How did every 1 gain weight



  • bobbin1
    bobbin1 Posts: 60
    I quit smoking. Was a good thing but now I have to loss.
  • Janet55555555555
    Junk food, and not exercising much. I also had two kids; gained 45 with my oldest daughter, and only 21 with my youngest. Had trouble sticking to weight loss programs.
  • joeysims
    joeysims Posts: 12
    Since third grade I have had to watch what I eat and be sure to be active so as not to gain weight. It has literally been a life long scenerio for me.
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    Southern food and lots of it..
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Idiot doctors who refuse to listen to their patients.

    I have a metabolic disorder. Didn't matter how healthy I ate or how much I exercised, I kept slowly & steadily gaining weight & didn't understand why. But for almost 20 years, no doctor would bother to properly test & diagnose me. They took one look at me, saw someone overweight, and said "You need to eat better & exercise." If I said, "I already do," they assumed I was lying. Fat people are all just lazy gluttons, you know. Never mind that I had graduated cum laude from an ivy league school on scholarship, or that I had mastered half a dozen musical instruments, or that I had won several Tae Kwon Do tournaments. The fact that I was fat meant that I must just have no self-discipline.

    A few doctors tested my thyroid (that wasn't the problem). Most just wanted to give me pills. Everything from Lipitor to birth control to Paxil to weight loss pills.

    I FINALLY found a doctor who was willing to do a comprehensive series of tests and discover that my body can't process certain foods properly. Got me on a specialized diet, and now I've lost over 65 lb in the past year and I've never felt healthier. I just wish I had met a decent doctor before I got up over 300 lb.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I stopped playing rugby and stopped working out and still thought i could eat and drink what i wanted i went from 224 to 260 in 10 months

    I'm down to 233 in 4 months

    i used to play rugby as well. and yeah i ate and drank whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. :laugh:

    but umm yeah, eating too much is how i gained weight.. eating too much of good food.. i still worked out though and that's probably the only reason why i'm 70# overweight and not 140#

    ah another thing : i got older :laugh:
  • rainydaze613
    rainydaze613 Posts: 112 Member
    My family was poor when I was in elementary/middle school and we moved around a lot.. I developed anxiety, became very isolated, and turned to food. I never ate vegetables and lived on PIZZA ROLLS (can you say trans fat?) and frozen dinners from the store "Aldi" which I know is all very processed and practically everything has high fructose corn syrup. To think of the damage that did to my body... I turned from skinny kid to chubby kid to fat kid within the span of 2 years, and I've been working my butt off since 8th grade (lots of yo-yoing with my weight though) to get healthy again.
  • chaztizer
    Lack of activity and eating to late,used to be an active hiker outdoors person.Drinking my beer to late in the evening and lol sitting at the computer lmao
  • joeysims
    joeysims Posts: 12

    How did you finally get it diagnosed? If you don't mind me asking how do you control it? Since I was in third grade my folks started watching what I ate and how much I excersised because my mom could see that I was going to gain weight. Since I got old enough I have been controling it. I have often wondered if my metabolism can really be that slow or if I have an issue that has never been addressed.
  • Suziq1023
    Suziq1023 Posts: 46 Member
    Fell in love - and he loved my cooking
    Lost my job
    He worked nights - I ate ice cream in bed
    Diagnosed with degenerative disc disease
    Extreme Pain - quit exercise (ruptured disc doing water aerobics)
    Steroid injections for pain
    Parents died
    Quit smoking

    Gained 100 pounds in 10 years. Learning portion control, wise calorie choices and hope to find exercise I can do. I hope weight loss will help me walk further without pain. The constant pain is depressing but I'm not ready to give up on life and live on meds.
  • YAHAIRA2626
    as you're doing I just started today and I need all the support they can give me
  • riegrac
    riegrac Posts: 12 Member
    I had 5 kids.........Love them but not the weight I gained :love:

    Trying now to loose 20 pounds before July!
  • bartrima
    bartrima Posts: 2
    How food has such a control on me, the pleasure of the thought of eating drives me to mourn when I have come to completing what I am eating. Having control with this relationship and maybe not with other relationships. I have it when I want it, I have as much as I want and it is always there ready to be devoured. It does not matter if it's junk or healthy food, It is Food and I want it. The weight gain was slow, and being a mom, a wife and working who had the time to check the mirror until one day I did and the person in front of me was not the person in my head. Reality hit!! not only that my clothes did not fit but I was not able to climb the stairs in my home without loosing my breath and I was only 45. Gaining weight is something that happen without me being aware that it was happening.
  • joeysims
    joeysims Posts: 12
    Idiot doctors who refuse to listen to their patients.

    I have a metabolic disorder. Didn't matter how healthy I ate or how much I exercised, I kept slowly & steadily gaining weight & didn't understand why. But for almost 20 years, no doctor would bother to properly test & diagnose me. They took one look at me, saw someone overweight, and said "You need to eat better & exercise." If I said, "I already do," they assumed I was lying. Fat people are all just lazy gluttons, you know. Never mind that I had graduated cum laude from an ivy league school on scholarship, or that I had mastered half a dozen musical instruments, or that I had won several Tae Kwon Do tournaments. The fact that I was fat meant that I must just have no self-discipline.

    A few doctors tested my thyroid (that wasn't the problem). Most just wanted to give me pills. Everything from Lipitor to birth control to Paxil to weight loss pills.

    I FINALLY found a doctor who was willing to do a comprehensive series of tests and discover that my body can't process certain foods properly. Got me on a specialized diet, and now I've lost over 65 lb in the past year and I've never felt healthier. I just wish I had met a decent doctor before I got up over 300 lb.

    How did you finally find your doctor and how did you convince him to run the right tests? I have been watching my weight since 3rd grade and can't hardly loose weight to save my life. Also had my thyroid checked and came up healthy. But the last time I lost 15 lbs and felt my best I was eating around 800-1,000 calories a day and excersing twice a day (Tae Kwon Do, running, or swimming).
  • cmbarnes
    cmbarnes Posts: 46
    I started gaining when I hit puberty, and continued through my teens and my adult life. (I did a lot of 'emotional' eating.) When I was 28 and pregnant with my son, I actually lost weight through the first two trimesters of my pregnancy (because I paid attention to what I put in my body), and didn't gain back to my beginning weight until after I gave birth. I quit smoking (cold turkey) 3 years ago, and after about 6 weeks of no sleep, gaining 20 pounds, and crying at the drop of a hat over everything (sad movies, sad songs, dog food commercials, glass cleaner...) I went on celexa and realized that I have probably had a serious mood disorder my entire life. I gained about 5 more pounds after going on celexa, and for a couple of years I just went on eating like I did before (mostly out of habit, I think?).
  • crawfishag
    crawfishag Posts: 19 Member
    Eating and drinking beer as though I was still a 20 year old frat boy.
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been heavy pretty much my whole life...I'm an emotional eater and I used to use food to reward myself a busy day after my kids went to bed. And I love eating junk food! although now that I've been eating quite healthy for over a month now I have noticed that I'm not craving it nearly as much and I also notice how crappy I feel after indulging ;)
  • kimmy985
    kimmy985 Posts: 8 Member
    I quit smoking and 2 months later my daughter was in a car accident so for 5 weeks not only was I sitting at a hospital all day instead of working ...there was no cafeteria in the hospital so my only options were nearby fast food joints or the roach coaches that would come to the hospital (post Katrina New Orleans) so lots of hamburgers etc. Then the next 2 months I cooked high calorie comfort food to try to put weight back on her frame ..and of course I ate it! with her. Packed on 40 pounds!
  • horterjm
    horterjm Posts: 1
    Having my twins was a big one for me as well as spending my work day sitting and I quit smoking. I have always worked out and watched calories but lately I think some depression has set me back. I feel like nothing is helping to lose the weight and I have no motivation. Hoping this will help to keep me motivated!
  • shy7759
    shy7759 Posts: 2 Member
    ramin noodles :)