Need to loss 28 pounds in 6 weeks.... Meal Ideas Needed!



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Agree - sort of....That is why I'm one of those "it worked for me" people...I frankly don't give a damn about what some stranger 1000's of km think about the type of person I am ....:flowerforyou: - I know I did the deficit thing and lost very little weight - then added cardio and ate a little more and lost 60lbs...
    Go write a book or something - maybe people will buy it if they are bored enough....
  • Just so you know - fat in foods doesnt directly equal fat on your body. You need to eat fat for your cells to repair and for you to have shiny hair and nails, and to feel fuller. So instead of focusing on what is low fat - concentrate on what has nutrition, high in protein and generally lower in calories.

    Dinners such as salmon, chicken breast and grilled lean meats with vegetables - (sweet potato mash, butternut squash and greens are good - and my favourites)

    The best 'diet' will always be the one which you can stick to for the longest.

    Your expectations are unrealistic, you will lose weight but not at that rate so don't set yourself up for dissapointment as that yo-yo dieting will be horrible for your body.

    This ^^^^
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    I looked at your food diary. I don't think you have any idea how bad what you are doing to yourself really is. :/ Not only are you not getting the things your body needs, but at least some of your weight loss is going to be the result of your body cannibalizing your muscles. You've got some good intentions, but Steak n Shake and Burger King are not the stables of a healthy lifestyle. Don't think I'm knocking you, but please think about avoiding the three white poisons (salt/sugar/flour) and trying to focus on getting what you need from lean meats and veggies. You are setting yourself up for some very heavy duty health problems.
  • Exercise most days of the week, strength train 2X week and eat well. At the end of the 6th week, "double spanx" it (wear 2 spanx) to fit into 2 sizes smaller clothes - it gives the illusion that you lost 28lbs. Totally works.
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    FYI i am under the supervision of a doctor. I actually saw him last week. So before you speak you may want to know the facts. I take tons of vitamins all recommened by my doctor and he has told me what I am doing is fine. I already have high bp, psoriatic arthritis amongst many other problems. Eatting isnt all about the calroies you intake you have to watch what you put in it. Im not an idiot and i excercise 3hrs a day sometimes more. Thats with 3 kids. I think alot of you are just jealous of the fact that some people are a bit more determined than you and know how to get it done!!! Im no where near vain btw...but id much rather drop my weight the way that works for me than hold on to hope that what YOU are doing would work. My doctor is by far alot smarter than you and ill take his word over yours!!!

    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    We don`t have our heads crammed up our *kitten* we`re just trying to tell her to not become anorexic...I think I speak for the majority of people here that we are not only trying to lose weight for vanity purposes we`re here to be healthy. I think your the one who needs to wake up a bit... maybe even get checked by a doctor because with the foods your eating you are definately not getting anywhere`s near all of your nutrients you need per day to fuel your body to avoid health issues in the future. I viewed your diary and yeah your losing weight but your not doing it in a healthy way... your starving yourself and setting yourself up for major failure and dissapointment in the future! More at risk for diabetes, kidney and liver failure, eye and heart issue. Not only `fat`people get those issues people who don`t get all their nutrients too....
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Yes this board is full of MEANS GIRLS (GUYS INCLUDED). Sure i eat what i want 1-2days a week IN MODERATION! I dont even eat sugar, rarely flour, no potatoes etc. So whoever said for me to cut those out needs to look closer at my diary. I really hope you all grow up...this is plain silliness. The OP didnt ask if she SHOULD lose that weight in that time. How about just acting like a grown up and skipping over the post if you want to be an ahole???

    I mean why would anyone even want to post a question on here about ANYTHING?? This OP was literally attacked!!! Made fun of?? What the crap?? And then dizzydi1968 tries to HELP this OP and in turn she gets attacked!!!! WOW!!!! I thought this place was somewhere to get HELP?? OH and as far as the girl who posted about losing a certain amount in 6 weeks? WHO CARES HOW SHE DID IT OR DOES IT?? Then people jump on her case also!! FREE COUNTRY last time I checked!!!! Bunch of just out right mean people here! I started a thread about what worked for me a couple of weeks ago and it received several SEVERAL comments!! Most mean of course and I got the biggest laugh at what a big controversy my little post started..just comical really!! NOW say what you want to me and give me something else to laugh at!! :laugh:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    FYI i am under the supervision of a doctor. I actually saw him last week. So before you speak you may want to know the facts. I take tons of vitamins all recommened by my doctor and he has told me what I am doing is fine. I already have high bp, psoriatic arthritis amongst many other problems. Eatting isnt all about the calroies you intake you have to watch what you put in it. Im not an idiot and i excercise 3hrs a day sometimes more. Thats with 3 kids. I think alot of you are just jealous of the fact that some people are a bit more determined than you and know how to get it done!!! Im no where near vain btw...but id much rather drop my weight the way that works for me than hold on to hope that what YOU are doing would work. My doctor is by far alot smarter than you and ill take his word over yours!!!

