Anyone else annoyed by other dieters?



  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
    No, everyone knows their own body, Iam not in their shoes. I will wear mine and they can wear theirs. The way I see it is there is so much information on MFP, they will decide if they want it or not.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Congratulations on your progress. Keep up your program, keep focused on your goals, keep celebrating your victories along the way. You will reach your goal. As for the other folks...meh. You can stick to your program, you can keep focused on and reach your goal. That's all that matters. :glasses:
  • runfoodierun
    runfoodierun Posts: 59 Member
    Basically, no. I know what I am doing is right and I feel the best I've felt in my entire life. I try to not focus on what other people are doing. It only serves to bring me down. Focus on YOU.

    I have to agree on this one. Yes, I do try to steer people who dont "eat enough calories" on their "Strict" diets...but if they dont wanna hear it, so be it. I am successful and that is top priority! :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I usually love other dieters. I am interested in what other people are doing, and I like to connect with people who can relate.
  • gleechick609
    Eating 1k-1200 does net decent weight loss if you feel that 20-50% of that its okay to sacrifice lean mass!


    Eating 1k-1200 daily then working out, depending on height and weight, is idiocy.

    I'll break it down for you.

    Most women who are in the 30-40% body fat range and 5'2" or taller should eat and NET appx 1600-1800 daily.
    Most women who are 5'5" 30-40% body fat should eat and NET 1800-2200 daily.

    Most women 25-30% 5'2" should eat and NET 1700-2100 daily.

    I can go on and on.

    This is dependent on activity level where most of the women i've worked with are working out 3-5 times a week or Moderate Activity or 1.5 on the Activity Scale.

    Physiologically speaking the human body can only lose so much fat in 1 day or 24 hour cycle.
    The fatter you are the more fat you can lose.
    Once this quota is met the body Hormonally switches to another fuel source.
    You work our and damage lean tissue AKA muscle and your body will target that first.
    The reason is if it can burn off some lean tissue, its active tissue and uses calories, it can slow you down.
    This is why we call the 1200 calorie diet the "Skinny-Fat" diet.
    You are making a smaller version of your former fat self.

    Another reason why 1k-1200 calories a day, depending on your height, is stupid is because its normally below the BMR.
    Eating below BMR slows metabolism and forces the body to slow itself down.
    It does this by Hormonally switching gears, preserving fat, catabolizing lean mass and thus...making you a smaller version of your former fat self.

    Most people who do the 1200 calorie diets fail at them after several weeks or months because at some point you hit a plateau.
    Also when you realize youve lost a large percentage of lean mass youll have to spend twice as much time eating above TDEE to gain back your lean mass lost to YOU not doing the research or listening to some dimwit in an office calling themselves Nutritionists!

    IMO, and i've helped a lot of people see through the 1200 cal BS, you need to know 3 main numbers to lose weight or live a healthy life.

    3)Body Fat %

    Eat below TDEE to lose weight.
    Eat above BMR to maintain lean mass
    Eat 20% below TDEE or higher to just lose fat.

    To get your numbers right please visit
    Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool.
    The BMR tool will give exact calories to eat on a daily basis.
    Add 20% to this number to get your TDEE.
    For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat each.

    You all can hate me for this post if you want but the more people I pull out of the fog of dieting and into real world, sustainable dieting, the better!

    If any of you are interested in joining the High Calorie Group "Feed The Machine" send me a PM.
    All the members are people just like you who eat 1700-3k+ daily and are just losing FAT!
    Imagine that!
    And eating whatever you want as long as it fits in the macros!

    *hops off soapbox*

    If not...enjoy the Skinny-Fat diet!

    ^ This

    "Tons of results" you mean muscle loss. Those people are fools. I suggest you don't believe like them. Real weight loss is slow. Only idiots and the really obese are losing 3 pounds a week.

    And This ^

    /end thread.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    OP - you need to learn to visualize. Concentrate on you're goal, how it will feel when you hit target - mini and large scale. I do this when lifting, I see how I'm going to lift it, how it will shape the muscle, how it will feel when I lift it and so on.

