

  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Hrcrosby........welcome......the more the merrier!! :drinker:

    btw, we weigh in every monday :happy:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hi all!!!

    welcome to the newbies & returning group members:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is getting in their workouts, water intake, meal planning,. etc.... during the craziness that is life, dont forget to make time for YOU! :wink:

    Wedding plans, marital issues, work overload, rough weekends, etc - NOTHING will cause us to give in or keep US from achieving what we set out to accomplish here :glasses: FIT BY FALL - woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Thought for today: "a little progress can put u solidly on the road to a lot more!"

    True... and being a part of this site/group/working towards our goals is a step in our progress!! keep up the great work guys! :happy:
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    I haven't been checking in like I should. You guys are very positive, and encouraging,and I won't be as lax as I was before in checking in and letting you all know my progress.I 've done well this week , with exercise and writing down what I'm eating, just not always here.But that's going to change. I have lost 2.5lbs this past week,after not losing for more than 2 weeks.I really feel I'm on the right track,with getting to the root of my overeating, and finding different ways to sneak in exercise. Exercise has always been hard for me as far as being consistent goes.But ,now I 've been playing basketball with my son, racing around with him,Walking with my daughter, Getting in mini- walks/jogs and strength moves instead of just watching them play at the playground.I am really getting into exercise, and thinking of ways to fit more into my every day life!It's cool that this site tracks house work and yard work and such as exercise, and gives you credit for it, with extra calories. I LOVE that.Thanks for all the great quotes and encouragement! Starting weight: 7/ 10/ 09: 177.5
    7/24/ 09:174.5
    My highest weight was 208 in 2000, steadily lost after son was born in 2000, but gained and lost same 30- 35 lbs for next 6 years. Lost 35 in 2007, and gained 20(was168) by April of this year.Putting me back up to188.I have lost 14 lbs since then, with this site, and another, which I don't know if I can mention here.Hope I didn't bore you to tears with my rambling. Just wanted you to know where I started .:happy: goal for Aug 31st:165. I think before , I put 168, but think I keep up what I'm doing now, 165 IS an attainable goal by then.
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109

    Wedding plans, marital issues, work overload, rough weekends, etc - NOTHING will cause us to give in or keep US from achieving what we set out to accomplish here :glasses: FIT BY FALL - woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Amen!!! What a great reminder! If we fall off our bikes...do we not get back on? If we fall off our horse...do we not get back on?? (if your answer was "no" then SHAME ON YOU! :laugh: ). But seriously...get back up! We can't let anything hold us down!! FIT BY FALL!!!!

    Welcome back old members, and new members welcome as well!! And no TAMAWAMARA, you didn't bore us!! :wink: And HRCROSBY-welcome!! Our goal is to help motivate! I dont know about anyone else...but when I stay positive to try to motivate someone else...it motivates me as well!!! A friend and I have been calling each other at 5 to make sure we get up and work out (because when school starts, the only time we'll have for working out will probably be in the mornings!!). So, trying to start the habit now!

    Man, time is closing in on August 31st!! I'm going to have to kick it into high gear...if I want to weigh 169 by the time school starts!! That's 20lbs!!! Yikes! And I want it to STAY off...not just be a quick loss! But...one good thing...I KNOW that if I pick up my workouts and vary them...and I KNOW if I give my metabolism a boost with one day where I eat 1500 calories...I can do it! I just need to stay motivated!! More calories out than in!!! It's simple math, right?? :laugh:

    Here's my motivation for the day...and sure...it might be goofy...but this past week...song have really been speaking to my life...so here are a few lyrics for you ladies...hope you enjoy!!

    (in next post)
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    :heart: THE CLIMB-MILEY CYRUS:heart:
    I can almost see it
    That dream I am dreaming
    But there's a voice inside my head saying
    "You'll never reach it"
    Every step I'm taking
    Every move I make feels
    Lost with no direction
    My faith is shaking
    But I gotta keep trying
    Gotta keep my head held high

    The struggles I'm facing
    The chances I'm taking
    Sometimes might knock me down
    But no, I'm not breaking
    I may not know it
    But these are the moments that
    I'm gonna remember most, yeah
    Just gotta keep going
    And I, I got to be strong
    Just keep pushing on

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's THE CLIMB

    Keep on moving, keep climbing
    Keep the faith, baby
    It's all about, it's all about the climb
    Keep the faith, keep your faith

    Ain't nothin' gonna break my break my stride,
    nobody's gonna slow me down, oh no,
    I've got to keep on movin'.
    Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride,
    I'm running in a one touch ground, oh no
    I've got to keep on movin'.

    More to come...
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome newbies and hi to current groupers!!

