3 minor confessions



  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    1. I've always been told that I have a beautiful smile yet I secretly hate the appearance of my teeth. (Guess it's not secret now)
    2. Next month I will be visiting my home town (for reasons that cannot be avoided) and I'm DREADING it.
    3. I really need to stop playing FarmVille! :P
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member

    1. I feel my sister's become a really mean, selfish, jealous and judgmental person and I can't stand her company, because she pisses me off so much. At the same time, I really miss her. More specifically, I miss who she used to be. We've not spoken in several months, and haven't been close in over two year. Makes me sad.

    2. I don't eat back all my exercise calories. (GASP) I know, I know, but I mostly don't do it, because I can't eat that much towards the end of the night! I hate when people make me feel bad for it! Grrr...

    3. I take compliments really badly, because I often times feel really hideous.
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    1. i stayed up yesterday until 4 am

    2. i love to admire women at the gym and take special notice of their form.

    3. i am a Physical Therapist and i want so badly to tell people that they have bad form or not putting enough weights on when they are exercising
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    1. the thought of moving to a new city all by myself freaks me out... i want the adventure, but it scares me.
    2. people underestimate how much this past year has affected me because i appear strong and competent. they fail to realize that i have feelings and the pain runs deep.
    3. im addicted to frozen yogurt.
  • kal_el83
    kal_el83 Posts: 38 Member
    1.) I will do whatever it takes to stop someone in my presence from looking into a mirror and calling his name 5 times!

    2.) When I was 8 or 9 years old, I had a sleep-over at a friend's house and we snuck downstairs and hid behind a sofa to watch the movie Child's Play..... bad idea! I also had given to me around this time, one of those damned "My Buddy" dolls..... can you see where this is going?! To this day I cannot be around any type of doll without watching it for any movements or even watch the damn movies with Chucky in it! I suffered nightmares every night until I was about 14 years old. I literally beat the sheot out of that doll everyday, tried to throw it away, drown it in the tub.... somehow, it always ended back up in my bedroom! When I was 20 years old and in college, some friends wanted to have a horror movie night, and I was all for it cause I love that genre...... well the first film up was Child's Play and I thought to myself..... "Okay, I can do this! That was a long time ago. Don't be a *****, Chad......" and I wasn't..... till I was, and ran out of the apartment and into the hallway of the apartment building crunched up into a fetal position and balling my froggin' eyes out! Never realized just how traumatized I really was till then.

    AND 3.) Deep down I know my marriage is a failure and I just need to move on without her. =-(
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    1. A non water drinker naturally, I am actually starting to prefer it instead of diet dr pepper.
    2. When I look in the mirror I definitely am not comfortable with the body I see but somehow the image I see in the mirror is smaller than what I see in pictures.
    3. I am a night owl. Sometimes I am still up when hubby leaves for work.

    Oh my god. Your number 2 is the way I feel too. I know I'm a big girl but I always get a shock when I see a picture of myself as that's not what I see when look in mirror but it must be how everyone else sees me. I thought i was the only one who felt that way.
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    1. I have a disability that I don't usually talk about online, but on here I feel free to do so.
    2. Yesterday was my birthday, and I have given myself a few days of bad eating instead of just that one day.
    3. I haven't logged my food in days because I felt bad about how far I let myself slip, after being on a good track when I joined the site.
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    1. I have a disability that I don't usually talk about online, but on here I feel free to do so.
    2. Yesterday was my birthday, and I have given myself a few days of bad eating instead of just that one day.
    3. I haven't logged my food in days because I felt bad about how far I let myself slip, after being on a good track when I joined the site.
    I know it said 3 but I have 2 more. 1. I use my weight as an excuse not to ask anyone on a date. If I'm fat, I can blame it on that, instead of the fact they may say no because of my disability, something I can't change. Other than that, I fear if I were skinny I may have to face the fact that it's just me they don't want.
    2. I'm increasingly shutting myself down as far as sharing how I feel. I don't know if I'm clinically depressed by any means, but I have been in a depressed state for as long as I can remember now, and I successfully put on a happy face well enough that no one has ever asked me if I'm ok.
  • buttercup922
    1) I keep checking myself out in mirrors because I can't believe how much better I feel and look having lost almost 10 lbs.
    2) I threw a tantrum last night when I lost bad in a game with my hubby and son. I threw myself in bed and refused to talk to anyone.
    3) I am completely happy being what a lot of people consider traditional, staying home, cooking, cleaning and being a wife and Mom. Why do so many people consider it uncool?!
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    1. I still eat pizza at least 4 times a week.
    2. I put a hershey miniature in my bowl of ice cream today.
    3. I will repeat an exercise if it gets me a better view of a hot woman

    Probably should have included that my profile picture is not me. It is LL Cool J.

    He is smokin'. What is wrong with all you people that don't like Adele? I have been a fan of hers for years. Long before she became popular. It broke my heart when she had to cancel her US tour last summer and then again in the fall due to vocal chord injury.
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    #1 I drink like a sailor on the weekend and don't log that day
    #2 My motivation for weight loss is sticking it in certain peoples faces
    #3 Im still trying really hard to convince myself I can actually do this
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    1. i plan to go to a chinese buffet real soon, and eat alot!
    2. i m ADDICTED to army wives, and i cry like a baby during it!
    3. i literally go broke buying things for my son, that im sure he dosent need, because i didnt have alot growing up and it is my goal to give him an awesome childhood full of love and fun!

    Ditto on Army Wives. I have lost it the past couple weeks watching it and most of last season too.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    #1 I drink like a sailor on the weekend and don't log that day
    #2 My motivation for weight loss is sticking it in certain peoples faces
    #3 Im still trying really hard to convince myself I can actually do this
    I LOVE #2 ;)
  • cneale91
    cneale91 Posts: 91 Member
    1. i wiggle and dance around my room in my knickers everyday to music when i get up (in front of the mirror as well) no matter where i am, whether that be at home, uni or on holiday!

    2. i have a really filthy mind and my friends say i could make money doing one of those funny sex phone lines cos i can just turn it on and off! think when harry met sally!

    3. im a country girl at heart and there is nothing i love more than gardening, being with animals and being in fields and forrests!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    1. I eat junk for the sake of eating junk. I catch myself raiding the fridge/cupboards when I'm not even hungry. Why?

    2. I'm far happier when I'm alone. People piss me off (even my family)

    3. I always think people are thinking I'm stupid/useless/ugly/fat/pathetic.

    Wow..where did that come from? :embarassed:
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    1. I eat junk for the sake of eating junk. I catch myself raiding the fridge/cupboards when I'm not even hungry. Why?

    2. I'm far happier when I'm alone. People piss me off (even my family)

    3. I always think people are thinking I'm stupid/useless/ugly/fat/pathetic.

    Wow..where did that come from? :embarassed:

    If anyone can answer the question of why we raid the fridge without being hungry, I'd LOVE to know as well. Probably at least half of the times I eat, I know I'm not hungry, I just eat.
  • IWannaPaint
    1) My main incentive for exercising is to watch the goal calorie numbers go up
    2) I did a lame-*kitten*, lazy job on my art homework...and i'm an art major
    3) Santorum is everything i hate in a politician and everything i love in a candidate.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    1. I have been planning my wedding since I was about 4
    2. I hold grudges, but never act on them, so no one ever knows (except my best friend!)
    3. The only reason my diary isn't public is because I know how much negativity I'd get if I skip breakfast, and I really just can't be bothered with it some days.

    The wedding thing: I'm not a bunny boiler, I just like weddings! lol.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    1) I am studying my *kitten* off so I can leave my god-awful job, even after they gave me a big bonous and big payrise (too little too late)
    2) I'm incredibly lonely and it makes me sad, although everyone thinks I'm the bubbly one with loads of friends
    3) The only thing that keeps me on my diet sometimes is mu infertility. We "WILL" conceive!!!!! :)
  • grumpytroll
    grumpytroll Posts: 48 Member
    1) I love watching Pop That Zit videos...anything with cysts and pus lol

    2) I still feel guilty about stealing a tiny piece of Lego 30 years ago

    3) I accidentally jammed my cat in the patio door. ( he's fine)