5'1" girls, what do you want to weigh???



  • I'm currently 107, but I would llike to be 95ish or 100.

    why? why shoot for an underweight goal when you are already quite slim?
  • Im 5ft 1 and weigh 140 and want to get back down to 115-120. I find it harder as I am getting older. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi I am 5' 1/2 inch, and am 50 yrs old.
    I weighed 110-115 in high school ( and was convinced I was OVERweight then, but when I started this journey last year,
    so that was my ORIGINAL goal weight
    but after I reached 120, I re-evaluated where I was at.

    I am happy/satisfied with where I'm at now (low 120's)
    because I can maintain it with the caloric intake of 1600 (that's withOUT any added exercise)

    and I'm at a size in clothing where I can easily find petite clothing 4-6 pants, size S/M shirt
    That's WHY I stopped here....

    For me, it's about what I can MAINTAIN AFTER I reach my goal!

    Sorry, I TRIED posting side by side progress pics from photobucket but can't figure out how to make them smaller...if you really want to see my progress, click on my profile pics.
    I started out @ 162.5
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    My goal is 120 right now and than might lower it to 115 if 120 isn't good. I'm currently 131 and look bad for my frame. I was 100lbs for years but that was too thin!
  • short_ro
    short_ro Posts: 2
    I am almost 5'1" and would like to get to 130lbs. I started at 161lbs and am currently at 148lbs. I found a chart that said I should weigh between 125-140lbs as I am considered large-framed. I actually aways considered myself medium framed which would put me at 115-129. The weight varies from 106-140 so your frame type makes a pretty big difference. good luck!
  • lyddsmom
    lyddsmom Posts: 96
    115 is a totally reasonable goal. I'm 5' 3" and want to be 125, maybe 120. But I have always been curvy with large breasts and wider hips, even at 115. I think 115 would be hard for me to maintain so I'm shooting for 120ish.
  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'2", currently 100, my goal is to maintain between 100-105. I'm concentrating on strength training, so, if the scale goes up a little, I'm okay. I have a small frame and small boobs(A). I usually where a size 0 or 1.

    You are looking fab in your pic and it's pretty much where I would like to be. I just wondered what strength training you are doing/recommend? I am doing weights (light at the mo) and core Pilates strength like the plank (working hard to improve the lower abs after 2 babies) and am wondering where to go from there?

    Thank you so much! I really like Personal training with Jackie Power circuit training, and some Jillian. I'm starting to try out lifting heavier weights. Still trying to figure out exactly what I need to do to get the body I want! It shouldn't be so complicated!

    I know - its hard trying to find the right balance between cardio, strength, cals etc. I'm hoping I will figure out the magic formula soon! Thanks, I haven't heard of Jackie Power before I will see if its available over here too.
  • scsksouthern
    scsksouthern Posts: 23 Member
    Going from 210 to 158 is a great achievement and I wasn't about to let your comment go unnoticed! I started this at 156 lbs, and have lost 3 so far. It's coming along as it should (slow but consistent) and I will continue to exercise and eat well/right and I know it will happen for me in a few more months. Not sure what my goal is because I am lifting some weights, too, (8# hand weights for my arms) and am also big busted, so maybe around 120 for me, but have to wait and see how I'm looking along the way. I am also almost 59 yrs old, so I guess I'm not quite as vain as I was when I was younger. I do, however, want to look good in my clothes and not make a mess in my closet trying to find something to wear that I feel good in! lol I am 5'1"... I love that we short gals have this space to share our common goals and interests. I have always said that "I am not fat. I am just too short for my weight." Makes me smile to look at it like that. : ) Well, I started this post in response to someone who had said she started at 210 and was shooting for 120 and was currently 158, but I didn't post her comment first. Not sure how to even do that, but I just replied to her message, thinking it would post her comment too, and it didn't obviously. Anyways, just so you shorter gals all know that I haven't lost my mind. I just don't know how to do this whole forum-type thing. lol
  • scsksouthern
    scsksouthern Posts: 23 Member
    started at 210 lbs. looking to get to 120. currently 158.
    Bear with me here... I'm trying to teach myself something! lol See the above post (I hope?) I am trying to respond to your post... OK!!! Now I know how to do it! Sorry everyone that I have messed up the flow of things here. Maybe the size of my brain is in direct relation to my height
  • RhondaBagley
    RhondaBagley Posts: 25 Member
    here is the standard in the fitness industry according to ACSM: 100# for first 5 feet +5# for every inch after, with a give or take of 10%. So if you are 5' 1" that looks like this:
    +/- 10.5#
    SO 105 +10.5# =115.5
    or 105- 10.5#=95.5
  • SuzieMae78
    SuzieMae78 Posts: 52 Member
    I think it all depends on your frame of body and where your curves are at...
    I am 5' 1/2" tall and my lowest was when I was 16 and that was 126, I haven't been that low since and I am 33...so I am a realist I have to lose 100 lbs for sure that will bring me to 130, which would be wonderful!!! But I would LOVE to be at 120 :)
  • I am 5'1. I weigh 109, but my goal is about 97. I'm 32. I have a small frame though.
  • allijoy13
    allijoy13 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I'd be happy if I could get to 130! I'm stuck at 140...
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm 5'2"...im aiming for 130. we'll see how i feel when i get down to that
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    It all depends on your bone structure and not just the number on the scale. I am barely 5'1 and I've always been around 120 as my comfort weight. I am down to around 117 and 115 on a good day. I have a medium bone structure so I could never be 105 or I'd look sick. Just take muscle mass and bone size aka "frame" into consideration.
  • I just had a baby about 6 months ago so I currently weigh 145 and I want to weigh between 120-125. I like having curves and I do not want to be "skinny" I want to be healty. The best I've ever looked in my life was around 120.
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 213 Member
    125lbs :)
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    i'm barely 5ft 1 and my goal weight is 135. it's the smallest i've ever been in my life. i have right around 75lbs to lose. but i'm determined! wish me luck ladies. good luck on your own goals as well :flowerforyou:
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    At five feet I'm aiming for 111 ultimately, right now at 150 (I have a long way to go). So yes, 115 is completely reasonable. In my profile pics I'm 117 for reference.

    Can always use some short friends!