

    Exactly!! I have tried the rabbit diet and failed miserably. I cannot restrict what I eat and succeed, only how much I

    eat and when. And I have lost 15 lbs since Jan! Pizza, bread, pastsa, all necessary for me lol
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have a bagel for breakfast almost every morning. Pasta and/or rice daily. Pizza at least once a week. Garlic bread a few times a week. Cornbread... oh, sweet, delicious cornbread!

    Cake, pie, brownies, donuts... I don't buy or make desserts often, but when the opportunity arises, I will indulge.

    I think I love you.
  • teener009
    teener009 Posts: 9 Member
    haha! I like that...unicorn poop! :happy:
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    Unicorn poop! Hehe.

    Each to their own - for me, low-carb would be the fastest way to make me fail. But there's lots of ways to get healthy. I like the approach I'm taking (eat food, not too much, mostly plants) but there's plenty of different schools of thought and approaches out there.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I was just talking about this with my husband (who used to bodybuild). He says while eating for competition he would eat 3000 calories a day, 10% fat, 24% protein, and 66% carbs.....Fat IS the problem!
    fat isnt the problem. over eating is the problem, be it fats, carbs, proteins, or unicorn poop

    I gave up unicorn poop for Lent. :happy:

    On topic though ... I've added back starchy carbs in the form of potatoes and sweet potatoes and I feel much better.
    I eat a lot of fruit and veggies to get my carbs in.
    I threw out the splenda and bought myself some raw cane sugar for my tea and coffee.
    Grains and I don't get along so they're out but I don't miss them.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    It's never mattered to me what combination of calories I eat, just how many. I try to hit less than 30% calories from fat, but I don't track carbs cause I don't care.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    Oh...and did I mention-- eating this way did get me my current body? Just sayin' ...all the carb phobia is a bit unfounded.

    There is more to health than what is in the mirror.

    FACT: Carbohydrates drive insulin production that causes cardiovascular heart disease (CHD).
    FACT: Carbohydrates, which turn to glucose, hype the metabolism and trigger the release of disease-causing hormones like insulin, cortisol and adrenaline.

    Neither of those things are facts. Try again.

    In fact, the fact that you even think those are facts tells me your understanding of human physiology and pathophysiology is very poor. If you did you would never claim those things as facts.

    Are you saying carbs don't drive insulin production?????

    And to the effects of that, from the MAYO clinic: "When your blood sugar and insulin levels stay high, or cycle up and down rapidly, your body has trouble responding and over time this could contribute to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is associated with a host of health problems, including: Type 2 diabetes, Obesity, High blood pressure, Stroke, Heart disease.

    If you don't trust me, do you trust them?
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70
    the same reason others "belittle" people for EATING carbs. no difference except I'm not "belittiing" at all. posting a cartoon has become belittling? that's news to me i guess. my apologies.

    Well I'm new around here and I've yet to see anyone belitting people who eat carbs. What I do see though is constant assertions that eating low-carb (and that's *low carb*, not NO carb as people seem to think) that is a 'fad' diet, is unhealthy and ridiculous statements about it causing mood swings.

    I've eaten low-carb for over 10 years and have low 'bad' cholesterol, totally normal blood pressure and none of the health issues that the misinformation grapevine likes to attribute to low carb eating. Far from a 'fad' diet, what I eat is totally normal. I am an ethnical foodie, so my menu is sustainable fish, organic pasture-fed meat, leafy green vegetables and salads, nuts, berries, seeds and dairy. I don't eat processed food and I eat around 60% fat/30% protein/10% carbs.

    Other ways of eating work for other people, but eating 'primal' works for me......and was originally suggested by a medical specialist for management of CFS since there's a lot of research that avoiding the artificial additives in processed food and cutting carbs helps the symtoms of CFS. It certainly did for me.
  • I wouldn't say carb-phobia is "unfounded", as there are plenty of studies that demonstrate the fat burning properties of low-carb diets.

    With that said, your diet is clearly working for you, so keep it up! Everyone is different - I loved carbs, but I also love the results of going low-carb!

    I'm stepping off my soapbox now lol.
  • lilyjay_
    lilyjay_ Posts: 86
    I'm a carb fiend & it hasn't hindered my progress so far.. Love potato way too much... And rice, bread and, well, basically every carb going! <3
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE carbs :heart:


    frozen yogurt
    whole grain tortillas spread with cream cheese and maple syrup (yum)
    pirate's booty (yes...processed, delicious, CARBS)
    cheesecake (fat and carbs--match made in heaven)
    fiber one bars
    cereal (my weakness--whole grain of course)
    pumpkin pancakes

    Oh...and did I mention-- eating this way did get me my current body? Just sayin' ...all the carb phobia is a bit unfounded.

    I'm Canadian and we put maple syrup on everything (haven't tried it on tortillas yet....... What's pirate's booty?

    I put maple syrup on canadians
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    Bye thread, nice knowing you. Apparently everyone is dogmatic about their nutritional knowledge.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member

    I put maple syrup on canadians
    now THAT sounds delicious! >.>
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member

    I put maple syrup on canadians
    now THAT sounds delicious! >.>

    It's like pirate booty but Canadian :p
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE carbs :heart:


    frozen yogurt
    whole grain tortillas spread with cream cheese and maple syrup (yum)
    pirate's booty (yes...processed, delicious, CARBS)
    cheesecake (fat and carbs--match made in heaven)
    fiber one bars
    cereal (my weakness--whole grain of course)
    pumpkin pancakes

    Oh...and did I mention-- eating this way did get me my current body? Just sayin' ...all the carb phobia is a bit unfounded.

    Those are actually healthy carbs....I sure do envy your body
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70
    please explain how

    It's self-evident.

    Now then - is it possible to actually discuss each other's food choices without all the piss-taking of people who choose to eat low-carb or primal?

    Because, I can safely say that I don't care if all you (or anyone else) wants to eat all day long is carbs. I choose to do otherwise. What shouldn't happen, especially given the growing evidence that eating high-fat is not a heart-attack inducing way of life, is people being pilloried for doing something different from the 'norm'.

    I struggle to see what is unhealthy about what I eat - lots of green veg, berries, fish, meat, eggs. I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything because I never had a sweet tooth in the first place and I never liked junk fact at school I used to be made fun of because I'd never had a McDonalds/KFC/BurgerKing/etc...and I still haven't.
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