Food diaries: private or public?



  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I keep mine public because if I know that anyone can see it, I'm going to be more careful about what I put in there. I can't bring myself to lie about it so it gives me an extra kick to eat well.
    I figure if I'm too embarrassed to tell people what I'm eating, then I shouldn't be eating it.

    Plus, if you ask for help, and no one can see what you are eating - well, it's kind of hard for them to give to you advice....
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Mine is private and here's why. I started out on another weight loss forum and was keeping a diary for ME that I didn't realize was public in the first place. I never asked for advice, ideas, or criticism. There was one member who constantly criticized my food choices, everyday she piped in with some way I need to change my diet. I told her a few times very nicely that I am a picky eater and so I eat what I like, cutting back calories.

    She insisted eating a whole egg instead of just the whites was "bad" for me. Then she started up on my choice to have a bowl of cereal as one of my meals for the day. She told me my cereal choices were processed garbage and it was obvious I wasn't on the right road to good health. (My cereal choices are either Life, Honeycomb, or Grape Nuts).

    She said that me drinking 2, 8 oz cups of coffee with fat free cream and splenda was "unwise". Whatever!

    No matter what I did or didn't do, she kept bugging me. I didn't necessarily care what she thought, but it ended up being a major annoyance in my life, and it was no longer pleasant to log my food diary. I don't ever want to deal with that again!
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Mine is private and here's why. I started out on another weight loss forum and was keeping a diary for ME that I didn't realize was public in the first place. I never asked for advice, ideas, or criticism. There was one member who constantly criticized my food choices, everyday she piped in with some way I need to change my diet. I told her a few times very nicely that I am a picky eater and so I eat what I like, cutting back calories.

    She insisted eating a whole egg instead of just the whites was "bad" for me. Then she started up on my choice to have a bowl of cereal as one of my meals for the day. She told me my cereal choices were processed garbage and it was obvious I wasn't on the right road to good health. (My cereal choices are either Life, Honeycomb, or Grape Nuts).

    She said that me drinking 2, 8 oz cups of coffee with fat free cream and splenda was "unwise". Whatever!

    No matter what I did or didn't do, she kept bugging me. I didn't necessarily care what she thought, but it ended up being a major annoyance in my life, and it was no longer pleasant to log my food diary. I don't ever want to deal with that again!

    That would be hard! Hopefully MFP is a better experience for you. I've had positive feedback on my diary. A few questions but nothing rude like that.
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149

    If I need advice it's up there. If I don't who cares.
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Mines open. I enjoy what I eat and have whatever I want as long as it fits my macros.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I keep mine closed. I keep the diary for myself to keep myself accountable. I am on this board for motivation and fun. If I need advice, then I will ask for it. ;)
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    If they're kept private, no one can help you or tweak ur diet, how are we supposed to give u advice if we have no clue what ur eating and vice versa? Plus, what are you hiding??

    It's not hiding. Some people come on here to see other people in the same boat. To get some ideas...motivation. Not everyone is on here for advice.

    Now it is different, when someone makes a post asking how to eat, exercise...etc. then yes, they should open it because they asked for it.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Mine is private and here's why. I started out on another weight loss forum and was keeping a diary for ME that I didn't realize was public in the first place. I never asked for advice, ideas, or criticism. There was one member who constantly criticized my food choices, everyday she piped in with some way I need to change my diet. I told her a few times very nicely that I am a picky eater and so I eat what I like, cutting back calories.

    She insisted eating a whole egg instead of just the whites was "bad" for me. Then she started up on my choice to have a bowl of cereal as one of my meals for the day. She told me my cereal choices were processed garbage and it was obvious I wasn't on the right road to good health. (My cereal choices are either Life, Honeycomb, or Grape Nuts).

    She said that me drinking 2, 8 oz cups of coffee with fat free cream and splenda was "unwise". Whatever!

    No matter what I did or didn't do, she kept bugging me. I didn't necessarily care what she thought, but it ended up being a major annoyance in my life, and it was no longer pleasant to log my food diary. I don't ever want to deal with that again!

    Whoever this is sounds like an extremely unpleasant person. I would agree -- I'd probably close or password mine if I started getting that.
  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    I close mine because I'm recovering from an eating disorder, so there are days where I eat far too few calories, and I got frustrated with people telling me to eat more.

    Agreed. I'm in recovery and struggling with relapse so there are days I deprive, days I binge, and stretches where I do beautifully. It is just something personal for me that I choose to keep private.
    Me too. And even though I'm doing well right now, ANY comments about what I eat (even positive/encouraging comments) tend to trigger the ED part of my brain and make me either restrict or binge. My diary isn't closed because I'm 'hiding' anything or ashamed of what I eat; it's closed because that's what works best for me, and keeps me in a healthy place.
  • laminy83
    laminy83 Posts: 16
    I keep mine open, I eat what I want w/n reason. I think having it public is better bcuz ppl can see that you aren't gonna blow everything if u have one bad meal
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Mine was open to friends for months, with no comments or feedback so I closed it. I figured why keep it open if nobody cared? But, Just tonight a friend asked why it was private and that she would love to see what I eat because I have been so successful. I explained and said I would reopen to friends, which I have done.

    I dont care to have all kinds of comments, but if I can give friends some good food ideas and help em out, great! Plus, I check out theirs, so I guess its only fair :wink: