March Day by Day Challenge--Open to ALL!!!



  • I'll start with my goals for today, 3/12:

    30 min pilates - DONE!
    30 min walk - DONE!
    2 liters water - DONE 3!
    4 veggies - :(
    3 fruits - DONE!
    fiber cereal - nope
    sleep early - nope

    Have a great Monday everyone!

    Tues, March 13:

    Water, fiber cereal, prune juice
    Email catch up
    30 min weights
    10 min stretch
    30-60 min walk
    5 veggies, 3 fruits
    Write my sis
    Sleep earlier than today!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for 3/12 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - Nope
    2. excersie for 45 minutes - Done
    3. stay under 1500 calories - Done
    4. walk a minimum of 3 miles - Done
    5. wash and vacuum car - Nope
    6. do housework - Nope

    My goals for 3/13 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 45 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 3 miles
    5. wash and vacuum car
    6. do housework
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Goals for 3/12
    1-drink 10 glasses of water-got 9 in
    2-finish assembling portfolio-DONE
    3-log food before meals and stick to my plan!-pretty close to sticking to plan

    Goals for 13 March
    1-drink 10 glasses of water
    2-Ripped in 30 + 30 minute run
    3-avoid chocolate and stay within cals
  • jennieh1980
    jennieh1980 Posts: 21 Member
    This is new to me and I think its a brilliant idea. I want to lose 98lbs which is pretty daunting as to how long it will take.

    For today:
    1. Stay within my calorie limit
    2. Go to the gym
    3. Think positivley and try to stay upbeat (I suffer depression so that one can be hard)

  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello new to this group and im loving the MFP site/app

    my goals for today are

    1.portion control

    2.snack smart

    3.kill it at the gym after work!
  • New to MFP. Looking forward to taking steps towards a healthier life style and losing weight along the way :) I really like the idea of a daily goal challenge... I'm much more productive when I have a "To-Do" list in front of me.....

    Goals for 3/13:
    1. Walk at least 10,000 steps
    2. Stay within calorie limit
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water
  • libro55
    libro55 Posts: 20 Member
    My goal for today, March 13:
    -Stay within my calorie limit.
    -Keep up with my food journal.
    -Exceed yesterday's steps, stairs, etc.
  • Ugh! Didn't exercise at all yesterday. I need to snap out of this! (Does laundry count for anything. LOL).

    Today's goals:

    1.) Exercise.... it's a busy day/evening but no excuses!!
    2.) Make good choices.... Oh the temptations!!
    3.) Stop beating myself up. The whole point is one day at a time. Today is a NEW day!!

    Advice please...... Going to a small family owned Italian restaurant tonight. I always blow it with these types of places. Even the chicken is in sauce. Pasta is a no-no. Seafood is always in butter at these places. What's the best way to order without being a pain in the waitress's behind. Thoughts?
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 10:
    1. Plenty of fluids!--Not enough.
    2. Stay on my plan.--Yes, except for fluids.
    3. 2 mile walk.--No, only 1 mile.

    Did fine with the food choices and portions yesterday bet need to drink more water! It poured rain all day and I did stuff around the house so I only got 1 mile in.

    Welcome, new people and welcome back MissConfidence! Congrats on the pregnancy!

    Goals for March 11:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Stay on my plan.
    3. 2 mile walk.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday were:
    1. Get my c25k done
    2. Get some shppoing done
    3. Log ANY latenight snacking I do.

    I completed all 3 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Go to the gym
    2. Minimal Housecleaning
    3. Keep calories down while still logging excess crap at night
  • angiebarker
    angiebarker Posts: 127
    My three goals today are-
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water today
    go for a long walk and enjoy it
    not to pig out on an apple or something
    (oh and not to worry about my weight and wish i could see bones :/
    I can do this!
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    My goals today are:

    1) Stay under 1400 calories
    2) Get my house cleaned!!
    3) Get my water intake back up to 100-120 ounces
    4) Drink 2 cups of tea (1 - Pueher & 1 - Green)

    2) DO SOME YOGA.
  • Andyrun
    Andyrun Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My name is Andrea and I am so bad a keeping my goals but this for some reason seems so...doable!!! i have been failing at my weight loss goal due to inactivity but i am posting my goals for today!!!!

    1. hour of cardio
    2. Do not sabatoge my hour of cardio with wine this evening!!!!
    3. read a chapter of a book.

    I look forward to coming back tomorrow!!!!

  • Tues, March 13:

    Water, fiber cereal, prune juice - done
    Email catch up - nope
    30 min weights - 15 mins done
    10 min stretch - nope...
    30-60 min walk - 60 mins!
    5 veggies, 3 fruits - 5 vegs, 2 fruits done
    Write my sis - nope
    Moisturize - done
    Sleep earlier than today! - done

    Ever since I've gotten back in the exercise groove the past few days I'm actually sleeping better and my back isn't giving me as much problems as its been. Good stuff!!

    March 14:
    Water, cereal, prune juice, oj
    Pilates 30 mins
    Walk 30 mins
    Email catch up
    5 dif veggies, 3 dif fruits
    Catch up on laundry
    Continue going to sleep earlier than night before

    Have a great wednsday everyone!!
  • ju128
    ju128 Posts: 1 Member
    Right this sounds like my type of challenge.
    1) Comminute on my bike to work (12 miles in total)
    2) Think positive thoughts
    3) Put lots of energy in my gymnastics class tonight
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Boy, am I slipping!!

    Goals for 13 March
    1-drink 10 glasses of water--DONE
    2-Ripped in 30 + 30 minute run--a last minute meeting dashed my 60-minute workout goal, but I didn't throw in the towel and at least squeezed in a 20 minute run
    3-avoid chocolate and stay within cals--I stayed within cals, but had a piece of chocolate at night. I haven't really been good about following my mantra: If I bite it, I must write it. Therefore...

    Goals for 14 March
    1-drink 10 glasses of water
    2-Ripped in 30 + 30 minutes on bike
    3-log EVERYTHING that I eat!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    I'm Chris. I'm rockin' my exercise but then sabotaging it with my eating. :blushing: I used to do really well with daily goals so I'd like to try again. Summer is coming! Time to FOCUS!

    March 14 Goals
    1. Log every that goes in my mouth
    2. No chocolate today
    3. Drink 72 ounces.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for 3/12 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - nope
    2. excersie for 45 minutes - done
    3. stay under 1500 calories - done
    4. walk a minimum of 3 miles - done
    5. wash and vacuum car - nope
    6. do housework - some

    My goals for 3/14 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 45 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 3 miles
    5. wash and vacuum car
    6. finish housework
    7. start c25k
    8. get oil changed in car
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 13:
    1. Plenty of fluids! --Yes,
    2. Stay on my plan. --No.
    3. 2 mile walk. --No.

    Yesterday was a strange day. It snowed and rained and hailed and sleeted. In between we had sun for a bit. I didn't do well on my goals. I need to GET AND STAY on track!

    Goals for March 14:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Stay on my plan.
    3. 2 mile walk.