    Think I sweated out about 4lbs yesterday while on a t/c scene....was out there for
    about 4-5 hours in the sun taking measurements, photos, etc. :grumble: At least
    I had my water with me :drinker: Stopped afterwards to get a Gatorade to replace
    electrolites, etc. Had a bad headache for a couple of hours, probably heat exhaustion.
    Didn't get around to eating my fruit or my tuna. Stopped in at El Pollo and got a burrito. :ohwell:
    Weigh the same this morning :bigsmile: At least I didn't go up!!

    Thanks for the inspirational words!!

    WE ROCK!!!:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    I just love Miley Cyrus' song "The Climb"!Thanks for quoting it!"Break my stride" is good too!I've really found a great bunch of people here on this thread!We do rock!:glasses:
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Hiii everybody!

    This seems like such an inspirational group! I know that I'm almost 20 days late in joining :blushing: but this is honestly the first time I came across this thread. I also traced back to the previous thread and read almost all the posts in that one, along with this one. I LOVE THE NAME *Fit by Fall*, it just...sounds so right! :happy:

    I started my healthy lifestyle [yes, that's exactly what it is :smile: ] on May 15th of this year and have been going strong ever since. In the almost 2.5 months, I've lost 21 lbs, 3 pants sizes, along with a bra size! :bigsmile: I want to lose 30 lbs by Dec 31st and feel proud of my accomplishments so far.

    I can wait to tackle this challenge while having you guys as motivation and support, and hopefully become one for you as well!

    :flowerforyou: Anita
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Welcome TNYorker!!! What an inspiration! Great weight loss!! This is a motivational group!! I love these ladies! So sorry, this is going to be a short post...but ladies...just a reminder...NEVER QUIT! The weekend...whoa...its tough...but I love weighing in on MOndays...cause it really does make me stay on track during the weekend! Also, I take 1 day off during the week, and 1 weekend day (for working out that is)...so I"m not taking the entire weekend off! It keeps me on track. Yesterday, was my 'FREE CALORIE" DAY...and I allowed myself 1500 cals. Back to 1200 today! I haven't worked out yet...but plan on working out before work at 4. Keep up the great work ladies!!! "Its not about how fast we get there...it's the climb"!! Just think about...once we all reach our goal weights (and we will!!) ...we'll be able to say...WE DID THIS..ALL BY OURSELVES!!! NO SURGERY...NO DIET PILLS...JUST HARD WORK AND DEDICATION!!! Be strong "Fit by Fall" ladies!!!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Anita and congrats on what you've accomplished so far! :drinker:

    DH and I went out to dinner last nite in Big Bear to our favorite steak house...
    I probably should have gotten the buffalo burger sans condiments........but
    I just really wanted the prime rib. So ate 1/2 of that and the broccoli, stayed away
    from the rolls, but did dig in to the chips and salsa before dinner arrived. Needless
    to say, up .4 lbs :ohwell: Knew it was gonna happen so not gonna sweat it!
    Just the 8yr old and me today, lots of running around to do. My last day to do wedding
    stuff. Have to work tomorrow so I can get Thurs off :grumble:

    MrsP.......I just LOVE your inspiration and motivation!! You Rock! :love:

    Stay true to yourselves.....the only one your cheating on is the one in the mirror!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Don't mean to be a downer...but I had a medical test done this past Monday and have to wait until this upcoming Monday for the results...it's been a long week. My doctor is pretty sure the results will be positive. I'm scared, a little depressed and spent way too much time researching it online when I could have been exercising and doing my food diary.
    Today I finally got myself to exercise (4.4 on the elliptical) for the first time this week, just finished doing my food diary for the first time this week, and now I'm fresh from the shower. So, I decided I'm restarting my day (it's 6pm!). Good morning, everyone! :laugh:

    This is a great group!!! Reading your posts is always good for me. You inspire me when things are going well for you and when you're struggling then I don't feel so alone.

    A special thank you to mrsprazak05 for posting: "Its not about how fast we get there...it's the climb!" Thanks for reminding me what I keep forgetting. :flowerforyou:
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 - 125.5
    7/27 - 126
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 2

    I gained half a pound back, I had some pit falls this week but I'm back on track, today I walk/ran 40 mins. I'm keeping track of what I'm eating again so next weigh in should be great! Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekends! I weighed in early so I wouldn't forget tomorrow, busy day ahead!!! Everyone is doing great and welcome to all the newcomers!!!
  • sbury
    sbury Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations. 58 M here- (old guy) lost 37 so far since April. Point I wanted to make is to make sure u r exercise burns the fat . Aerobics is fine and ok for off days. But u might have more results doing 20 min at 60-70% heart rate; 10 min at 80-90 heart rate; and 20 min at 60-70 heart rate.
    Heart rate = 220 - age. This makes sure u burn fat converted to sugar vice burning he surgars form muscles - make sense?

    take care
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hi there,

    I was wondering if it was too late to join this thread. its the first time I've come across it and it seems so positive and motivating! i would love to be a part of if!

