hmmmmmmmm. a bit confused



  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Oh, I must have my taco bell. If I didn't get that once in a while I would never stay on this program. Sometimes I just have to be bad.

    :drinker: Had it last night..., the Doritos Loco Taco Supreme @ 200 Calories...; it was soooooo good!

    I had to google what this was its been so long since I've been there....holy crap, yum!!!!!

    For me I haven't completely said no to anything, I eat healthy MOST of the time, I do allow myself to have something chocolate nearly every day (if only a 70 cal hot chocolate) but aside from that I'm pretty good, pop once or twice a year, some measured out chips once every few months, but if I want a burger and fries, or a taco, or to go out for a nice dinner, I'm going to go ahead and do it and not feel bad about it. It may not always be healthy but I'm a million times better Than i used to be!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Yes, worry about your pwn choices. I ate jelly beans today....I learned that there are alot of calories in Jelly beans and I have had my last jelly bean for a long time,and I need to walk extra today. This is an individual journey and learning experience for everyone. Some will make it to their goal, some may not. But picking apart someones choices won't help.

    OMG you totally made me Laugh with this comment :) I agree with you all the way , it was just so funny about the jelly bean lesson LOL thanks
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.
    I agree with u even if other ppl don't. I don't use veggie oil, barely even butter. I rarely eat chocolate, and I don't mean the flavored chocolate I drink breakfast essentials with my protein but that's almost it. I can't remember the last chips I ate, or gummy bear(gummy foods were my weakness) I occasionally suck on hard candy to curve my craving. The only fast food I eat is subway, and I quit drink pop completely. I figured if I allow myself a lil I will eventually add them back all together. I also only allow red meat once a week

    I would not want to live that way. The good news is, you don't have to.

    If it makes you happy, COOL! But if you are white-knuckling your way through weight loss, when you get finished, will the results stay? Or will you be so deprived and desperate for a gummy bear that you say to heck with it?
    Of course they will stay. And ya it makes me happy I don't get why ur tageting me about someone's post
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You're right chef, people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals unless they are real real discipline. We gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless.

    oh, hun, no.

    This isn't true.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.
    I agree with u even if other ppl don't. I don't use veggie oil, barely even butter. I rarely eat chocolate, and I don't mean the flavored chocolate I drink breakfast essentials with my protein but that's almost it. I can't remember the last chips I ate, or gummy bear(gummy foods were my weakness) I occasionally suck on hard candy to curve my craving. The only fast food I eat is subway, and I quit drink pop completely. I figured if I allow myself a lil I will eventually add them back all together. I also only allow red meat once a week

    I would not want to live that way. The good news is, you don't have to.

    If it makes you happy, COOL! But if you are white-knuckling your way through weight loss, when you get finished, will the results stay? Or will you be so deprived and desperate for a gummy bear that you say to heck with it?
    Of course they will stay. And ya it makes me happy I don't get why ur tageting me about someone's post

    So you've given up gummy bears and taco bell for life?

    I wouldn't do that. And, since I can (and did) lose a massive amount of weight without doing that, I like to spread the word to others that they don't have to set themselves up for failure with a whole lot of restrictions.

    Just hit your calorie numbers. That's all it takes. You don't even have to exercise. I am living proof.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.
    I agree with u even if other ppl don't. I don't use veggie oil, barely even butter. I rarely eat chocolate, and I don't mean the flavored chocolate I drink breakfast essentials with my protein but that's almost it. I can't remember the last chips I ate, or gummy bear(gummy foods were my weakness) I occasionally suck on hard candy to curve my craving. The only fast food I eat is subway, and I quit drink pop completely. I figured if I allow myself a lil I will eventually add them back all together. I also only allow red meat once a week

    I think I would last about ... oh ... 2 hours on that diet.

    also, I think I may have taco bell tonight. actually, no ... I really want a shamrock shake. and I rode 33 miles on the bike today, so I certainly have the clearance. mcdonald's, here I come.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    You're right chef, people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals unless they are real real discipline. We gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless.

    uh .... what?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Hey, at least they're being honest & logging it! :tongue:

    Different things work for different people - not everyone can give up fast food, at least not all at once. Maybe in time they won't want it any more, or maybe it's a treat for them. I still eat at In-N-Out - I don't plan on ever giving that up - but I don't eat it every day or even every week, and I log it when I do eat it. And I enjoy every single delicious bite! :bigsmile: Oh, and I'm losin' weight. Booyah!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Great, now I'm craving In-N-Out Burger. :love:
  • chefabitino
    It may not "healthy", but you can still achieve weightloss with a couple 140 calorie tacos from Taco Bell. I don't think it's realistic to completely remove "junk" food from your life.

    ^^this! you don't have to eliminate everything in order to lose weight. in fact i still eat the things i like, just use portion control and find healthier ways to prepare them

    Exactly. I even still order a pizza once a week ever since starting the weightloss journey. Haven't gained, only lost. Just need to remember that I'm not eating 4 slices anymore.

    But at the same time I understand people who don't want to touch food like that. If it works for you, have at it :)

    I agree with you as far as moderation. and pizza Is not junk food to me.(from a mom and pop shop that is) It has all the nutrional values you need. And yes I don't eat 4 slices as well I stick to one. But TACO BELL? I'm sorry if you knew what was in them..... anyway What I am trying to get to is, I have done the same in the past but once I reached my goal weight I gained it back.. So now I am trying to train my body to burn the food for me.. And it will by eating the right foods, its been proven.. There is so much i can say here but it would take too long..

    I don't deprive myself of any food, there are things I like and things I don't. But I eat everything as long as I know what in it.. So most of the time I prepare it myself..Yes this is much easier for me because I have more at my service being a chef. and I also enjoy cooking....
  • chefabitino
    um. So let me see if I've got this are so worried that people are eating vegetable oil and Taco Bell that you needed to put it on the Interwebz for eternity?

    I had no idea they were that alarming. Thank you.

    I'm not worried for other people I am worried for myself. I just expressed an OPINION! That there are alternatives..

    The alarm will go off when you end up with health problems.. But don't worry about that now. No biggy. Your welcome..
  • chefabitino
    While olive oil my be Healthy for you it is not always in a persons budget to use it or they may prefer a different type. I personally view recipes as an outline and adjust them to my personal tastes. If you don't care for what is in them develop ones that you like or tweek the ones you don't to your liking.

    If a person choses to eat fast food, soda, meat, vegs ect it is up to them and their food calorie allotment. None of my business. This journey is about learning what works for you.

    I use grapeseed oil to saute with Costs just as much as veg oil. I do watch my budget..I know that $$$ spent on fast food, if you shop wisely you can feed your self for a week...
  • chefabitino
    Unless it's ultra refined, olive oil burns at a lower temperature than vegetable and canola oil. If you're doing a stir fry or other type of cooking at a higher heat, you can't really use it.

    GRAPE-SEED oil has a great viscosity for high heat.That's what i use.
  • chefabitino
    My way is is the only way and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong! :indifferent:

    You need a

    I never said my way is the only way.. I just expressed my opinion.
  • chefabitino
    small steps

    Yes Sue you are right..I'm taking small healthy steps...;)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    um. So let me see if I've got this are so worried that people are eating vegetable oil and Taco Bell that you needed to put it on the Interwebz for eternity?

    I had no idea they were that alarming. Thank you.

    I'm not worried for other people I am worried for myself. I just expressed an OPINION! That there are alternatives..

    The alarm will go off when you end up with health problems.. But don't worry about that now. No biggy. Your welcome..

    I am old enough to be yo mama. I am much healthier than anyone I know at my age, regardless of the fact that for a decade I thought the major food groups were alcohol, caffeine, and sugar. :laugh: Thankfully I was dealt some good cards. Not everyone will have "health problems" from vegetable oil and Taco Bell. Those are super way down on the list, honestly.
  • chefabitino
    Some people are picky. If a taco's what they want, who are we to judge?

    Not judging.. you are right!
  • chefabitino
    Oh, I must have my taco bell. If I didn't get that once in a while I would never stay on this program. Sometimes I just have to be bad.

    Its good to be bad once in a while...
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    My way is is the only way and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong! :indifferent:

    You need a

    I never said my way is the only way.. I just expressed my opinion.

    Yep. But you chose to express your opinion in a general call-out that strongly implied that everything else is wrong, whether or not you realized it.

    Why not worry about your own diet instead of posting threads calling out for other people to worry about theirs? People change at different rates and to different degrees. I used to eat 3-4 cheesy double beef burritos at taco bell, yesterday I had two small tacos there instead.