    What other people say and do, matters not, regardless of what they say. They can't live you're life and dreams - only you know what you want. Do what you need to do to hit the target. You are not other people, you don't have their genetics. You are you.

    Target you're goals, your prize, your dreams, forget everything else. You'll get it if you want it enough.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    The only dieter I really get annoyed with is this lady I work with. She is forever dieting! Liquid diet, low carb diet, diet pills, fasting, etc. which is fine if that's what she chooses. But because she diets so much she feels like she knows everything about dieting. She loves to drop her "knowledge" on us other ladies at work who are also trying to lose weight. I just told her one day "Thanks, but I just want to make better choices and be more active." That kind of nipped it in the bud with me, but she still like to try an influence other to diet her way." She also likes to buy donuts for everyone, especially me and my other 2 co-workers that are trying to lose weight. If you want to bring a snack for everyone why not some fresh fruit or somethng? :mad:

    Not to mention she always gains her weight right back and has to go on another diet. I swear I just want to ask her one day "How's that working out for ya?" in my best Dr. Phil voice. :laugh:
  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    What other do is none of my business so, meh. By the way I may not be 5'7" but I'm 5'5" and I am aiming for 120 and I'm quite within my healthy weight range, thank you very much. Different body structures and different heights will change what his healthy for one. Don't be so quick to judge.
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    Ok so I had a baby 5 months ago and at first I just wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but then I decided to get fit also. So I run, and lift small weights, and other various workouts. I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet. I mainly use it as a guideline I go over but not by much. I have changed all my eating habits and eat healthy most of the time(I'm not perfect) but I feel like I do good. I have lost about 13 lbs since the new year and 2inches off my waist and 2inchez off my hips. Other inches lost in legs but not much. BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise or just don't eat period, and see tons of results. Also annoyed by ppl with ridiculous goals. I'm 5'2 and wanna be 118-120lbs and that's a good weight but ppl who are 5'7 and wanna be 118lbs also it just blows my mind cuz that can't be healthy. Basically I just wondering if anyone else is annoyed my this. Rant over!

    I'm 5'9" and 118 pounds right now. Perfectly healthy. Everyone is different. Instead of worrying about what others are doing, try to focus on yourself and let other people be. You don't know them, you don't know their body.

    If I were looking at you - I would say you were one of the people barely eating! You run, lift weights and only eat 1000-1200 calories a day? But hey, I'm not worried about what you're doing because I'm focusing on my 1750 a day and my exercise.

    Don't let what others do get to you too much. You can only control your own life, leave them theirs. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    IMO, and i've helped a lot of people see through the 1200 cal BS, you need to know 3 main numbers to lose weight or live a healthy life.

    3)Body Fat %

    Eat below TDEE to lose weight.
    Eat above BMR to maintain lean mass
    Eat 20% below TDEE or higher to just lose fat.

    To get your numbers right please visit
    Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool.
    The BMR tool will give exact calories to eat on a daily basis.
    Add 20% to this number to get your TDEE.
    For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat each.

    I have just entered my details in the Military Body Fat Calculator and it says I have a lean body mass of -20.2 and apparently I have 126.2 pounds of fat on my body?!? I only weigh 106 pounds to start with, so how can this be right. It also says I have a body fat percentage of 119.1. Please advise, as recovering from an eating disorder, I am getting a bit panicked by this reading. Thank you. entered the info incorrectly.
    See the PM I sent you and take a deep breath....
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    I do get annoyed, but at the same time I believe that we all do what we feel is right for ourself...even when they may not be going about it the healthy way. Not saying that all of us are doing it unhealthy.

    You just have to realize that if you make small simple changes in your lifestyle, portion sizes, and eating habits, you will see results in the much bigger picture of health whether it be immediatly or over time.
  • daeljo
    daeljo Posts: 38
    You're not crazy! It annoys me too. I have lost 15 pounds so far, and one of my friends found out I was losing weight... So she keeps giving me all these 'tips' telling me how to not eat and to wear spanx so I won't be hungry like the 'skinny girls'. -.- It's really annoying because I'm trying to do a lifestyle change and not just a quick solution! So I getchu. It's annoying!
  • Kimmygettingskinny
    I don't consider what I'm doing as a " DIET " It's a lifestyle change.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    The only thing that annoys me about other dieters is when they mean to write lose and spell it loose and vice versa. This I see 200Xs a day on MFP.

