Protein shake Powder! Any suggestions?



  • Sunbeam224
    Sunbeam224 Posts: 24 Member
    Lots of different suggestions here. Here's mine. I use the Cytosport Whey Protein chocolate flavor. I love the taste. I buy a big bulk bag as costco. Chocolate flavor. Taste like a chocolate shake.
  • DJAldiaz
    DJAldiaz Posts: 1
    there are so many options find out what works for you? great taste, Price? and so on. Quality of protein is important too, just saying. I Like what I use
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Roommates say the Syntha6 stuff is good. Smells like cake mix, tastes like chocolate milk, and if you make it with milk instead of water, it holds for about 4 hours before they're hungry again, instead of 2, when made with water. You have to be careful and make sure to drink MORE water with it (with ANY of the protein shakes) they can be dehydrating if you don't drink enough water.

    They aren't my thing, but I hope the word from my roommates is helpful.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I use the P90X stuff. I don't know what it is, but I like it and it works well.

    I have 3 others in my cupboard, but I keep going back to the P90X mix. I don't know, the problem with these threads is at the end of them, I have no idea what to do.

    And, I have a suspicion that half the people here sell the stuff they are saying is the best. So, it's not really a balanced review of these protein powders. I am going to check out consumer reports however.
  • Herbalife is the way to go!!!! I am not only an independent distributor, but also a customer. I began the product line about 5 years ago when I was 50lbs overweight. I lost 55 and 65 inches in about 5 months and that was WITHOUT ANY EXCERCISE. I am now addicted to my boot camp classes and now incorporate my shakes with my workout routine. Everything in their product line is all natural and so good for you - keeps you full in between meals and loaded with protein. Let me know if you want to know more about it - my customer base is going CRAZY right now! Best of luck to you!!
  • zminus2
    zminus2 Posts: 1
    This is what I use. I've tried the strawberry and the vanilla. I like the six protein blend. Overall it tastes pretty good. I mix it with Silk light vanilla, original or chocolate soy milk. (the chocolate soy milk with the strawberry powder tastes pretty good. this week I've been using original Silk with the vanilla powder.) I've even had the protein powder with just water and found it to be not awful (although my friends think that's weird). $50 is a lot to shell out at once, but the 5 lbs last a while and it's the best price at that size. Try their 5 oz sample to test out the flavors (shipping sucks though).

    I used to hate the taste of Splenda but I'm trying to eliminate consumption of HCFS and aspartame while still avoiding sugars - as stevia is not widely used in regular products yet, that leaves sucralose for the most part. The MuscleFit powder has just a slight artificial sweet taste, but if you're used to splenda or diet sodas then you probably won't mind.

    I usually have one of these shakes in the morning with oatmeal for breakfast. Depending on what I eat during the day, I might do another shake, or sometimes I have a Dr. Carbrite protein bar. My friend hates the carbrite, but I hate his favorite protein bars (ThinkThin).

    I try to keep my diet low-ish carb, low-fat, and high protein. Following that, I managed to lose like 15-17 lbs last year even without exercise. (I got super lazy and gained it all back, so here I go again, but with MFP this time around :) BTW I'm a 30 yr old female.
  • t8tersalad
    t8tersalad Posts: 85 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing.

    Are there any of these that are Gluten Free?
    Does this replace one meal, like breakfast or lunch?

    Thank you!

    Yes -- this is one of the main reason my primary protein is About Time - it is gluten and lactose free.
    Many are gluten free.....

    You can get a sample here:

    I usually buy it from here: (it'sonly about $23 compared to $32 on amazon)
    I also can get it locally at a GNC that is a franchise in my area - but normal GNC stores do not carry it, only franchise.
    I haven't checked vitaminshoppe.

    Hello and thank you!

    I will order from them tonight, the supplementwarehouse. I want the chocolate and I noticed on their site they have two listed, one is $27 and the other is $29, but I can't tell the difference. Are they the same? I don't want to order the wrong thing :)

    Thank you!
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I've only tried Jay Robb Vanilla and Jay Robb Chocolate. I like the vanilla the best, which is strange since I'm a chocoholic! I mix them with some greek yogurt for even more protein boost and some fruit, a little milk and tons of ice. I researched a bit, got overwhelmed, and then ordered something that seemed natural that people liked.
  • smcwllms
    smcwllms Posts: 27 Member
    Six Star Triple Chocolate or Vanilla, or Body Fortress Chocolate. Six Star now has 30 grams protein per scoop. Pretty tasty, too.
  • Hockeymom610
    Hockeymom610 Posts: 65 Member
  • webenic
    webenic Posts: 5 Member
    However, if you're not on a tight budget I suggest go with this brand: Gold Standard - Optimum 100% Whey Protein (28-30$ online for 2lbs). All the flavors for this tastes the best in my opinion and I have made some serious lean gains from this one.

    DEFINITELY agree!!! The Vanilla Ice Cream flavor is fantastic!

    I couldn't disagree more. ON vanilla Ice cream is one I have to choke down even with milk. Wheyfit creamy vanilla (the brand) was a thousand times better. I've done the Body Fortress chocolate and that was ok. I'd buy it again in a pinch but for now I'm loving my Syntha-6 chocolate malt! Tomorrow the big brown truck is bringing me some Trutein Cinnabun that is supposed to be fantastic as well as some Scivation Vanilla :)

    Don't be afraid to buy online! Much better selection and pricing to choose from than the local Walmart or GNC.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard has my vote.

    I'm currently with "Cookies & Cream" and its ridiculously amazing.
  • leahdawn4
    leahdawn4 Posts: 4 Member
    I used to use only whey protein, and I found that I had joint pain ALL the time when I was taking it... I've switched to "Vegan Proteins+" made by Genuine Health and it's great! I add it to my oatmeal in the morning and it gives me lots of energy and keeps me full all morning. I highly recommend it if your body doesn't deal well with whey protein, or even if you just want to change it up a bit.
  • tiffintn
    tiffintn Posts: 8
    I do Optimum Nutrition - 100% Gold Standard Whey (Double Rich Chocolate) it has really good taste, not too thick and the macros look good too!
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I think most of the replies in this thread don't read the labels of what they're buying, or know what makes a good protein vs. a bad one. (Or maybe people just dont care that its a blend, or a concentrate or has a bunch of additives you dont need , or they are just lazy and would still rather pickup something pre-made at the grocery store)

    One of the primary things I look at is the cholesterol on the label... the lower the number, the higher the quality. Blends and concentrates will be higher, pure isolate the lowest and better quality. (as a reference, I dont buy any that are over 5mg when I can avoid it... most of mine have <1mg or 0.)

    What affects the amount of cholesterol in whey protein?
    Not all whey protein is created equal. While the final product depends on a number of different factors, here are the primary things that differentiate types of whey proteins from one another:
    Source of dairy
    Production process
    Type of cheese
    Additional ingredients

    These four factors affect not only the quality of your whey protein, but also the amount of cholesterol that is in the final product. Fortunately, types of protein can be bundled into two major groups, each of which gives consumers a better indication of what the final product contains.

    Whey protein concentrate: While this is the cheapest option for whey protein, it is not necessarily the best option for your health. Compared to other whey protein, WPC has the highest levels of cholesterol. And, since WPC is made using a high-temperature process, it can often denature the proteins that are already present. Furthermore, WPC contains oxidized cholesterol, which is the worst for your body because it leads directly to hardened arteries and other cardiovascular issues.

    Ion-exchange whey protein isolate or microfiltered whey protein isolate: If you want whey protein that is low in both cholesterol and fat, choose one of these two options. While you may pay a higher price, ion-exchange and microfiltered whey protein isolates are by far the most advantageous for your health. All of the native proteins remain intact, and, for that reason, these are the preferred choice for many bodybuilders. In particular, microfiltered whey protein isolate has special detoxifying and antioxidant qualities, which both lead to a healthier body.

    How to check the amount of cholesterol in your whey protein
    All whey protein products are clearly labeled with the amount of cholesterol, as well as your daily recommended value. In fact, since many whey protein manufacturers are aware of the high cholesterol content of their products, conscious efforts are being made to both reduce cholesterol levels and promote healthier alternatives. For that reason, it has become easier to find inexpensive, high-quality whey protein which will effectively complement any diet or workout routine.

    If there is a history of heart disease or cholesterol problems in your family, then it is important to monitor the level of cholesterol in your whey protein – even if you are still fairly young. However, if you absolutely do not want to reduce the cholesterol in your diet, then you may be able to cut out trans-fats in order to mitigate some of the risks. If you’re ever unsure, check with a medical professional, or dietician, before incorporating large amounts of whey protein into your bodybuilding routine
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Saving for reference!
  • Visalus Body by Vi - Protein Shake. This shake also has to be ordered. Not as expensive as Whey and they are really good. About $50 for a month supply.