2012 52 5/7 Challenge



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yeah... Heather!!! Glad you felt like getting out and doing something!! I was outdoors yesterday too. That meant that I finished 4/7 for the week... not the goal but far better than I had been doing... thank goodness!! I feel a 100% better so I should be able to start kicking things in gear (fingers crossed!)

    Verda... Snow???? Oh my , yuck, yuck, yuck!

    Hey welcome thinktank... I might of missed a shout out to you!! Good luck with your goals!!

    Ivy.. Kickboxing is on my schedule today!!! :)

    Got a great walk/run in yesterday and then helped my husband clear some brush and fence rows.. I can feel it in my upper back this morning :)
    have a great Sunday!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I thought of these and then I googled so I would not have to type sooo much!:wink: This was posted from a Livestrong site!

    The best way to tone and tighten your inner and outer thighs is to work the muscles in a functional and high intensity manner. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, "combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity can be used to meet the guidelines" (daily recommended amount of exercise). So, you do not need to spend hours at the gym, or buy fancy equipment. Exercises such as squats, lunges and leg lifts (which you can do at home) will help you tone and tighten your thighs.


    Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit, believes the air squat is the most basic, fundamental, functional and important move for the human body to master. Not to mention, squats are also the best way for you to tone and tighten your thighs in proportion to one another. One thing you definitely do not want to have is your inner thighs stronger than your outer thighs and vice versa. Now to squat properly follow these guidelines:

    Stand with your feet slightly outside your shoulders and angled outwards. As you begin to bend your knees, push your hips back to allow your upper body to replace where your hips were. Be sure to keep your chest up, and keep your knees in line with your toes, not passing them. The perfect squat depth is 12 inches from the floor, which is past the 90 degree angle created by your knees in the squat. Keep the tension in your gluteus and in your hamstrings as you squat down and as you stand. If you are just beginning, use a low sitting chair to work on the form of your squat and only go as low as you can without hurting your knees.


    Lunges are a great way to tighten your thighs, as well as tighten up your gluteus. To lunge properly follow these guidelines:
    Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Take a wide enough step forward with your right leg to allow your left knee to bend towards the ground. Keep your chest high, and keep your abdominals and back muscles tight for balance and coordination. Bend your knees until your legs form 90 degree angles. If your right knee is in front of your right toe, you need to take a longer step forward. If your left leg does not form a 90 degree angle you stepped too far forward. To ensure good form and posture in your lunge, either watch yourself in the mirror, or ask a friend or family member to watch you.

    Leg Lifts

    For your inner and outer thighs, start by lying on the ground on one side. For outer thigh lifts, slowly and with control lift the top leg to approximately a 75 degree angle. You want to lead the lift with your heel pointing towards the ceiling. Focus on feeling the tension in your thigh and gluteus. Do not go too fast. For inner thigh lifts, laying on your side, bend your top leg and pull it in front of you, resting your knee on the ground in front of your hip. Again, with your heel pointing towards the ceiling, lift your lower leg as high you can slowly and then release back down.

    Sample Workout

    Throughout the duration of the workout stay at a consistent pace so that not only are you strengthening your legs, but you are also doing cardiovascular exercise.
    -50 squats
    -20 Alternating Lunges
    -15 Left Leg only Lunges
    -15 Right Leg only Lunges
    -20 Alternating Lunges
    -20 Left Outer Thigh Lifts
    -20 Right Outer Thigh Lifts
    -20 Left Inner Thigh Lifts
    -20 Right Inner Thigh Lifts
    -50 Squats
  • thinktank32k
    Thanks, I can add that into the rotation. Thanks everyone for the welcomes and hellos
  • thinktank32k
    I am 1/7. Did Jillian's 30DS. Might go run later to do W5D2 of C25k. Im trying to stay on track so I can finish and try B210k.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I got my 1/7 by doing a 2.5 mile run/walk while pulling my 5 yr old GS on his sled! Did another .5 walking and lifted weights!
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 1/7 with 3rd level of 30 Day Shred and 25 min elliptical.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I got my 1/7 by doing a 2.5 mile run/walk while pulling my 5 yr old GS on his sled! Did another .5 walking and lifted weights!
    I LIED! I nevder did get to my weights... had EVERY intention after the walking but I scrubbed my floors and the front of my kitchen cupboards and then my low back above my right hip really started bothering me so I never lifted one weight!!! I tried to log before hand so I WOULD and so I would not have to come back and post again!! Well that worked well huh?? At least I'm honest about it!
  • kmbrleykay
    Can anyone join in & how does this work? my goal is actually 6/7, with tuesday being my day off & one day a week, being a long day. I have been doing this since the beginning of January & was involved in another challenge, but am now looking for some new motivation. What day does your week start on? & do you post daily or how often?

