may as well just sit on my bum



  • rockinsue285
    ok once more for those who think I dont exercise........ read my posts I do

    Those who want to call me names because they think I dont exercise then carry on as I exercise every day

    To those who rather than answer my point want to pull me apart for my spelling punctuation etc , IM TYPING WITH ONE HAND AND WHEN i try to type faster I miss things out however I am highly educated and until illness took its toll held a responsible job

    To those who want to post stupid childish images grow up

    To those who obviously enjoy all this get a life

    BUT to those who have answered me with respect I thank you and will take things on board to those who are just wanting to have a go your points are worthless because of the way you put them over

    Finally how the heck do delete the whole topic because im fed up of the bullying
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I want to make a disclaimer. Never would i tell someone what is the best thing to do for all situations. You know your body best. I will answer your question for what I have found works best based on what I have learned and experienced. If you are building muscle mass, your body needs protein. If you are feeling weak or dizzy after a weight lifting session, then eat an orange after a workout keeping well hydrated. Follow up with a good protein. Try taking a gentle walk around the track to encourage your body to use the fat stored to replace the used energy in your muscles. You might be surprised how good a couple of laps between sets feels.

    That's fair, I'm still not sure I agree with you about recovery foods (for me at least) but I respect your position. I will try light cardio between sets to see if that helps with muscle soreness though. Worth a shot. Thanks!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    You know just for the record I have a different take on exercise calories and amount to eat back.

    If you have a HRM most of them will tell you the fat% burnt from the work out. I try to keep my exercise calories burnt to that % of the calories burnt. So say I burnt 1000 calories at 19% fat burned. I try to eat back around 20% of those calories. So around 200 of the 1000 calories. Seems to have been working!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Of course if you are training for specific athletic goals like running a marathon, or are in good physical condition then replacing your energy with carbs is important. thus the reason runners carbo load for a run. I am addressing the average overweight sedentary person.

    For someone engaged in a heavy lifting routine (like myself) do you think that taking in some carbs post workout is a 'good' idea to aid in recovery, even if they are overweight (as I am, working on cutting now)? I guess that was the part that surprised me about your comment, and I would appreciate your opinion in that regard. Definitely understandable if your statement wasn't targeted at someone engaged in the sorts of activities that I am.

    You'd want carbs before you lift and protein after you lift imo. A baseline of carbs is good period to have but they aren't going to aid your recovery as well as protein will after your workout.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    If you have been linedancing consistantly for years and the weight stays on, then perhaps you need to mix up your routine. Perhaps you should try zumba, or a step class, or something that will challenge your body. Oftentimes when we do something we love for years (and years!) we're not really putting as much effort into the moves as we might think.

    btw, you can't delete your topic but you can stop reading it.:smile:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You'd want carbs before you lift and protein after you lift imo. A baseline of carbs is good period to have but they aren't going to aid your recovery as well as protein will after your workout.

    I thought that the time frame to get protein in following a workout was also a myth. I have a protein shake in the am on my way to the gym (my breakfast), and get more than adequate protein throughout the day, just not right after working out. I appreciate the advice, it's just opposed to some of the things I recall reading.
  • vanishingirl77
    back to the original topic....

    If people are eating not very many calories to begin with, and then exercise on top of that, they will have a very large calorie deficit. A large deficit means more lean muscle mass lost. Losing muscle mass lowers metabolism, so you gain weight on even fewer calories.

    Its tricky because you don't generally want to eat ALL of them back - because the calories burned doesn't take into account the difference between the extra calories burned during exercise and what you would burn if you did nothing. For example, if you burn 300 calories on a 60 minute walk, but would've burned 100 calories doing nothing in that same time frame, you've only expended an extra 200 calories - not 300. Eating an additional 300 would, in that case, be counterproductive. Its also tricky because you don't really know how many you've burned - its just an estimate.

    I hope I don't get screamed at.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Between here:
    fed up of repeating myself as no-one reads it anyway but I DO EXERCISE JUST WANTED TO KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF EATING THOSE CALS BACK

    And here:
    ok once more for those who think I dont exercise........ read my posts I do

    Those who want to call me names because they think I dont exercise then carry on as I exercise every day

    To those who rather than answer my point want to pull me apart for my spelling punctuation etc , IM TYPING WITH ONE HAND AND WHEN i try to type faster I miss things out however I am highly educated and until illness took its toll held a responsible job

    To those who want to post stupid childish images grow up

    To those who obviously enjoy all this get a life

    BUT to those who have answered me with respect I thank you and will take things on board to those who are just wanting to have a go your points are worthless because of the way you put them over

    Finally how the heck do delete the whole topic because im fed up of the bullying

    No one has said anything about you not exercising, and I really don't believe ANYONE in that span was bullying you in any way.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    This is the MOST obnoxious thread post I have ever seen.
  • fatguyweightloss
    Exercise has plenty of purposes, though fat loss is not one of them.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    By the way, just so you know -- you can write underneath what you're quoting instead of just reposting the quote.

    Just start typing after the last [ /quote]

    This! I was trying to figure out why she kept quoting but not saying anything. I am guessing she would quote it, and then start a new reply to say what she wanted to in response to that quote.
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    fed up of repeating myself as no-one reads it anyway but I DO EXERCISE JUST WANTED TO KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF EATING THOSE CALS BACK

    It is pretty normal, in a long internet thread, for people to reply repeatedly to only the original post; they do not read the entire conversation. Trying to change this behaviour (which is widespread on forums, not just on MFP) really WOULD be beating your head against a wall.

    If you really want people to stop talking to you/responding to your OP, quit responding to them. In a few days it will be buried far down the list, so it won't catch people's eyes. As it is, every time you respond you bring the post back to the top of the list, so more people see it and respond again.

    This. I had more to say, but what a waste of time post this is. Wow.
  • KristysLosing
    This is the MOST obnoxious thread post I have ever seen.

  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    ok once more for those who think I dont exercise........ read my posts I do

    Those who want to call me names because they think I dont exercise then carry on as I exercise every day

    To those who rather than answer my point want to pull me apart for my spelling punctuation etc , IM TYPING WITH ONE HAND AND WHEN i try to type faster I miss things out however I am highly educated and until illness took its toll held a responsible job

    To those who want to post stupid childish images grow up

    To those who obviously enjoy all this get a life

    BUT to those who have answered me with respect I thank you and will take things on board to those who are just wanting to have a go your points are worthless because of the way you put them over

    Finally how the heck do delete the whole topic because im fed up of the bullying

    Nobody's bullying you. You approached the topic in your OP with a poor attitude and people are responding to that.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    fed up of repeating myself as no-one reads it anyway but I DO EXERCISE JUST WANTED TO KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF EATING THOSE CALS BACK

    I actually have seen it with my own yes, I eat the calories back and for some reason, I lose more weight faster. I also just upped my calories by 200 and jump started my weight loss again.

    I read on your profile where you would like to be able to walk with out being winded. I think weight should be the least of your worries, how about exercising so you can play with all 8 of those grandchildren? Or would you still rather just sit on on your bum?

    Geesh, and they say Americans are fat and lazy.............
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    The reason some people are being a little less than nice is;

    1. Whether you meant to or not, your OP had a lot of attitude in it. If we could picture you saying it you'd have your hand on your hip and rolling your eyes.

    2. You don't want to listen to any helpful information we are trying to give you. You've decided that eating E calories back is stupid and that's that.

    3. You're helping to spread bad information. When I first started here, I also asked (asked, not made a post just to let all of MFP know what I was going to do) if we should eat back the calories we burn. Many people gave me excellent explanations as to why we should eat them back which I was grateful for. It then made sense to me, I just had to clarify to make sure I was doing it right. However if I were a newbie today asking this question, I would be so confused because every other person argues to the death that you shouldn't eat them back. What you choose to do is your life and no there is no law that says you have to do it.....but people who come here that genuinly want to follow the program the correct way, the way the program was designed need to get the correct information. Eating E calories back will NOT make you gain weight, it will NOT make you maintaine weight. If you want to following the program the way it was meant to be followed, you SHOULD eat your E calories back.
  • rockinsue285
    fed up of repeating myself as no-one reads it anyway but I DO EXERCISE JUST WANTED TO KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF EATING THOSE CALS BACK

    I actually have seen it with my own yes, I eat the calories back and for some reason, I lose more weight faster. I also just upped my calories by 200 and jump started my weight loss again.

    I read on your profile where you would like to be able to walk with out being winded. I think weight should be the least of your worries, how about exercising so you can play with all 8 of those grandchildren? Or would you still rather just sit on on your bum?

    Geesh, and they say Americans are fat and lazy.............
  • sparkie51
    sparkie51 Posts: 98 Member
    Amazing! GREAT JOB!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    what is the point to exercise if you have to eat the cals burnt back?, may as well sit on my bum, do nothing and enjoy the cals

    Yep, may as well.

    May as well lose all muscle mass.

    No benefits to exercise at all. Enjoy the couch.

    LOL :heart: *love*
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    I don't eat my exercise calories back. I would never lose weight that way.

    Yes you would as long as you have calores set to lose weight and don't eat back more than you burn!!
This discussion has been closed.