    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    We don`t have our heads crammed up our *kitten* we`re just trying to tell her to not become anorexic...I think I speak for the majority of people here that we are not only trying to lose weight for vanity purposes we`re here to be healthy. I think your the one who needs to wake up a bit... maybe even get checked by a doctor because with the foods your eating you are definately not getting anywhere`s near all of your nutrients you need per day to fuel your body to avoid health issues in the future. I viewed your diary and yeah your losing weight but your not doing it in a healthy way... your starving yourself and setting yourself up for major failure and dissapointment in the future! More at risk for diabetes, kidney and liver failure, eye and heart issue. Not only `fat`people get those issues people who don`t get all their nutrients too....

    You should see a nutritionalist because DRs actually don't know this stuff.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    FYI i am under the supervision of a doctor. I actually saw him last week. So before you speak you may want to know the facts. I take tons of vitamins all recommened by my doctor and he has told me what I am doing is fine. I already have high bp, psoriatic arthritis amongst many other problems. Eatting isnt all about the calroies you intake you have to watch what you put in it. Im not an idiot and i excercise 3hrs a day sometimes more. Thats with 3 kids. I think alot of you are just jealous of the fact that some people are a bit more determined than you and know how to get it done!!! Im no where near vain btw...but id much rather drop my weight the way that works for me than hold on to hope that what YOU are doing would work. My doctor is by far alot smarter than you and ill take his word over yours!!!

    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    We don`t have our heads crammed up our *kitten* we`re just trying to tell her to not become anorexic...I think I speak for the majority of people here that we are not only trying to lose weight for vanity purposes we`re here to be healthy. I think your the one who needs to wake up a bit... maybe even get checked by a doctor because with the foods your eating you are definately not getting anywhere`s near all of your nutrients you need per day to fuel your body to avoid health issues in the future. I viewed your diary and yeah your losing weight but your not doing it in a healthy way... your starving yourself and setting yourself up for major failure and dissapointment in the future! More at risk for diabetes, kidney and liver failure, eye and heart issue. Not only `fat`people get those issues people who don`t get all their nutrients too....

    Sorry but I wouldn't trust a word your Doctor says if what you are doing is what he/she approves of. A lifestyle like yours will eat away at the muscles within the body. Anyone here of the term "skinny fat"??

    Doctors know VERY little about actual nutrition - that's why we have dieticians and nutritionists.

    Just because someone is called a Doctor doesn't actually mean they are smart or know what they are talking about. There are quite a few people here who are a lot smarter than some Doctors.

    And just because someone made a rude comment, was "mean" etc doesn't mean you or anyone else has the right to respond the same way. Not sure how people can "have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight!" when most of the posters here are giving good advice.

    Weight loss at that rate is NOT healthy unless you are morbily obese and that's pretty much all everyone was trying to tell the first poster. Sure those on the biggest loser can do it but usually the average person can't without either starving themselves or overloading the exercise.

    When you are on an apparent Doctor approved and supervised extremely caloric intake restriction diet combined with an overload of exercise doesn't mean you should be suggesting it to anyone else. People here will do what you are doing without this "Doctor" supervision which will be incredibly harmful to them.

    My opinions anyways
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    You can try the Eat Clean Diet. The first two weeks is the cleanse part of the "diet" meaning very strict guidelines when it comes to sugars and carbs. I lost 11lbs those two weeks (I'm a large person with lots of weight to loose) and since then there is more things that you are allowed to eat which should give you a continuous loss of 2lbs a week. Since then I have also started P90X so I'm loosing 3-4lbs a week. But sticking to the diet is crucial. Its pointless if your workout like crazy and then eat crap and other processed foods.

  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    When you are on an apparent Doctor approved and supervised extremely caloric intake restriction diet combined with an overload of exercise doesn't mean you should be suggesting it to anyone else.

