

  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Curvykatie (gotta love that name) - welcome back! Joining the gym is going to make all the difference in the world, good for you! You’re setting yourself up for success!

    Fiftyandfit – that sounds like a great digital scale. I need a new one, especially one that reads 169! Congratulations on reaching your lowest weight in 10 years. That’s inspiring me today!

    Hrcrosby – glad you’re joining us! You’re on your way to looking great for that wedding and the Y is fantastic! What sort of a bootcamp are you doing on Monday?

    ClassiC – thanks for rememinding me that “NOTHING will cause us to give in or keep US from achieving what we set out to accomplish here!” You’re doing fantastic!!! Must feel great!

    Tamawamara – Wow!!! 2.5 lbs lost!!! I like the ideas of “sneaking in exercise”. It’s working for you!

    TNYorker – welcome and congrats on your 21 lb weight loss!!! Your healthy lifestyle change is paying off big time!!!

    Maddiebabe & Leeslim4life – WELCOME!!! It’s never too late to join us.

    MrsP - you're still the tops at keeping us all positive and committed to making good choices in order to meet our goals. Thanks for such a great thread!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Ok, I am so ready for tomorrow! I ran out to Target & bought a digital scale, a calorie counter, a knee brace, my multivitamin & some new sports bras. I have everything setup & running. You know I had to just step on that scale right? OMG I am not 188lbs, I’m 196lbs!!! The Nintendo Wii lied to me.  I nearly passed out. I have so much more work to do then I expected but, I will do this.

    I am so happy to see everyone is doing so well! I can’t wait to report back tomorrow, have a good night!

  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :D

    I feel so successful after I've passed through the weekend without going off track! I will probably have a snack [pb on choc. rice cake + strawberries :love: ] before I get to bed, and that will be the end to the weekend.

    I have something to look forward to this week but before I tell you what it is, I'm going to give you a little more info about me. :bigsmile:
    I was born/raised in NY but currently reside in TN. My highschool sweetheart of seven years/fiance lives in NY and we visit each other every other month or so. It's crazy hard but I'm here because of work/school. We'll be getting married in another year and half, and then I'll be able to move back home with him. :smile:
    So here's the news...he hasn't seen me since my weight loss - and he's coming to visit this Thursday!!! Eeeek, I'm so excited!!! :love: Even though I'm looking forward to having fun, I've promised myself to not to lose focus and still eat healthy. Wish me luck! [fingers crossed!] :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Anita
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Ok, I am so ready for tomorrow! I ran out to Target & bought a digital scale, a calorie counter, a knee brace, my multivitamin & some new sports bras. I have everything setup & running. You know I had to just step on that scale right? OMG I am not 188lbs, I’m 196lbs!!! The Nintendo Wii lied to me.  I nearly passed out. I have so much more work to do then I expected but, I will do this.

    I am so happy to see everyone is doing so well! I can’t wait to report back tomorrow, have a good night!


    Aww Leelee, don't worry hon - what's a couple more pounds vs. your determination?! Keep thinking positive as you already are, you can do this! :drinker:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Awww TNYorker that is so sweet!!!! I hope you guys have a great time together.

    And Yes you are right, 8 extra pounds has nothing on my determination. I am ready to get this done! :happy:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    ClassiC..........apple w/ pb! yummo!! my kids said rice cakes...i said ugh! hate eating dust!!
    'course maybe the pb would act like glue!! :laugh:

    c y'all in the a.m. ~ fingers crossed!:flowerforyou:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    TNYorker - Time for me to go to bed and that's a great story to read before I hit the pillow! You've got to feel great and so proud of yourself. :wink:
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm confused I thought we where posting in another thread, but I couldn't find it. I weighed in early yesterday but thought I would just keep with my days and weigh in again officially today. If we did change threads can someone let me know. THANKS!!

    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 - 125.5
    7/27 - 124
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 4
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    I weighed in this morning & went from 196 to 194.4 :happy: So, I will never weigh myself at night again!
    Today is my day 1, I had a Herbal Life shake with a 1/2 a cup of blueberries....I have my water at my side & will do my work out tonight after work!

    I hope you all have a great day! Stay focused & remember we can do this!!!

    Until Later, Lee!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Hi ladies, I'm confused I thought we where posting in another thread, but I couldn't find it. I weighed in early yesterday but thought I would just keep with my days and weigh in again officially today. If we did change threads can someone let me know. THANKS!!

    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 - 125.5
    7/27 - 124
    8/03 -
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 4

    New post is up! Sorry, it's 730 am my time... maybe i should have posted it BEFORE my morning workout...sorry! :( great job on the weight loss ladies!!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109

    A special thank you to mrsprazak05 for posting: "Its not about how fast we get there...it's the climb!" Thanks for reminding me what I keep forgetting. :flowerforyou:

    You're so very welcome!! :love: And my you have strength this week to over come those obstacles, and anxiety about your test...and stay motivated and positve! Be blessed! I'll pray for you...(if that won't offend you)
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109

    .....so i just wanted to share that yesterday i pulled out a pair of size 12 jeans i havent worn in 3 years (more like 4)....:happy: i was actually angry when i did it b/c i couldnt find my 14s and i was in a hurry to make it to an appointment so i was determined to squeeze into them regardless :explode: (lol) BUT to my surprise they fit!! i wore then and i felt so proud of myself! it took me a while to get here, but i'm here!! just wanted to share with you guys b/c i know how easy it is to give up when not seeing results immediately like we want! just dont ever give up!

  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS....this thread is soooo positvie and motivating and I cant wait to read it each morning to motivate myself through the day. Thank you for starting it.....its awesome :)
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Post weight in new thread

    Funny thing is I accidentally typed *FIB by Fall*, I swear I'm giving my honest weight...really! :blushing:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    FYI: Post weight for Monday, August 3rd in new thread -