    I would be 1/7 today. I did 30 mins on the exercise bike & 30 mins on the treadmill.
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Getting ready to exercise. Should be doing anther day on 3rd level of the Shred, but am don't motivated to do it. Think I'll Start my new DVD Jillan's Ripped in 39 and see how it goes. I'm afraid that it might be too easy, but maybe the change up in intensity will help break this plateau. :) 2/7 today.
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Just finished my first Ripped in 30 workout and it's not as easy as I expected. Love Jillian's workouts!
  • thinktank32k
    Today i am 2/7. Run/walked 2.25 and did leg exercises plus situps.

    Busymom how do you like the ripped in 30 compared to 30 DS?
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Today i am 2/7. Run/walked 2.25 and did leg exercises plus situps.

    Busymom how do you like the ripped in 30 compared to 30 DS?

    It's a bit too early to tell. Level 1 ripped was harder than some of the shred stuff. She didn't give ou quite as much time between exercises and most of the moves were new, which was nice. We'll see how I feel tomorrow!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    1/7 today with 40 min of HHA will try do weights later.

    Thanks for the leg exercises Verda. I wonder if it would be more profitable to do squats on my break instead of walking. That should really get em talking. LOL!

    Debra glad you're feeling better.

    Think tank & Busy mom great on the workouts

    Welcome kimberlykay
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yes welcome Kimberlykay! Our workout week starts on Sunday. Way to shake it ladies, you are doing awesome! Heather I hope you are at your conference!!!

    My 2/7 was 10 miles on my bike. My back bothered me ALL day and I will see the chiro on Wed.!

    Happy Tuesday girls!!!
  • kmbrleykay
    Thanks for welcome, glad to have somewhere to be accountable without pressure, besides myself that is.
    Is there an easier way to get back to Topic to make a post? In order to re-find your location I went back to my recent posts & clicked on the topic title. Is there a better way?

    Day 2/7 for me. Did my 100 workout (22 min) in am, then took a 47 min walk between jobs, & came home and rode exercise bike for 30 mins.

    No exercise tomorrow, Tuesday is my day off.
  • thinktank32k
    I am 3/7. I did 4.14 miles on treadmill and finished with leg workout. I am exhausted, hungry, wet, did I mention exhausted. I am going to take a shower and find something to eat.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Great job ladies!!!
    My 3/7 was a 6 mile bike ride. It is about all my back will handle till I see my chiro!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    2/7 with Leslie walk and kick. I didn't do the weights yesterday or today :embarassed:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks for welcome, glad to have somewhere to be accountable without pressure, besides myself that is.
    Is there an easier way to get back to Topic to make a post? In order to re-find your location I went back to my recent posts & clicked on the topic title. Is there a better way?

    Day 2/7 for me. Did my 100 workout (22 min) in am, then took a 47 min walk between jobs, & came home and rode exercise bike for 30 mins.

    No exercise tomorrow, Tuesday is my day off.

    After you log in... click on the "community" tab, then from there click on "my topics"... you will see all the groups there that you have relpied to. Hope that helps!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sunday 1/7 kickboxing
    Monday 2/7 Putting up fence with the hubby. Had to fix the pony fence and our dog Bella has spring in her blood and keeps running off... so hubby gor mad and on the fly put up a pen for her... 20x20, but I had to help him... he was so mad, thought he was going to have a heart attack. There is something about welding around a post hole pounder thingy...haha

    today I am knee deep in taxes, fafsa forms and a doc appointment for my son... will try to fit something in... maybe some mediatation would be best for me! haha