2012 52 5/7 Challenge



  • thinktank32k
    5/7 I am spent. The cycling class nearly killed me. Have a great night everyone
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Heather, YOU are doing GREAT!!! With ALL that you do, you probably have NOT gained much weight and you'll be busy with 2 kids after this one and your weight will melt off!!! Hang in there sweetie it is almost time!!!!

    I agree! 37 weeks and doing an our of Zumba is amazing! My 3rd child was 2 weeks early and at 37 weeks, I didn't want to do much other than get all the baby stuff in order and I didn't even accomplish that! How far apart in age will your kids be?
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 4/7 with level 3 of ripped. Plus, I moved furniture and toys and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned ome more, I'm so exhausted!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Kim, Way to go at doing INTERVALS!!!! That is how I got into running! I started by running between two sets of power poles along the road & walking one etc:: I was running 7 plus miles last summer! You can do it!!!!

    thinktank, a cycling class?? Is that a spinning class? I live very rural and would LOVE to do a spinning class!! Good job girl!

    busymOm, I'd say your house is spotless with all the work you have been doing but with kid's it probably is treasured for only an hour!!!:laugh: Way to get in that fitness AND all that NEVER ending house cleaning work!!!!

    Hi Deb!!! Soooo good to hear from you!!! Your profile name should have been busymom also! Gosh YOU rock!!!!! Take care!

    Hello to all the other fitness freaks, hope you are get n er done!

    ohh:heart: about forgot my 5/7. It was 3 miles pushing my 5 yr old GS in the baby jogger!!! He is GROWING!!! But that time together is cherished!
  • kmbrleykay
    Ok, my 4/7 was 80 mins on the treadmill, but that doesnt even come close to describing what I just did. My mom wants to do a half marathon in Colorado the end of April & it is going to be a killer (I dont mind the half marathon part, we are doing our fifth the end of this month.) It is the colorado part. I just attempted to replicate on the treadmill what the beginning of the race will be. I was going to do the first half, but only made it 5 miles. i am sure I am going to feel it in my legs tomorrow! No more praticing hills until after Dallas, dont want to be sore for the real thing.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Heather, YOU are doing GREAT!!! With ALL that you do, you probably have NOT gained much weight and you'll be busy with 2 kids after this one and your weight will melt off!!! Hang in there sweetie it is almost time!!!!

    I agree! 37 weeks and doing an our of Zumba is amazing! My 3rd child was 2 weeks early and at 37 weeks, I didn't want to do much other than get all the baby stuff in order and I didn't even accomplish that! How far apart in age will your kids be?

    Thanks ladies!!! Aside from some mild right sacroiliac joint discomfort I really feel pretty good, and the Zumba makes me feel a little less like a blob. :wink:

    Verda, it has been frightening seeing the scale creep up. I'm about 28 pounds up at 37 weeks, which is where my doctor wants me to be, but after losing 25 pounds before getting pregnant it has been REALLY tough to see the scale rise. I realize it is for good cause and it will come off easier this time around since I started this pregnancy at a good weight and have been watching my diet and trying to exercise. Looking forward to getting back into my more intense exercise routine once baby comes and I am cleared by my OB to get back at it!

    Busymom--my daughter is 3, so I think it will be a nice age gap, however I'm expecting some initial jealousy on my daughter's part. When my sister came for a visit last weekend with her 6 week old baby my daughter was VERY jealous every time I held her. This will be interesting!!! :wink:

    Hope that everyone is having a great day--TGIF!!!! You ladies are totally rocking it!! Keep up the great work! :bigsmile:
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks ladies!!! Aside from some mild right sacroiliac joint discomfort I really feel pretty good, and the Zumba makes me feel a little less like a blob. :wink:

    Verda, it has been frightening seeing the scale creep up. I'm about 28 pounds up at 37 weeks, which is where my doctor wants me to be, but after losing 25 pounds before getting pregnant it has been REALLY tough to see the scale rise. I realize it is for good cause and it will come off easier this time around since I started this pregnancy at a good weight and have been watching my diet and trying to exercise. Looking forward to getting back into my more intense exercise routine once baby comes and I am cleared by my OB to get back at it!

    Busymom--my daughter is 3, so I think it will be a nice age gap, however I'm expecting some initial jealousy on my daughter's part. When my sister came for a visit last weekend with her 6 week old baby my daughter was VERY jealous every time I held her. This will be interesting!!! :wink:

    Hope that everyone is having a great day--TGIF!!!! You ladies are totally rocking it!! Keep up the great work! :bigsmile:

    My first 2 are 25 months apart. My son was so upset when he walked into the hospital room and saw me with the baby. He just cried! What really helped was a small present to the baby in the hospital (a book) and another present (Thomas set) from the baby when we got home. It made such a HUGE difference!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    4/7 Wed with Kickbox and walking on break.
    5/7 today with the Firm 25 min. I will try to walk on break if it doesn't rain.

    You ladies are rockin it.

    I give kudos to heather for doing it carrying a baby!!
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    5/7 with 3rd level of ripped.
  • bjlilly
    bjlilly Posts: 8
    5/7 did a 3 mile fast walk, 25 min. on the exercise bike, and floor exercises.
  • thinktank32k
    Today makes 6/7. An evening run with my brother and nephew in stroller. He did get out the stroller. He took off running for a moment. We barely made it in doors and he is knocked out lol.
  • kmbrleykay
    5/7 did my exercise workout this am (Jumping jacks, cruches, squats, etc) Then a 3 mile walk tonight.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Way to move it girlss!!!!

    My 6/7 was 5 miles pushing my GS in the jogger! He even walked one full mile picking up trash in the ditch, he was pretending he was hunting for Easter eggs!:wink: Well the big garbage bag was so full I had to set it aside and will go get it in the morning!:grumble:

    Have a GREAT weekend ladies and thanks for being here!!!
  • thinktank32k
    I am 7/7 today with 2.5 mile walk and 150 leg exercises
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My 7/7 consisted of my NROL workout. Lot's of deadlifts, squats and lunges etc; then I rode 10.5 miles on my bike. Going was ok but coming back I faced strong winds and those hills seemed much bigger tonite for some reason, gosh my legs were trembling when I got back!
  • thinktank32k
    1/7 with a 4 mile run/walk. I did early this morning so maybe I will have time to do another workout.
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    1/7 today with level 3 of ripped. On to level 4 tomorrow!
  • thinktank32k
    I went back to the gym and did 10 miles on bikes
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    1/7 today with 2 miles with leslie and 3 segments of the firm. I will do my weights later.

    Verda I am going to trying the stronglifts 5x5. I wish they had videos besides youtube. How long is it taking you to regain strength? It seems like it's just been a week for me.

    Thinktank, way to move it!

    Busymom I'd like to hear your results with the ripped.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Ivy way to go girl! You are doing awesome!!!

    You too thinktank, two big workouts in one day!!! Don't overdo it and harm yourself!!!

    My 1/7 was an 8 mile ride after an afternoon in the flowerbeds and etc;;!