What is the name of the last book you read?

and What was it about?


  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    I'm in the middle of reading Stephen King's The Dark Tower Series... So it was The Wastelands, lol ;).
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The Hollows White Witch Black Curse. Book 7 in a series.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Cults, cannibals and serial killers.... Self explanatory really. Love true crime
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. It's about atheism and science.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Patrick O' Brian's Master and Commander: The Yellow Admiral

    One in a series of books about the life of a naval captain and his doctor friend (who also acts as a spy for the British) during the Napoleonic Wars. I LOVE the books!
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    "Get Happy"

    It's a biography about Judy Garland. It was a really good book, but sad bc of how her life turned out towards the end of it.
  • dypab
    dypab Posts: 19
    Michaelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling - it's about Michaelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel. Good stuff... inspiring.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    City of bones by Cassandra Claire Its about Nephilims, Demons, vampires,werewolves :)
  • cupcakecarnivore
    World War Z and it was about first hand accounts of survivors from the upcoming zombie apocalypse;)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    "10 Simple Solutions for Building Self-Esteem: How to End Self-Doubt, Gain Confidence, & Create a Positive Self-Image" by Glenn R. Schiraldi

    I am not done with it, but it was recommended by someone because I really struggle with my self-esteem. The title pretty much explains what it is about
  • danapellerin
    danapellerin Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished The Story, which is an abridged version of the Bible put in chronological order to read more like a... well....story. Now I'm half way into A Princess of Mars which is the book the new movie John Carter is from.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Mine was a book about capturing Saddam...afterward I asked the author a few questions and had him sign it. Pretty neat.

    Now reading 'Ghost Wars' and 'The Bear Came Over The Mountain'.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Currently reading:

    The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf
    Guidelines and reasons why the Paleo diet works from a biochemists standpoint.


    Seven Deadly Sins by Corey Taylor
    Slipknot/Stone Sour frontman writes about his views on the Biblical Seven Deadly Sins - I've been a CT fan for years and I love his writing.
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    The last book in the Hunger Games series, Mockingjay by Susan Collins. Awful. Just awful.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Steve Jobs - His biography :)
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    Just finished The Story, which is an abridged version of the Bible put in chronological order to read more like a... well....story. Now I'm half way into A Princess of Mars which is the book the new movie John Carter is from.

    Is A Princess of Mars any good? I was considering reading that next.
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    The Help

    About African American maids in the 50's and how badly they were treated. So they all band together and write a book about their experiences with a white woman who doesn't agree with how things are. I recommend it!
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    "Do The Noises in My Head Bother You?" by Steven Tyler; it was about his life so far and how Aerosmith was formed! Crazy reading!!!
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    Not sure of the 'last' book I've read but I'm really close to being done with Life Size by Jenefer Schute. (probably the fifth time I've read it)
    It's about a young woman's struggle with anorexia. I really love the intense amount of description the author uses. I also love the relationship that sort of forms between the main character and her newly assigned nutritionist.

    I'm also currently reading the unabridged collection of Sylvia Plath's journals and The Mermaid Chair. Both wonderful books as well.
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    Just finished The Story, which is an abridged version of the Bible put in chronological order to read more like a... well....story. Now I'm half way into A Princess of Mars which is the book the new movie John Carter is from.

    Just added "the Story" to my Amazon wishlist. Love the idea! Word on the Street is pretty good, too. It paraphrases the Bible into things like emails and texts so that it's more palatable to teens.