How did every 1 gain weight



  • megandanielle2513
    megandanielle2513 Posts: 17 Member
    I was in kickboxing and bruised my ribs badly during a fight, stopped working out to rest because of my injury. A few months after that I discovered I had a spinal problem in my back! 6 months of no cardio and no movement=30 lbs gained. UGH!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I was in a miserable abusive marriage and I think I ate out of stress and depression.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    Ate too much, drank too much, sat on my *kitten*..2 pregnancies...was bloody lazy!!
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Used to be very good with portions, then met blokey and tried keeping up with him. Split up and kept eating the portions lol!! No exercise (or very sparingly for too many years) now met a new blokey, (whos 21st) quit smoking and put more weight on :( start of the journey to get it off today!!!

    P.S. Im 11 weeks no smoking as of today, so time for a new goal xx
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    gained a lot with my son, lost about 20lbs then gained it back with my little girl... 10lb and i will be back to pre baby size... but would like to lose 20 all together
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I was pregnant 7 times in 10 years with 4 losses.

    Pogo. The internet in general.

    Seriously ill family members and the loss of my in-laws at a young age.

    Rotator cuff surgery.
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    For me it is a combination of things but mostly just a lack of trying to eat healthy and being active. I got lazy. I can partly blame a little bit of it on everything. Divorce, Stress, Tearing my ACL, Eating out too much, Drinking too much. Basically no control over my diet and or life. I am slowly getting back in control! If feels great! I can only blame myself. I have finally realized that.
  • Rachelito
    Rachelito Posts: 119 Member
    Pepsi, French Fries, and Cream Cheese coffee cakes got me where I am!
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    It probably sounds like an easy out but I have an underactive thyroid. Didn't know I had thyroid issues until I was pregnant w/ my last baby and I was very sick and losing weight like crazy! I found out I had hyperthyroidism but couldn't take enough medicine to control it because we weren't sure if it would mess w/ the baby. I had a thyroidectomy while I was pregnant. After she was born instead of losing the baby weight I ended up gaining 20lbs. Ugh!
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Transferred to a school with no rowing program, a terrible gym and no healthy food on campus! And being lazy and indulgent with my boyfriend...
  • m1holbrook
    started off as a normal child, then hit puberty and became relatively huge (180 lbs, 5'8'' at 12 years old >__>). then i lost a bunch and got down to 155 my senior year of high school. then my freshman year of college i put on A TON because i was depressed living alone and ate all the time.

    then i lost all that weight and got back to 160 because i wanted to cosplay, with the intention of getting to a probably unhealthy 125 lbs. but i met my now fiance and he made me feel so much better about myself so i stopped starving myself. after getting too comfortable with my weight i ended up back at 176 after a holiday with my fiance this december.

    woe is me, haha.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Turning 32 (I'm 35 now) I gained almost 40 lbs - doing all the things I always did, but it all caught up to me...It was like my metabolism shut down completely.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    The only times I have ever been very overweight have been during and after my pregnancies. After my first, I held on to an extra 25lbs for almost three years. With my second, I was down to my goal weight about 15 months after he was born. I am jealous of those ladies who are back to prepregnancy weight by the time their kid is 3 months.
  • Rmulvanny
    Night time munching, hands-down.
  • Territrek
    Territrek Posts: 34 Member
    I didn't watch my portiion size and ate food that was high in calories and not necessarily that nutrious - white rice, pasta, cheese (when I wasn't vegan), and crackers for example.

    I also didn't exercise at all. I was very much a couch potato.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member

    How did you finally get it diagnosed? If you don't mind me asking how do you control it? Since I was in third grade my folks started watching what I ate and how much I excersised because my mom could see that I was going to gain weight. Since I got old enough I have been controling it. I have often wondered if my metabolism can really be that slow or if I have an issue that has never been addressed.

    It was a very simple breath test that measured the level of exhaled hydrogen, when you have a carbohydrate intolerance excess fermentation occurs and expels the hydrogen at higher levels than normal.

    After that test was done I had several glucose tests which I reacted differently, I show an immediate physical reaction to glucose but my blood sugar levels show no indication of a problem.

    Then there came the blood serum tests. These are too hard for me to explain because honestly I don't understand it all but when I finally found a doctor that listened to me and looked at my detailed food logs that I had kept for years and really looked at my medical history it was easy, he made a few calls to a few other doctors because of the fact that I have some other factors that could have an effect and as a team they have decided what other tests to run and how to proceed with treatment.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    Beer and pizza.....chinese buffet......french fry addiction.....Arby's mocha milkshakes.....lasagna.....

    ok, now I'm hungry!!!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I was always a bit overweight as a teen, but I didn't really gain because I was in dance classes many days a week. When I got to college I walked much more & did group exercise classes. I didn't really change my eating habits, but I lost 15lbs without much effort.

    Then I graduated and over the next 5 years I gradually gained that back, and then some, due to the following:

    Grad school
    Activity level dropped after college (not walking a ton and a desk job).
    Fell in love & started eating out together more.
    Not making exercise a priority.
    Most importantly - Having no clue about calories and portion sizes.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    First injuries then surgery, then staph infection, then steroids, then loooong recovery, then lazy.