    Lol, yes! It makes me die a little on the inside (which I secretly hope burns calories).
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    Also remember the variations in body type within the same height range. I know people who are my same height(5ft 1') and can be 105lbs. They have a narrow build. I know I look sick if I get below 120lbs. But I have hips and shoulders. My body also holds muscle pretty well. Everyone's a bit different.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    The only thing that annoys me about other dieters is when they mean to write lose and spell it loose and vice versa. This I see 200Xs a day on MFP.

    LMAO...So true...That is one of my love that someone else notices too.

    "I want to lose weight to get my jeans to be loose"....Just sayin' :)
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I see people very often comment that a person's 1000-1200 calorie diet is "healthy" based solely on a person's picture on MFP. If the person's picture is skinny then that is considered proof positive that the meal plan must work.

    Reminds me of a few years ago when a friend who was always bragging about eating small portions and roughly 1000 calories a day on how she skinny she was and couldn't understand why someone would eat more and get fat. Boy was she shocked after a blood test revealed she had to go on cholesterol medication and had borderline diabetes. But all outside accounts she was "skinny" and therefore healthy.

    I'm not saying that someone who eats 1200 calories a day is going to become a diabetic or have high cholesterol, but I am getting tired of people saying "way to go" and "your are so right" simply based on a picture of the person. It's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's happening inside.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I see people very often comment that a person's 1000-1200 calorie diet is "healthy" based solely on a person's picture on MFP. If the person's picture is skinny then that is considered proof positive that the meal plan must work.

    Reminds me of a few years ago when a friend who was always bragging about eating small portions and roughly 1000 calories a day on how she skinny she was and couldn't understand why someone would eat more and get fat. Boy was she shocked after a blood test revealed she had to go on cholesterol medication and had borderline diabetes. But all outside accounts she was "skinny" and therefore healthy.

    I'm not saying that someone who eats 1200 calories a day is going to become a diabetic or have high cholesterol, but I am getting tired of people saying "way to go" and "your are so right" simply based on a picture of the person. It's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's happening inside.

    ^^^This x 100. Thank you.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I don't get annoyed, but I am very puzzled by people with really low goal weights. My goal weight (and size) seem a good deal higher than lot of other peoples. Sometimes I think people are really focused on the scale number vs looking great. Which may happen at a much higher number on the scale than you think. In my book at the end of the day, would you rather look like <insert weight here> or actually be that weight. If everyone thinks I weight 20-30 pounds less than I do, it is all good to me!

    ^^^ This! I'm only 5 foot so obviously I look big at a smaller size anyway because of my height and frame, but most people around my height that I've seen on here want to be a good 20 pounds less than I do. I find it really hard to get my head around. I'd be quite happy being a size 12 (a US 8) but so many people want to be a 6 or 8 (US 2 or4). I really don't understand it but then I suppose they wouldn't understand me either.

    Me too! My goal is size 8-10 US. I am 5'4.5" and loads of people my size are shooting for 110 or 120. I am thinking 165. :P
  • ❤_veggies_rock_❤
    I see people very often comment that a person's 1000-1200 calorie diet is "healthy" based solely on a person's picture on MFP. If the person's picture is skinny then that is considered proof positive that the meal plan must work.

    Reminds me of a few years ago when a friend who was always bragging about eating small portions and roughly 1000 calories a day on how she skinny she was and couldn't understand why someone would eat more and get fat. Boy was she shocked after a blood test revealed she had to go on cholesterol medication and had borderline diabetes. But all outside accounts she was "skinny" and therefore healthy.

    I'm not saying that someone who eats 1200 calories a day is going to become a diabetic or have high cholesterol, but I am getting tired of people saying "way to go" and "your are so right" simply based on a picture of the person. It's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's happening inside.

    ^^^This x 100. Thank you.

    this is so true! I remember an episode many years ago where Oprah who had an internal examintion with some fancy machine & they found her to be "skinny" on the inside but visually she looked otherwise