  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Yes this board is full of MEANS GIRLS (GUYS INCLUDED). Sure i eat what i want 1-2days a week IN MODERATION! I dont even eat sugar, rarely flour, no potatoes etc. So whoever said for me to cut those out needs to look closer at my diary. I really hope you all grow up...this is plain silliness. The OP didnt ask if she SHOULD lose that weight in that time. How about just acting like a grown up and skipping over the post if you want to be an ahole???

    I mean why would anyone even want to post a question on here about ANYTHING?? This OP was literally attacked!!! Made fun of?? What the crap?? And then dizzydi1968 tries to HELP this OP and in turn she gets attacked!!!! WOW!!!! I thought this place was somewhere to get HELP?? OH and as far as the girl who posted about losing a certain amount in 6 weeks? WHO CARES HOW SHE DID IT OR DOES IT?? Then people jump on her case also!! FREE COUNTRY last time I checked!!!! Bunch of just out right mean people here! I started a thread about what worked for me a couple of weeks ago and it received several SEVERAL comments!! Most mean of course and I got the biggest laugh at what a big controversy my little post started..just comical really!! NOW say what you want to me and give me something else to laugh at!! :laugh:

    I am going to tell you right now that you are in the wrong place to give advice that your doctor gave to YOU!! That is for you and if you think that you can sustain that for life then you should keep doing it.

    If you are eating a diet suggested by your doctor, then I probably would suggest to change the way you deliver your advice. I would think that you should on suggested the OP to speak to her doctor about a diet plan that has worked for you. Your advice would be wrong, but it wouldn't get so much negative attention

    Here is some unbiased information that I would check into if you haven't already. I have 2 doctors in my family circle and they are both family practice. Both of them DO NOT KNOW enough about nutrition to give you sound advice. Unless the doctor is specially trained in nutrition, you should go to a dietitian. A dietician is the only licensed professional qualified to give you advice about diet and exercise.

    The only thing that a physician(family doctor) can do is make sure your health is ok right now. They cannot inform you if the diet you are eating is sustainable nor can they tell you the long term issues that you may have from your diet.

    This information is not an opinion, these are facts. I would suggest to ask your doctor what his qualifications are. I bet you if he isn't a specialist, he will refer you to a dietician.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Yes this board is full of MEANS GIRLS (GUYS INCLUDED). Sure i eat what i want 1-2days a week IN MODERATION! I dont even eat sugar, rarely flour, no potatoes etc. So whoever said for me to cut those out needs to look closer at my diary. I really hope you all grow up...this is plain silliness. The OP didnt ask if she SHOULD lose that weight in that time. How about just acting like a grown up and skipping over the post if you want to be an ahole???

    I mean why would anyone even want to post a question on here about ANYTHING?? This OP was literally attacked!!! Made fun of?? What the crap?? And then dizzydi1968 tries to HELP this OP and in turn she gets attacked!!!! WOW!!!! I thought this place was somewhere to get HELP?? OH and as far as the girl who posted about losing a certain amount in 6 weeks? WHO CARES HOW SHE DID IT OR DOES IT?? Then people jump on her case also!! FREE COUNTRY last time I checked!!!! Bunch of just out right mean people here! I started a thread about what worked for me a couple of weeks ago and it received several SEVERAL comments!! Most mean of course and I got the biggest laugh at what a big controversy my little post started..just comical really!! NOW say what you want to me and give me something else to laugh at!! :laugh:

    You exercise three hours a day and eat 800 calories a day?

    I noticed your food diary is no longer viewable. You have good reason to hide it.

    Go ahead and believe that the majority of people on this board are dumb and they're just being mean to you and picking on you.

    BUT...whatever you do please don't try to lead others down the road you're headed down.....I know you think I'm an idiot because I disagree with eating Burger King and Steak n Shake and then having a 80 calorie lunch, but I assure you that your health isn't really going to impact me much. What you're doing is harmful.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    FYI i am under the supervision of a doctor. I actually saw him last week. So before you speak you may want to know the facts. I take tons of vitamins all recommened by my doctor and he has told me what I am doing is fine. I already have high bp, psoriatic arthritis amongst many other problems. Eatting isnt all about the calroies you intake you have to watch what you put in it. Im not an idiot and i excercise 3hrs a day sometimes more. Thats with 3 kids. I think alot of you are just jealous of the fact that some people are a bit more determined than you and know how to get it done!!! Im no where near vain btw...but id much rather drop my weight the way that works for me than hold on to hope that what YOU are doing would work. My doctor is by far alot smarter than you and ill take his word over yours!!!

