

  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Starting Weight: 251.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 235.0

    01/02: 251.0
    01/09: 250.0
    01/16: 249.75
    01/23: 248.0
    01/30: 247.0
    02/06: 246.0
    02/13: 244.8
    02/20: 243.0
    02/27: 242.6 Boo hoo! I didn't quite make my mini goal. But almost! <<<241>>>
    03/05: 241.5 Another 1.1 lbs down! Hooray!
    03/12: 241.5 Boo hoo! Stayed the same! Leaves more for next week!
    03/19: 240.3 A little more gone for good!
    04/07: <<<Goal! 235>>>

    I am up for the next challenge, too. Put me down for 12 lbs.
  • SenseAtional
    Name: Sense

    Starting Weight: 170
    Challenge Goal Weight: 155

    01/02: 170.0
    01/09: 167.0
    01/16: 165.4
    01/23: 164.0
    01/30: <<<mini goal 165 >>> 163.4
    02/06: 162.2
    02/13: 161.2
    02/20: 160.8
    02/27: <<<mini goal 160 >> 158.6!
    03/05: 160
    03/12: 161.2
    03/19: 161.2
    04/07: <<<challenge goal 155 >>>

    Been doing a lot of stress eating lately and haven't been keeping up with my exercise. I need to get back on track. Basically, I have less than 2 weeks do figure out which state I need to move to and where I'm going to take the bar exam. I get to go through a ridiculously long application process and shell out about $3000 to take this exam and for the test prep. Then I get to worry about final exams next month. Then I finally graduate law school. Then I move to said location that I need to pick soon, begin bar prep, take the bar exam in July. Oh, and did I mention I still don't have a job lined up? Yeah, this is all I've been thinking about, which drives me to the chips, cookies, and ice cream.
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    193 this morning. So happy the scale is going in the right direction again because two days ago it was at 197.
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member

    Starting Weight: 145.6
    First Challenge Goal Weight: 131.6

    01/02: 145.6
    01/09: 143.6
    01/16: 143.6
    01/23: 142.6
    01/30: 142.4
    02/06: Mini Goal #1 139 (didn't quite make that, weighed in @ 142.4)
    02/13: 142.4
    02/20: 139.6
    02/27: Mini Goal #2 137 (yikes! weighed in at 142.6)
    03/05: 141.6
    03/12: 141.2
    03/19: 140.4- didn't make my Mini Goal #3 of 139.2 - adding more strength training to my cardio.
    03/26: Mini Goal #4 138.4 (adjusted from 137.2 on 3/19)
    04/02: Mini Goal #5 136.4 (adjusted from 135.2 on 3/19)
    04/07: New Challenge Goal 134.4 (adjusted from 131.6 on 3/19)

    I didn't quite keep up with this like I should have but I have made progress and am not starving myself or killing myself with exercise. I'm just going to pick up from where I left off and do my best now.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    01/02: 132.4
    01/09: 130.6
    01/16: 131.4
    01/23: 131.4
    01/30:132 <<<130>>>I know I missed the cutoff., But I am still keeping myself accountable to continue on for next week. Feel bad I did not make my monthly goal...been an emotionally challenging end of the month, and I have not had "me" time...will get back on track!
    02/06: 129
    02/13: 129
    02/20: 128.2
    02/27: 128.8<<<127>>> It's ok. Changes begin today.Today is my last day of work, and become a SAHM. I will have more time for myself and making better food choices for my family. Here's to a better future!
    03/05: 128.4
    03/12: 129
    03/19: 129
    04/07: <<<125>>>
  • yay2012
    yay2012 Posts: 72
    Egg-cellent for Easter!


    Current Weight174
    Challenge Goal Weight:146

    01/30: 170<<<mini goal weight>>>166
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>>(156) Actual weight: 169-did not track or exercise consistently.
    Excited to start a new week of faithful tracking, exercise and effort!
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 146
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Name/ real name: AERDNA88/ANDREA

    Current Weight: 170.0 - Ugh! 2 pounds less than my heaviest weight!
    Challenge Goal Weight: 150.0

    01/02: 170.0
    01/09: 168.5 -- Im SUPER excited!! Even for just 1 1/2 pounds!!!
    01/16: 166.0 -- Im happy but bummed! 2 days ago I was down to 165. Oh well, bad eating this weekend
    01/23: 163.0 -- SO EXCITED!!!
    01/30: 163.5 <<<mini goal weight>>> 162.0
    02/06: 161.5
    02/13: (2/16: 161.0 — was out of town so couldn’t weigh in because I had no scale on the road)
    02/20: 161.0 --- UGH!!! Okay....starting 30DS back up today!!!!
    02/27: 159.0 <<<mini goal weight>>> 154.0 -- Thats okay because I only need to be down 9 pounds for my total goal!
    03/05: 157.0
    03/12: 157.0
    03/19: 157.0 ---- GRRR!!! I was 156 a few days ago but I am back to 157. I really dont want to disappoint myself by not reaching my total goal in 3 weeks.
    04/07:<<<mini goal weight>>> 150.0
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    I was 180 this morning. So not much change. But I haven 't gained on steroid tablets. And had a weekend at cub camp. Eating lots, but also very active and didn't gain there either! So pleased I haven't gained as I thought i would have!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Real name: Kristen

