How did every 1 gain weight



  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I got lazy and ate too much and wasn't eating right. I have specific food intolerance and allergies I wasn't aware of and the foods I was eating were causing me to gain weight and coupled with not working out, yay! Weight gain!

    Not an excuse, but part often problem. Now I know and hopefully I can make the right changes.
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    I moved to New Orleans. You try living there and being thin. Impossible.
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    Thought I was eating ok and being active. turns out I was kidding myself? Down 25 lbs now. Back to pre-child weight!
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Got pregnant with my daughter, then after starting back smoking after she was born for a few months before quitting for good...then the lbs. just started packin on..tried losing it and was successful in losing some then health issues popped up and it just went from there..almost 8 years later of seesawing back and i am
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    The first 30 lbs:

    Working a sit-down job on the 10th floor with the stairways ALWAYS closed off ("wet stairs," "wet paint," etc.), no working refrigerators in the break rooms, people stealing each other's lunches if they were brought in, a cafeteria that only served greasy fried food (no vegetarian options; I was lucky when there was anything that didn't have fish in it, too, since I'm allergic), only one working elevator, and being more than 10 minutes driving away from any other food option other than pizza next door.

    The next 20:

    With my metabolism gone, my body couldn't cope with the tons of pasta and/or cheese bread from all the Italian restaurants and pizza places anymore.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Eating like i did in college! Late night nachos and pizza! No working out....glad i have changed my ways;)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Got pregnant.

    And then breastfeeding just keeps some of that weight hanging on for dear life.

    Ah, the joys of female hormones and their effect on fat stores.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    Originally Undiagnosed Thyroid disease.40 lbs in 1 year.Then depression,5 Surgeries & comfort eating any & everything bad for me!I would yoyo diet and then gain double back.I would LOVE to blame it on being on disability and not being able to exercise BUT, the truth is i just had no control and made terrieble choices when it came to food!:wink:
    Oh, i forgot about quit smoking and gained 38 more.Wouldn't change it though.Thank God I'm done with Cigerette's!
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    "i'm depressed. you know what will help? hiding in my room eating cake." rinse repeat etc. (replace 'cake' with 'ice cream / bagels / huge pots of pasta / booze', for fresh variety)
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    I blame it on cheese and moving "in town" where there is a Mexican restaurant and a Gyro restaurant literally in walking distance from my house......oh, and 3 pregnancies resulting in 4 kids....last one was twins...oh, and don't forget all the great TV programming to watch while eating said foods........yep, all their fault . :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • chadpack
    chadpack Posts: 3
    Combination of poor diet and an office job. Wasn't until on vacation that i realized in a photo how big i had gotten. Nope, that isn't me. Reality sucks sometimes. Time to do something about it.
  • Ramseyyy
    Ramseyyy Posts: 58 Member
    I started high school and I wasn't used to free lunches and cheap snacks...and then I would come home to have the house to myself and I would make a sandwich or sometimes a whole meal and then turn around and get seconds at dinner ! ( I started weighing 135 and I am 168 now )
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I stopped doing what I'm doing right NOW.

    I've had a "weight problem" adolescence and yo-yo dieted over several years. Using one of the first Palmpilots and a very simple calorie tracking app, I got my weight down and kept it that way for many years. Technology made weight management easy and fun.

    My Dad died and I stopped tracking and gained weight.

    I'm back on track now and fully expect to lose all of the excess weight and keep it off. MFP, FitBit and "who knows comes out next" will help me keep tracking ins and outs forever.
  • xrayk8te
    xrayk8te Posts: 16
    Being away for school! The combination of being on a budget, no time to make a healthy home cooked meal and studyin constantly!
  • Ramseyyy
    Ramseyyy Posts: 58 Member
    @ladyberyl. I'm sorry for your lost :/
  • Bad choices! I chose to eat more than my body needed, and I chose to sit on my *kitten* too much. No point kidding myself or making excuses anymore.
  • Shopei
    Shopei Posts: 1
    I was a college athlete and was very dedicated to proper nutrition, a strict aerobic exercise regimen, and followed an intense six day a week weight lifting program. Unfortunately, I played football and was an offensive lineman at 6'9" and 420 pounds. I was in great physical condition, especially for being that big, but after numerous knee injuries and a fairly severe back injury I was not able to continue playing football or work out very easily. At first I lost some weight, but also lost a lot of muscle that turned to fat. After the first back surgery doctors said there wasn't really anything more that could be done, and I would have to live and deal with the pain as best I could. For seven years I lived with a lot of pain and struggled to simply get out of bed and make it to work every day. Then about a year and a half ago a disc ruptured in my back, and I was lucky enough to be referred to one of the best neurosurgeons in the southwest. He not only fixed the ruptured disc, but also used the latest procedures and techniques to correct or at least improve the other issues with my back. By the time of the surgery my weight had gotten back up over 400 pounds. I went through a year of physical therapy, and felt like a new person afterwards. No more severe back pain, spasms, or pain killers(which are great for contributing to depression, binge eating, and weight gain).
    After physical therapy I started exercising regularly and got down to 375 pounds. At that point the weight loss started to slow way down. About a month and a half ago I joined MFP and started improving my eating habits. In that time I have lost another 35 pounds. These numbers may sound high, but it is much easier to lose a lot of weight when you have a lot to lose... I intended to only use MFP to track food intake and exercise, but I have found reading some of the message boards interesting, informative, and encouraging. I have a great deal of knowledge on weight training and nutrition for muscle building I would be willing to share with anyone interested. I also love cooking and have recently learned how to cook a few decent healthy meals, but would like to learn more. Send a request if you are interested in talking, asking questions, or whatever
  • I went through an ugly divorce and custody battle...was diagnosed with depression...was put on medication that rapidly put weight on my frame...all the while going from a very active career position to a very sedentary career position...all around a bad combo...I am the one who allowed it and I am the only one who can change it...
  • We had kids before we decent jobs. And to feed a family on a budget, we ate a lot of pasta, potatoes and rice. Then as we began to become slightly more financially stable, we ate at the pizza place a lot. Then we were finally able to go out with our friends for a few drinks, and you always nibble on something while you are drinking. My husband is 6'3" 280 lbs. and I'm 5'4" 230 lbs. I guess I just liked to keep up with him.
  • I eat 4 MEALs a day and I eat snacks. :S So, I gained 60 pounds in 2 month. Hopeless