    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    We don`t have our heads crammed up our *kitten* we`re just trying to tell her to not become anorexic...I think I speak for the majority of people here that we are not only trying to lose weight for vanity purposes we`re here to be healthy. I think your the one who needs to wake up a bit... maybe even get checked by a doctor because with the foods your eating you are definately not getting anywhere`s near all of your nutrients you need per day to fuel your body to avoid health issues in the future. I viewed your diary and yeah your losing weight but your not doing it in a healthy way... your starving yourself and setting yourself up for major failure and dissapointment in the future! More at risk for diabetes, kidney and liver failure, eye and heart issue. Not only `fat`people get those issues people who don`t get all their nutrients too....

    I was not trying to bash you by any means...What your doing is NOT healthy.. and fyi to you.. I have lost 75lbs on my own by "doing what im doing" I have done it the right way..I didnt starve myself I gave my body what it needs and I worked out. Keep doing what your doing ..god bless you because once you stop this fad eating plan your doing and once you stop working out for 3 hours a day you will gain it all back..take care! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Oh, crap they're on to us. We all know the secret to safe, rapid weight loss and we're just being meanies by not sharing. I mean... I only pretended to take about 6 or 7 months to lose 30 pounds, just to throw people off my trail.
  • Oh, crap they're on to us. We all know the secret to safe, rapid weight loss and we're just being meanies by not sharing. I mean... I only pretended to take about 6 or 7 months to lose 30 pounds, just to throw people off my trail.

    My secret to rapid weight loss is double spanx...shhh!
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    FYI i am under the supervision of a doctor. I actually saw him last week. So before you speak you may want to know the facts. I take tons of vitamins all recommened by my doctor and he has told me what I am doing is fine. I already have high bp, psoriatic arthritis amongst many other problems. Eatting isnt all about the calroies you intake you have to watch what you put in it. Im not an idiot and i excercise 3hrs a day sometimes more. Thats with 3 kids. I think alot of you are just jealous of the fact that some people are a bit more determined than you and know how to get it done!!! Im no where near vain btw...but id much rather drop my weight the way that works for me than hold on to hope that what YOU are doing would work. My doctor is by far alot smarter than you and ill take his word over yours!!!

    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    We don`t have our heads crammed up our *kitten* we`re just trying to tell her to not become anorexic...I think I speak for the majority of people here that we are not only trying to lose weight for vanity purposes we`re here to be healthy. I think your the one who needs to wake up a bit... maybe even get checked by a doctor because with the foods your eating you are definately not getting anywhere`s near all of your nutrients you need per day to fuel your body to avoid health issues in the future. I viewed your diary and yeah your losing weight but your not doing it in a healthy way... your starving yourself and setting yourself up for major failure and dissapointment in the future! More at risk for diabetes, kidney and liver failure, eye and heart issue. Not only `fat`people get those issues people who don`t get all their nutrients too....

    Being under Dr supervision does not make you an authority on diagnosing and providing "medical" advice to someone else. Refer to a Dr? Yes. Tell someone else to do exactly what you are doing and call it "safe"? No.
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    Oh, crap they're on to us. We all know the secret to safe, rapid weight loss and we're just being meanies by not sharing. I mean... I only pretended to take about 6 or 7 months to lose 30 pounds, just to throw people off my trail.

  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sorry but I wouldn't trust a word your Doctor says if what you are doing is what he/she approves of. A lifestyle like yours will eat away at the muscles within the body. Anyone here of the term "skinny fat"??

    "Skinny Fat" -- What is someone who has lost weight so rapidly that their body cannibalized their muscles and by the time they have reached their "goal weight" they have massive amounts of excess skin and appear "Flabby and Unhealthy" rather than "Fit and Healthy."
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    ....... Im not an idiot and i excercise 3hrs a day sometimes more. Thats with 3 kids. I think alot of you are just jealous of the fact that some people are a bit more determined than you and know how to get it done!!!

    I never knew that weight management was a contest.

    I'm calling bull$**t on 3hrs of exercise a day on a diet of under 1000 cals per day.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Make easy on yourself....................cut off a leg. You WANT to lose 28lbs in 6 weeks, but you DON'T need to do it in 6 weeks. You goal is unrealistic since to reach it you'd have to have such a serious calorie deficit, it embarks on hypoalimentation. Lose sensibly what you can then enjoy your vacation.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition