How did every 1 gain weight



  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I discovered Hostess.... LOL.
  • Sewstamp
    Sewstamp Posts: 1
    For the most part I have a underactive Thryoid for the last 25 years - didn't know it controlled SO MUCH! I have to add lack of exercise, poor portion control and having 3 kids didn't helped either.

    In the last Feb 2011 I hit my highest and said that's it! I've lost 39lbs (the last 7 w/myfitnesspal). I go to the Y M-F in the morning it's weights, afternoon it's 65 min on the elliptical and 1-2 miles on the treadmill. I've dropped 100 pts in my cholesterol and no longer prediabetic.
  • kwehrheim
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I've always been more interested in video games than sports, still am. I love carby foods, junk foods, sugar, you name it. I can gain weight faster than a body builder if I don't count calories and pay attention and work at it. So here I am. Working a little cardio and strength training into my sedentary life and eating better.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    My diet is generally good. I don't drink soda and hardly eat junk food. However, I wasn't paying attention to portions. I was eating as much as my 6 ft tall hubby and I'm nowhere near his height. Portion control is the biggest reason for the 25 pound weight gain. The other reason is I cut back on exercise after recovering from surgery.

    ^^This. Exactly. Except for the surgery. My husband is 6'4" and I am a full foot shorter than he....yet, I was keeping up with him when we ate. I gained about 25 lbs. Now I'm up about about 15 lbs from our wedding day 14 years ago, but fitter and healhier than I've ever been.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    Most recently....

    :) worth every pound!!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Basically all at once too...

    Family stress
    Work stress & working far too many hours
    Bad food options cuz I ate on-the-fly while at work
    Side-effects of Zoloft
  • RckstrMommy
    RckstrMommy Posts: 8 Member
    I have always had a very slow metabolism - struggled with obesity as a child. I lost 50 lbs during my teen years and maintained it really well... until I had 2 babies.. yep.. I gained the recommended amount and my OB was never concerned, it just didnt come off like other women's seems to come off. Grr. Honestly I think my thyroid levels are off (they were when I was expecting) but I dont want to fork out the money to get it checked.
  • mhohn103
    mhohn103 Posts: 3
    Mainly appaerntly not eating enough and not excerising like I should. I do not eat junk food 95% of time, no sodas for years and my favorite foods are veggies but appaerntly when I am at home I do not eat enough go figure
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    After losing 70 pounds...
    I spent the last year drinking beer and not running everyday :(
  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
    Options did I gain weight. Quite easily actually..... I sat on my *kitten* (when I wasn't working) and ate bon bons! Ha ha! Seriously tho, ate to much and moved to little! Same old story. It comes down to input (food) and output (exercise).
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    Discovering alcohol my freshman year of college and binge drinking and binge eating constantly. I mean eating foot long cheese steaks at 3AM and waking up next to the last inch of it the next morning. Those were my awkward mornings.

    50 or 60 pounds (don't remember exactly) in 6 months.
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    Combination of spending 4 months at the hospital while my father-in-law was dying - no exercise, eating out of vending machines at 10:00 at night, stress - plus hitting perimenopause and having my hormones/cycle completely out of whack. Got put on birth control pills at the same time as all of this and my weight jumped up to 170. Lost 22 pounds, gained 10 of those back, and am now trying to get rid of the last 15 to be where my doctor wants me to be.
  • busymomto5PA
    I had four kids in five years. That my friend will do it to you. I plan on regaining my body back and keeping it back. No more excuses!! 80)
  • cherylri2
    been over weight my whole life and not into exercising. Had grand children, mom had many strokes and I don't want to follow in her foot steps. I want to be active and be able to play with my grands and not end up in a retirement home prematurely
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I had an undiagnosed metabolic disorder that got worse after I started having children. I went from 180 to 385 in 3 years under a doctors supervision, gaining 12 to 14 lbs a week several times while hospitalized on a 800 calories liquid diet.he only way not to gain was notto eat. Had gastric bypass, went from 385 to 118 in one year. Had a lot of complications so most of that year was not eating. Things got straightened out and I started gaining again. My disorder was diagnosed last year and we are still trying to figure out the best way to manage but basically it is under 20 carbs for me. My body does not have the necessary digestive enzymes to metabolize carbohydrates. Its going slow but this is the first time I can eat and not gain.
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    I simply got too comfortable and didnt exercise. I have never been a heavy over-eater, I just didnt move and didnt drink a lot of water at all.
  • tharupert
    over eating and eating bad stuff. pop, fast food ect. just got lazy
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Chicken wings every night for a snack contributed to my initial weight gain - went from 120's to 140's in about a year:)

    Then, getting pregnant 5 times in 5 years... Ravenous while pregnant and breast feeding. Not knowing what foods to eat - eating way too many carbs to stave off nausea - which spiked my blood sugar and made me hungry again fast...
  • NanniesKitchen
    Eating like a pig. Point blank.