Who else is like me and needs to lose 100lbs or more??



  • vahlkyree
    vahlkyree Posts: 10
    It's great to see all these responses, because I felt a little alone on here too! I need to lose a minimum of 100 lbs, and closer to 150 would be better for me! >.< But I'm off to a good start - just gotta keep it going! :-)
  • marty000
    marty000 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat, have at least 150-200 to lose, setting small goals helps me keep focus and not get discouraged.

    feel free to add me!
  • valgal127
    valgal127 Posts: 7 Member
    I have 187 pounds to lose. Wow that is the first time I said it out loud. We'll get there!
  • Larimartda
    Larimartda Posts: 7 Member
    nope, here to loose 150+ lbs... just started my journey too. check out the success stories board... alot of ppl have lost the same we want to loose =) feel free to add me!!
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    yeah thats me as well 80 - 100 pounds. please feel free to add me :)
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I need to lose 105 more. So I am here also if you need.
  • Anyone that needs a buddy feel free to add me :) Starting weight was 272, CW - 240, and I'm looking to lose 95 - 100 pounds.
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 105 Member
    I needed to lose 120 pounds last June when I started MFP.

    Thanks to counting calories and exercising, I now only need to lose 52 more!

    Keep with this program. It's healthy, and it works!
  • Lyzz6363
    Lyzz6363 Posts: 49 Member
    I need to loose 100lbs you can add me.
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member
    I have a total of 100 to lose but my ticker is set at my first major goal... the "no longer obese" goal. :smile:
    I set mini goals for myself along the way.

    Anyone, please feel free to add me!
  • reyescd
    reyescd Posts: 2
    ME!!! I am right there with you. Need to lose about 120!:sad:
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I'd like to lose around 90-100lbs depending on how I look/feel, right now though my goal is just to lose 46 lbs and get to the "overweight" category instead of obese, then my long term is obviously to get down to 135-140 ish
  • Just joined and you are not alone. My goal is to lose 120 pounds. I am preparing also for a gastric bypass. My initial goal on my own is to loose 15 pounds and to become active. I hate exercise but I know I must change that attitude. I am glad I found this site and this forum. It's nice to know I am not alone, and neither are any of you. Thank you for being here and I encourage you to succeed.
  • Let's do this ladies and gentleman...feel free to add me!! WE CAN DO THIS!! Whose with me??? ( all of a sudden I feel like Gillian Michaels!!) :)
  • You are NOT alone!!! Look at how many pages of replies you've had already :bigsmile: Anyone on here feel free to add me.........We are all on this journey together. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! :drinker:
  • You are not alone! <3 I need to lose like 140 pounds x_x It's a lot of work, but I think I can do it <3
  • syncynlyn
    syncynlyn Posts: 39
    I also am looking to lose 100 lbs. I have lost 13 so far. Add me if you want!
  • Yup...I have about 120 pounds to get rid of. This site definitely helps!
  • urbanmasala
    urbanmasala Posts: 95 Member
    I started with 152 pounds to lose; now I only have 69 more to get to goal. It can be done and you can do it! Just hang in there, be patient and stick with it. ;-)
  • stylishgirl
    stylishgirl Posts: 34 Member
    I know what you mean, but there's a lot of us on here. Currently my goal is to lose 79 more pounds, but before I started MFP I had lost a little bit of weight while using Sparkpeople. (My high weight was 294, my goal is 175). I switched to MFP because I find it more reliable (especially the app). You could friend me.