    Im really struggling, I keep bouncing up and down 3 lbs each week and am having a super hard time getting all my calories in on here. It has me set to 2040/day and that seems like soooo much. I follow the weight watchers diet and make the healthy choices and log everything on here as well and it doesnt even get me past 1800 usually. IS there something wrong that I am doing?

    HEEELLLPPPP :) Oh...andyou guys are all so amazing and inspirational :)
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hi I am new to this site & after reading every ones post you have definitely inspired me to start getting healthy today & not wait until August 1st. I have been truly looking for a group of motivating people such as your self & would love to join this group if you would have me.

    I’m a 32yr wife & mother of 2 great children. I started my healthier way of life back in Jan08 & have been dropping the pounds. In Sept 08 I was given the opportunity to work from home & jumped on it. I didn’t look at me missing the free access to the office gym & had to turn to my workout tapes that helped me maintain. I wasn’t dropping the weight like I wanted to. So, I stopped 3 months ago & gained 3lbs back over the 3 months. I know…. the wrong thing to do but, it’s the truth. I need to lose at least 20lbs. I was eating clean throughout my journey minus the 3 months I stopped but, never ever counted calories. I’m very nervous about that.

    I did enter my weight, height & age when joining MFP & wondered was I correct when reading that I can take in 190g of Carbs in a day? I know if I eat too little I’m not going to see results, so I am going to get my eating in I just want to be sure that I’m reading this all correctly before jumping into full swing tomorrow morning. Any help & advice is greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to getting to know you all! Have a great day & stay motivated.

  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome lee and maddie :flowerforyou:

    I'm not much of an inspiration this morning........gave in to the stress yesterday and
    ate fast food......TWICE!!! :explode: Paying for it this morning on the scale....have to
    work today :grumble: , but at least know I'll eat HEALTHY and won't do the fast food

    Maddie....that's a LOT of cals!!! was that number factored by including exercise????
    I stick with 1200cals a day.....it's more than enough. Especially when you eat right!
    That means no processed foods, none of those 100 calorie snacks, etc. Just good
    healthy food.............most of it right off the produce shelf!
    My usual day........
    breakfast (yes out of the box :frown: cuz I don't like oatmeal) multi grain cheerios or raisin bran
    am snack - celery/pb
    lunch - 1/2 turkey san on oroweat protein health bread or tuna wrap on lettuce
    pm snack - fruit
    dinner - chicken or ? and veggies.......no starches
    if I REALLY want something before bed, another fruit or bowl of cereal

    Keep reading the various posts on the site........LOTS of information. Just remember, most
    members are like me, not professionals! We only know what's working for us!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Actually the calories were given BEFORE i factored in exercise which is CRAZY. i had opted for losing "one pound per week" when I set up my profile on here,and I just went in and adjusted it to aiming for 1.5 lbs/week and it dropped me to 1700 which is a lot better I think. I will probably still have some trouble but its a lot more achievable.

    I dont like to eat the calories I burn working out because i feel like it defeats the purpose (only my personal opinion though he he) But I do make sure to eat healthy and try very hard to stay away from restraunts and fast food as much as possible except sometimes we are out with friends on the weekends. Either way this seems much better.

    Your day of food sounds very simmillar to what I try and get in in a day so now I dont feel so bad about it :) Thanks so much for the suggestions :)
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    happy day everyone!!!

    welcome newbies!!!!! Let's all aim to keep in the loop with our successes and pitfalls (yes, there are those) :flowerforyou: I find this site such a positive reinforcement to my new lifestyle! no wonder i failed so many times before and have actually stuck with it for 3 months now...:smile:

    .....so i just wanted to share that yesterday i pulled out a pair of size 12 jeans i havent worn in 3 years (more like 4)....:happy: i was actually angry when i did it b/c i couldnt find my 14s and i was in a hurry to make it to an appointment so i was determined to squeeze into them regardless :explode: (lol) BUT to my surprise they fit!! i wore then and i felt so proud of myself! it took me a while to get here, but i'm here!! just wanted to share with you guys b/c i know how easy it is to give up when not seeing results immediately like we want! just dont ever give up!

    thought for today:
    "Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable."
    - Coco Chanel, fashion designer

    water up!!!!!!! :glasses:
    Thanks everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    ClassiC............:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: U Go GIrl!!! u rock! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    thanks Pam!:flowerforyou:

    quick question everyone- i love pb! is there anything other than fruit, celery (eww), ww toast and cottage cheese i can pair it with ????? i'd like to keep it as a snack this week but kind of tired of the same ole! lol.... i'd like to not resort to eating it alone or using my sugar free chocolate bar with it hahhahaha:laugh:
    i know i'm taking out a few popular options there.... sorry!

    thanks! :happy: