How did every 1 gain weight



  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    2 babies and left my standing and running job to sitting on my *kitten* all day. And eating way to much. Netflix. Facebook.
    And this outcome should not be suprising!!

    So off it goes!!
  • mrslewisbl
    Stopped working out and not watching my calories. I did the math and I went from working out 5-6 days a week and taking in about 1600-1800 cals a day to no excersise and like 2500 cals a day. My fav jeans from a year ago are my new "goal pants"
  • millikenhomeschool
    My diet is generally good. I don't drink soda and hardly eat junk food. However, I wasn't paying attention to portions. I was eating as much as my 6 ft tall hubby and I'm nowhere near his height. Portion control is the biggest reason for the 25 pound weight gain. The other reason is I cut back on exercise after recovering from surgery.

    I gained weight for the same reasons. Dating and marrying a man who is much bigger than me. Unfortunately, not only was I trying to keep up with a 6 foot man, but a man who is an overeater as well. My weight just kept piling on. I wish he would now want to follow my lead and try to eat gain a healthier lifestyle by changing eating habits.
  • RuthRuby
    RuthRuby Posts: 31
    College :l
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    My regular diet is great I know a lot about food but binge eating made me gain weight I had always done it but in the last year or so it has been more regular now once or twice a week so that has made me gain 20 pounds
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    I grew up overweight. I already outweighed everyone by the time I was in kindergarten and continued gaining weight up until my 10th grade year of high school. I started on Jenny Craig, plataeued, and then hovered between 220lbs - 230lbs until I joined MFP.
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    I've always struggled with my weight and always stayed around 200 pounds. But, for a woman standing just 5ft 2 inches tall, that is a lot of extra weight to carry. 8 years ago, I moved to New Zealand and moved in with my then boyfriend. The relationship was very unhealthy and abusive. He was very verbally abusive and often put me down, because of my weight. I started eating more and more...and the more abusive the relationship became, the more I ate. I then started suffering from severe depression, which only made the binge eating even worse.
    I ended up gaining over 100 pounds, hitting as high as 333 pounds, back October 2010. I let myself go; I stopped caring about myself and, in some ways, I feel like all the overeating was a weird form of self sabotage.

    Late last year, I finally decided I needed to take control of my life and make changes. While me and this guy are still living together, we are not a couple- but living under the same roof as he does, proves to be challenging, but now it just fuels my motivation to lose weight even more. I no longer see each day as a prison sentence, but one day closer to being free and meeting my weight loss goals. I have decided that 2012 is my year- my year to change- to lose weight and move on with my life :)
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    I ate too much during my pregnancy
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    How I got fat?

    Initially -- 2 consecutive pregnancies followed by excuses and eating whatever junk I wanted, zero exercise.

    Then -- 3 more pregnancies, 2 years apart. Went to college full time so we'll say the stress of classes and being a wife & mom, no time. Had 2 of those children during college so that was fun. Graduated Magna Cum Laude though so I call that a success.

    Finally -- Eating crap, too much of it honestly and zero exercise left me fat, depressed, and feeling hideous.
  • mattgleason
    I have carried a few extra pounds at different times of my life, but it has gotten progressively harder to lose the pounds as I get older. I am in the habit of going to the gym, so I just need to fine tune my eating habits.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I've always been overweight.. it was actually pretty traumatic for me as a child.. my parents always deep friend everything and practically lived at McDonald's... my dad would complain that I needed to be put on a diet, but they still bought junk food all the time. It didn't help that all the women on my father's side are morbidly obese. I remember my mom would always yell at me for being fat and they would put me down. I remember my mom would tell me to suck my stomach in when we were in public because I embarrassed her. I just don't see how they could blame me for it when I was just a kid and it was their responsibility to feed me right? I remember I would ask to join sports (soccer was my favorite) and my mom would just say that they wouldn't want me anyway because I was too fat. They would just tell me to eat what my sister ate (who was five years younger than me) which didn't work.

    In high school I went through so many different ways to try and lose weight, including eating disorders. I eventually found out I also had PCOS which didn't help matters at all. It wasn't until I met my DD's father that I began to lose weight. We ate healthily all the time and were always so active everyday. Then I got pregnant and gained it all back and now I am trying to lose it all and be the person I want to be. I'm 10lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and from there about 80lbs from my goal weight.
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    I forced myself to gain weight because I weighed 120lbs at 5'10. Took me 2 years to bulk up to 200lbs and now I am cutting to 165lbs or single digit BF% whichever comes first.
  • mythicheart
    mythicheart Posts: 2 Member
    i never lost the baby fat
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    I have PCOS, and I'm insulin resistant, but I used to LOVE to eat carb and sugar heavy foods. And I only ate once or twice a day. I'd literally go without any food from 7:00 at night when my husband and I ate dinner, to not having anything until lunch the next day at 1:15 p.m. Couple that with depression and social anxiety when we moved to a new city, and low activity level... Voila!
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    Two kids in 3 years.....I have been home with them for most of the 3 years and I have gained more weight by being lazy at home and making poor food choices :( Now I have about 40 lbs to lose...
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    By eating fast food, junk food, and sitting on my butt all day!
  • alidaroxana12
    i eat when i am bored or depressed :( this is kinda fun though... talking with others. i have been on and off mfp for months... just feel like i can't stop eating, like i have an addiction to food. this is the biggest i have ever been and i lterally feel uncomfortable
  • alidaroxana12
    i hear that!
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    I was active as a child up until my early teens. I was always curvy with hips and a bust line but around the age of 13 I stopped taking care of myself. I was diagnosed with depression and instead of battling it with positive people, eating right and exercise I began comforting myself with bad foods and LOTS of soda. I slept all day, ate all night, and thought that was just how i was suppose to be. I still feel that way many times but that's why I am on here, to change that ^_^
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    Going out and drinking too much :(