    Current Weight: 146.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 130

    01/02: 146.4
    01/09: 142.2
    01/16: 141.8
    01/23: 140.4
    01/30: 138.8 <<<mini goal weight 138>>>
    02/06: 137.8
    02/13: 137.2
    02/20: 136.2
    02/27: 135.6 <<<mini goal weight 136>>>
    03/05: 135.2
    03/12: 133.6
    03/19: 134.0 - I've been sick for two weeks now. No exercise...
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 130>>>
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Thank you to all those that posted their weigh in on time! Any weigh ins after this post will not be included on this week's chart.
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    Name/ real name: staceyb2003/Stacey
    Current Weight: 185.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170

    01/09: 183.4
    01/16: 183
    01/23: 181.6
    01/30: 179.6 180
    02/06: 178.6
    02/13: 177.2
    02/20: 176.6
    02/27:176.6 175
    03/05: 175.2
    03/19: 174.8
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 170
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Sorry I didn't make the cut off time to post this week's weight. This AM we had an appointment to get our taxes done....and afterwards I had errands to run. I made it back home by 2, but one of my daughters was waiting for me at my house with all 3 of her children. She rearranged her school schedule for today and had a lab to go to this afternoon, so she left and I have her boys. About 10 minutes ago I realized I hadn't logged in. Anyway, I'm still chugging a long...didn't lose much this week, but any loss is good.
    Hope everyone has a great week. Weather in NJ is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    01/02: 173.4
    01/09: 172.8
    01/16: 172.0
    01/23: 170.8
    01/30: 170.2<<<mini goal weight 169.4 >>>
    02/06: 170.2
    02/13: 170.0
    02/20: 169.4 (I'm losing so slowly......but atleast it's headed down!)
    02/27: 168.8 <<<mini goal weight 165.4>>>
    03/05: don't remember what I weighed
    03/12: 167.0
    03/19: 166.6
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 158.4 >>>
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member

    P.S. Sorry that "Date!" got a little cut off.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    YAY for all of you who are going to do the next challenge! :happy: For those that haven't yet, please give me a lb #, that you'd like to lose, so I can put you in the right place.

    RaindropWishes - You have done FANTASTIC with meeting your goals during this challenge!

    aerdna88 - Excel... Better late, than never! :wink: My whole life, I've never actually HAD to use a spreadsheet...

    mrsgstone - Yay for 193!

    rosiebug - 50 lbs... Probably by next week!

    SenseAtional - A LOT of decisions and stress. Good luck!

    Congrats to dajndae, Ncytiz, b757, julidav, RaindropWishes, ChristineHetz80, aerdna88, Roni_M, and rosiebug on being this week's biggest losers!

    A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Roni_M (lbs) and RaindropWishes (%) for being our, overall, biggest losers!

    Would a couple of our winners please give us a weekly challenge? Thanks!
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    depending on what my weight is after this challenge i want to lose 10 or 12 pounds so im in for sure....
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Hey sorry I missed the weigh in today. I want to lose 20lbs for next challenge if I haven't already posted it yet
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good Luck Everyone on next week's weigh in.
    I hope you all do great!!

    After this week I am really up for the next challenge. :ohwell:
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    Sorry about posting late.....I've been out of pocket lately~

    Chalenge Starting Weight: 243.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 224 lbs......REVISED to 213 lbs.

    01/02: 243.8
    01/09: 238.8
    01/16: 234.2
    01/23: 232.8
    01/30: 232.6 <<<mini goal weight 234 >>> MET!
    02/06: 230
    02/13: 228.6
    02/20: 225.4
    02/27: 224.6 <<<mini goal weight 228>>> MET!
    03/05: 223.4
    03/12: 220.6
    03/19: 218.4
    04/07: <<<REVISED challenge goal weight 213 >>>
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    I thought I just posted it but I don't see it, I'll try again! Sorry I'm late again. I am interested in being in the next challenge, however! 10 more lbs and I'm at my goal so I think I'll shoot for that. This challenge really helped me start losing again. I was stuck in the 150s for so long!

    Name/ real name: EKSB/Elle

    Current Weight: 152
    Challenge Goal Weight:140

    01/02: 152
    01/09: 150.2
    01/16: 151.6 (I've learned to not eat Trader Joe's chicken before a weigh in-so much sodium. Hopefully next week is better.)
    01/23: 148.2 (up a little from my low this week but one of the days at the conference, I logged in 3500+ calories. Ouch!)
    01/30: 147.2 (Sorry it's of those days...Won't happen again, I hope)
    02/06: 146.6 (actually hit 145.0 this week but couldn't keep it yet...)
    02/13: 148 (horrible week, nutrition and exercise-wise. Monday weigh-ins are hard! I'm usually down a pound or two by tuesday...)
    02/20: 147.8
    02/27: 145.4! Close enough <<<mini goal weight 145>>>
    03/05: 144.6
    03/12: 145.8-Doesn't make me too sad to not be on the chart this week since I was at 143.8 all last week. Next week is a new week.
    03/19: 145.4
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 140 >>>
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    By the way, I'm so excited about my family's new "minivan!" The Yuba Mundo (, I'm going to add another bike seat to fit both my wee ones and away we go! I'm towing my old bike in this photo since that was how I got to the bike shop :happy:

    I can't seem to get the photos to work but if you're curious, our website is: