

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Decided it's time to change my sweater! (In the picture, that is)
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Deirdre, The New Rules for LIfting has all the information you'll need. The workouts can be done at home, but if you don't already have the equipment it would be cheaper to join a gym, I think.

    Your husband looks mighty fine, I must say!
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    He does look very fine, he really does - he has a very physically demanding job, eats like a horse and still weighs within 5 pounds of when I met him. Sometimes I hate him for that, when I have to work so hard just to not gain, but then I look at him and you know? I don't really mind at all. :wink:

    As far as equipment goes, I'm going to see what I can find used and free or cheap on craigslist - I won't be buying new. And I really, really, really hate gyms. It seems that when I have a membership and feel compelled to go, I get lazy and don't. I'm much better about staying consistent if I exercise at home.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hello everyone from warm Arizona. I am 65 so definitely qualify as 50+. Enjoy reading about your successes and trials and concerns. I pray for you when you add a concern. I do not have the time to respond to each post, but wanted to let you know you are encouraging me in my journey and I hope as you read these posts you are being encouraged as well. I have only been on MFP for a month so far at the encouragement of my 26 year old niece. Keep up your efforts. We can do this together. :drinker:

    Thank you for the prayers. That is awesome. I used to be a regular and have recently come back to MFP. I haven't been posting...just lurking! I need to get serious and lose about 15 inches as well as15 pounds...hopefully by august!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Just got back from my "walk." It sure wasn't a run tonight. Still real stiff from last night. Might have overdone it a bit, but thats ok, I will just keep moving so Saturday doesn't kill me. On an high note, the 8K is sponsored by Yingling. So I might habe a beer at the end of it. Real good for my diet. LOL! But I still did more than 4 miles, just a lot slower than yesterday.

    Nancy - hope you enjoyed your run. I think it is better outside. More to look at and enjoy.

    Sally - I need to get a pedometer. I bet I don't walk much at all.

    Laura - I have heard that some of the biggest losers do get surgery to remove skin. With the amount of weight they lose in such a short amount of time, I think they would have to.

    Jeanie - i know what you are going through. I have two sons who I wasn't sure would ever adapt to the world around him. But thank the lord, they are now 28 and 31 and I am so proud of the men they have become.

    Watva - You are in the right spot for motivation. I am still new here and have loved every minute of it. I think you will to.

    Lsnyder - You are doing great workouts. I hope to get motivated to do even a portion of that soon.

    Good night everyone. Have a great evening and wonderful Wednesday.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Haven't had a whole lot of time to post lately. I have been working at both the airport and Christopher Banks this week. Long days but shouldn't last too long- Christopher Banks is having their Friend's and Family Sale this week- everything in the store is 40% off. So, if you have a store near you, check it out. Whenever there is a big sale, that usually means that we need to put in more hours the week before and the week during the sale.

    I am still trying to get the exercise in. Spinning and geocaching Sunday, Zumba and zumba tone on Monday and spinning today.
    Tomorrow I am getting a haircut and having my hair highlighted after the airport. Then, zumba in the evening.

    I have browsed through the thread and it sounds like many of you are doing well in the exercise department and sticking pretty well to a healthy diet.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. I will catch up with you later.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good.The weather Is nice in the 60`s.Spent some of the day hanging out with my grand daughter.
    my friend is coming home and they are doing surgery in 2 weeks.She is staying with her daughter.She`s about 5 min from us.
    Knee is doing good today!Pt in the pm.
    Have a good night!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today. Tomorrow there is the general meeting for the Newcomers so I'll do a Leslie Sansone DVD at home. When we have these meetings, I usually have eggs for breakfast. People bring snacks and it's usually something baked, so I have eggs to fill me up. Someone "said" they were bringing fruit, now that I might have if they do bring it. If not, no big deal. I usually take my tea with me because they don't have hot tea, only iced tea. One lady is of the opinion that we should hold a 50/50 at these meetings and she thought that I should run it. I have no desire because honestly, I question how much money we'd make. On a good meeting, there are 30 attendees. If half of them put in $1 thats $15, which means that the winner gets $7.50 and our treasury gets $7.50. Supposedly this money is going to go to increase our donations and add to the social budget. I don't think $7.50 is going to make much of a dent. Really, my feeling is that the people who come to these general meetings are being tapped out. They are the ones who are to donate to the quarterly contribution, they are being asked to pay for their coffee, now we're going to ask them to pay for a 50/50? If I'm right and we're not making much money, the only way that'll be evident is in the final amount. So we shall see what happens.

    Cathy - congrats on the sold house! I know what a relief that must be for you. You'll love the pool. I love the pool at our condo in FL and really miss it when we come back

    Rebel - so glad it wasn't serious for your sister

    Joyce - whine all you need to. You certainly deserve it! What an experience you've had

    Laura - before we moved to NC, I worked at the Y in PA. the lady who was in charge of my area had skin removed because she'd lost so much weight. But she was a bit self-conscious about the scars. I'm happy for her, she lost the weight by portion control and watching what she was eating.

    Jeannie - you are such an inspiration! You keep going no matter what. Good for you!

    whateva - you've come to the right place for motivation. Only a few more months until the wedding, huh? Time will fly, try to exercise but if you don't get to it one day, oh well. Just don't let that one day happen over and over and over.

    lsnyder - welcome! What is the H-D? I'm probably missing something every obvious.

    welcome shepherdbl! We look forward to getting to know you better.

    Diedre - wow! your hubby's body is amazing.

    Well, tomorrow is one of those busy days. Newcomer general meeting, then senior bowl, come home to have some soup and then Newcomers bowling.

    Well, I made myself a big salad to have with my dinner. One main reason is because I want to finish up the cucumber and coleslaw in the refrigerator.

    Gonna go take a shower, then get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Welcome to all the new women.

    Judy-thanks for the laugh! :laugh:
    Renny-so glad to hear your sister is going to be okay.
    Jeannie-keep breathing. Do what you can to get some sstress relief.

    No time tonight for more individual responses. I do read read your posts and appreciate everything you so willingly share.

    Good Night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    @Barbiecat - just thinking, we could start a discussion called, "Where do you squat?" Or maybe not.

    love it! i squat in the pasture while the water troughs are filling!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    the answers would be too funny (and easily misunderstood)...........but I never squat in public :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! Haven't had time to post but did read everyone's from yesterday and today. :wink:

    If I don't do my squats every single day, I'm happy with regular daily squats on the pot. I have to (gingerly) force myself to go up and down, up and down, about 20 times before settling in for a nice, long visit with the crossword puzzle book. :blushing:

    We had unexpected company last evening, lots of fun and a bit too much good cheer but that's ok, it was worth it. Back to purity today. :tongue:

    Snowfall put a big, bad chill in the air and I had to pull out my heavy winter coat - wasn't I supposed to be done with it for the year?? :ohwell: Took a long walk with terrier-boy, and on the way back I was peeling layers like crazy. Walk fast enough to get nice and warm and slightly out of breath - a good way to do it if you don't have a heart rate monitor or pedometer.

    Too pooped to peep anymore tonight. Hasta la manana. :flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    For those of you who don’t know me, I want to point out that I don’t work full time, I don’t do a lot of housework, and I don’t have children or grandchildren at home or nearby so I have a lot of time for exercise. My back doesn’t allow me to do high impact things so a lot of my exercise is walking the frisky poodles who don’t know how much walking is “enough”. Today is a rest day for me which means that I’m not doing weight training or going to a line dance class. Even so my pedometer tells me that I’ve walked over 20,000 steps and the dogs still need one more walk before bedtime.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Cathy, I am so happy to hear that your house has sold. The packing will be a challenge but having the opportunity to touch all your possessions and make smart choices about them is a spiritual experience that must not be missed.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I do my weight training at home and on my rest days I have to be strict with myself to keep my hands off the weights. I am unlikely to be doing the workouts in “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” but I am getting good ideas for adding new parts to the routine I learned in “Strong Women Stay Young”. Reading about new exercises on a rest day is a challenge because I want to get up and try them. I like your new picture. You look great.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, you are amazing in the way you deal with all the challenges in your life and maintain such an upbeat attitude.

    :flowerforyou: Grammymax, I hope you will be a regular on this thread. I have missed you.

    Jane, I’m happy to hear your knee is doing well.

    :flowerforyou: Tallen, when I had only one dog, I thought I could never walk two at a time. I started with very short walks in grassy areas and have gradually increased the time and expanded the locations. I use gentle leaders to make it easier to handle them (they are 38 and 48 pounds)

    :flowerforyou: Sally, the great thing about a pedometer is that it encourages you to walk more because it is evidence of your efforts. Some nights I walk up and down the hall just to get a few more steps before bedtime

    :flowerforyou: I’d love to respond to everyone but it’s time to walk the dogs before bed and I get up very early in the morning.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it is cold and clear but the forecast says snow.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    So I open this page right when DH walks by and have this very fit man's chest covering my screen. He had to ask what I was doing, probably thought I was on a porn site or something.:blushing:
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    LMAO! Nope, just my DH!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Barbie, you are always an inspiration, and I don't know how you do it so consistently. Today it's cold, rainy, and very windy here on San Francisco Bay. I did NOT manage to venture out with my two frisky poodles today, and they are quite put out with me. I've promised them that tomorrow I will make like Barbie, don rubber boots and foul weather gear and take them out in this nasty weather, which is predicted to carry on all week.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Just a quick post before I go and do my exercises!!

    Lots of posts to catch up on again, I seem to be playing catch up again this month - and I promised myself that I'd log in every day. :frown:

    Had a busy/stressful couple of weeks two separate accidents with the kittens having to take them to the vets with almost the same injury :embarassed: :embarassed: both times we are not sure what happened but one of the doggies must have tried to warn them to move along (and they didn't move quick enough) Not sure which dog was involved either, but we felt bad, having one of the kitties injured was bad enough but when it happened a second time, we felt such bad pet owners. Thankfully both are on the mend now, and are supervised at all times when near the dogs I couldn't bear a third accident with one of them.

    Then I had a fall and hit myself in the face with the flexi lead - had a bruised/cut nose but mainly my pride - don't you feel a fool.

    My work colleague has lost 2 stone doing MFP so that is good motivation for me,

    Now for the exercise - have a good day everyone.

    Viv xx
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    I have been feeling very discouraged lately. Between the time change, working on our wedding plans and deciding when and where we will be living after, I haven't been consistent with my workouts. I need that extra push to get myself going again. Can't seem to muster up the energy. I'm hoping by having you ladies around nudging me, I'll do better. Thanks!!

    Hey Wateva...I know there are many of us who have stood in your shoes and been discouraged. Some of us will be there again. Just remember that everything you're doing is FOR YOU....no one else. Take care of yourself, you are worth it!

    Yesterday in my weight watchers meeting, one of the statements was "Harness the poer of positive thinking". I really related to and liked that. Positive thinking brings energy...and energy brings healthy living.

    I know these lovely ladies got me through a down spell, and with them we are successful. Thanks to all you lovely "thread sisters".
    :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hugs to ya!

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Things my treadmill has taught me:

    1. 4:50 a.m. is NOT still the middle of the night...oh except on last Monday after time change :laugh:
    2. "Glistening" is for girls..."Sweating" is for your health & heart. :drinker:
    3. The Hotpants help the sweating :tongue:
    4. That little "lap" display is very inspirational..."Just one more lap" :wink:
    5. Exercise FEELS GREAT and my day seems better when I start it on the treadmill:flowerforyou:
    6. The curtain rod in the room where my treadmill sits is crooked.:huh:

    Great Wednesday to all of you lovelies!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    G' morning from rainy Portland. Sort of expected to see snow again this morning but no, the white be gone. Back to the regular ol' Oregon drip.

    Meg, I'm also telling myself that 4:50 AM is not the middle of the night. 4:00 is pushing it, though. And awake I was, up-n-adam, coffee on.

    We had unexpected house guests on Monday evening, I was at work when they arrived so didn't have time to tidy up the house. Luckily it was in pretty fair shape, and hubby took care of getting the guest room in order. Hadn't seen these folks for a couple of years and I'm telling you, they piled on pounds of praise for the "new" me. Boy, did that feel good.

    Still haven't had a chance to go shopping for a few new things to wear. Must put that on my agenda!

    Anyone like hummus? I just love it with raw cauliflower. Here's a recipe if you'd like to try making your own - it's super easy.

    I call it "Yummus" :wink:

    1 can garbanzo or white (cannellini) kidney beans, drained, juice reserved (I use low-sodium beans)
    1 t. minced garlic
    3 T. fresh lemon juice
    3 T. extra virgin olive oil
    2 t. tahini
    4 sprigs chopped parsley
    1/8 - 1/4 c. liquid from canned beans
    Dash salt if needed (I don't add it)

    Place ingredients in food processor and whirr away until smooth.
    Serving size 2 Tablespoons
    72 calories, 2 protein, 5 fat, 66 potassium, 52 sodium

    :flowerforyou: Happy day to all, let's move those bods and keep those potassium levels up up up! Here's the link to the potassium chart again in case anyone missed it. www.krispin.com/potassm.html

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Anyone like hummus? I just love it with raw cauliflower. Here's a recipe if you'd like to try making your own - it's super easy.

    I call it "Yummus" :wink:

    1 can garbanzo or white (cannellini) kidney beans, drained, juice reserved (I use low-sodium beans)
    1 t. minced garlic
    3 T. fresh lemon juice
    3 T. extra virgin olive oil
    2 t. tahini
    4 sprigs chopped parsley
    1/8 - 1/4 c. liquid from canned beans
    Dash salt if needed (I don't add it)

    Place ingredients in food processor and whirr away.
    Serving size 2 Tablespoons
    72 calories, 2 protein, 5 fat, 66 potassium, 52 sodium