Before and After pics NO STARVATION



  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Great pix, great stories! Congrats to all!

    Looking at these posts, it just re-inforces that everybody has their own path to success. What works for one person might not be as successful for another. But everyone does share the common thread of finding the path that you are comfortable with, what feels right for your body, your health, your lifestyle. The journey should be challenging and rewarding.

    So if what you are trying is making you miserable -- change! You are committing to your health, not to a specific regimen. Experiment until you find the path that suits you best.
  • elijah39
    elijah39 Posts: 4
    you look amazing!
  • faybion
    faybion Posts: 5
    I dont starve myself, Im not overweight that much I just want to loose a stone in total which for me is very difficult as I dont have as much to loose as other people I have to work my *kitten* off (running 1 hour x4/5 times a week) to shift half a pound to a pound!!! I eat around 1400 calories a day which is enough food for my body. I also run a boot camp for friends on a monday night some have not much to loose some have a lot to loose and its about commitment it does not matter how s^%t your feeling just commit!
  • kirsty736
    kirsty736 Posts: 65
    Here's my before and after pics. It took me 17 months to do this, and I did NOT starve myself, take any pills, or do anything else that people may think is a 'shortcut'.


    You look incredible, well done x
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    Anyone else back when they started the process that they were to embarrassed to take pre photos? LOL... I have mine on my profile pics.
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    My profile pic is my before and during :o) I am still working at it. I lost 50lbs by watching my serving sizes and cutting way back on my sugar and white flour intake! Life got in the way and halted my progress for a year. I decided in Dec. to get back on track and get where I want to be, so, I have been going to the gym and working with a personal trainer 3 days a week :smile: He is awesome and I will reach my goal of 50 more gone!
    I started at 240 and am currently 190.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I really want to take the time and say a very special thank you to everyone who has (and will soon!) put their pics on here.

    I know I'm doing the right thing- it's just very trying on some days and seeing how you guys and gals have put in the hours and done the work- and did it without harming yourself or starving your body.... it keeps the hope alive in my heart. There's not much greater than that, is there?

  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    As someone who is now eating an average of 1950 calories per day, I find this thread incredibly inspiring!

    Fantastic job, Everyone, and thanks so much for posting your pics so we can see the results of EATING to lose weight!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Anyone else back when they started the process that they were to embarrassed to take pre photos? LOL... I have mine on my profile pics.
    I had to do some serious digging to find any of me. I hid from the camera for years!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member

    You people are AMAZING!!!
    You didn't give I believe I'll also succeed
    You inspire me every day.

    Tomorrow is my the first day of 30Days Shred.
    I'll take a pic tomorrow before starting, so hopefully i could post here a before/after pic set in a few weeks :D

  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
  • syb_227
    syb_227 Posts: 7
    OMG!!!!!! You guys are so inspiring!!!!! You all look AMAZING!!!!!!! I think I can, I think I can!!!!!!! THANK YOU for giving me that extra bit of inspiration/hope that I so desperately need right now as I am struggling to lost this darn 21 pounds!!!
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    This is definitely an inspiring post. I am a little more excited about staying on track now. You guys all look great and healthy. I love it.
  • BethNoel05
    BethNoel05 Posts: 6 Member
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    congrats to you all. Everyone of you look amazing-Great job-be proud of yourselves!!!!:drinker:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    loveeee all the motivation!!!
  • kireelady
    kireelady Posts: 10 Member
    Everyone's pics are great. What motivation to see everyone working so hard and looking wonderful!
  • adweber98
    adweber98 Posts: 9 Member
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Everyone Looks Fantastic!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    First picture was 194.2 lbs on 1/9/12
    Second was 2 weeks ago at 175 lbs.
    I have lost another couple lbs since the last picture and still have 23 lbs left to loose.
    I usually eat 1400-2300 calories a day. Just depends on my exercise, where I am at on my weekly goal and if I'm hungry or not.
    I'm 5'10" and my goal is 150 lbs
    You can veiw my diary if you want. I tend to focus more on the weeks calorie goals then the daily. That is why I have days where I am way over and under. I think zig zaging my calories helps me.
    holy crap! you look great! i can't believe you need to lose 23 more lbs... i don't see it!
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
  • fosnanna
    fosnanna Posts: 14 Member
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member

    Absolutely no starving here! Always eating between 1650 and 2500 (even more!) calories per day. I cut NOTHING out and eat out at least once or twice a week. I run 3 days a week with light strength until I am cleared by the doctor to start a heavy lifting program. It can be done! :wink:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I constantly am eating above my BMR, I do eat back my exercise calories.... (current BMR is 2160 with my 500 calorie deficit built in to lose 1 lb. a week and I am eating around 3000 calories a day currently)

    May 2009 @ 560 lbs.








    Current weight @ 257 lbs.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    Ed, every time I see your pics I am a believer! Just 7kg down since September 2011 and am still trying to find my 'sweet spot' for weight loss.

    Started at 127kg (279 lbs) and now 120kg (264lbs) I am now walking several times a week and building up my strength training.

    I can't run yet but hopefully it's not too far away. Once again thanks for posting and please stay on MFP so that we can all learn from you and gain inspiration and motivation!
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    So many hotties!

    Congratulations everyone!
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member

    I starved at first but changed very quickly and boy am I glad I did:smile:
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    Like most everyone, I started here at 1200 because I wanted the weight GONE as soon as possible. That lasted for about a month before I realized that wasn't a good game plan. For the majority of my weight loss, I ate between 1350-1500 plus exercise calories, so typically between 1800-2000 total calories a day. For exercise, I run and strength train. I recently had to increase my calories to over 1800 net because I was still losing on maintenance!



    But what I find more amazing is that last time I tried to lose weight, and ate under 1000 calories a day, I looked a LOT different at my "goal weight."


    ^^This is what I was hoping to see when I clicked on this thread. This is a a great representation of what could be done with cardio alone vs a well-rounded exercise program! Thanks for posting!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I started at 1,200 calories a day because I didn't know better.

    I lost about 15 pounds from February thru July of 2011. Then I started eating at least 1,650 a day - up to 2,200 depending on TDEE - and weight started FALLING OFF.


    About that same time I started lifting weights - and backed off the cardio.

    Am I looking bulky and mannish yet? :wink:
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 213 Member
    I started at 1,200 calories a day because I didn't know better.

    I lost about 15 pounds from February thru July of 2011. Then I started eating at least 1,650 a day - up to 2,200 depending on TDEE - and weight started FALLING OFF.


    About that same time I started lifting weights - and backed off the cardio.

    Am I looking bulky and mannish yet? :wink:

    Thank you for your pics! It refutes the claim that lifting will make you gain weight and look bulky. I would love to have your shape any day, and am working on making mine the best it can be, a little at a time!
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