Anyone starting from around 230-250?



  • I'm only 5'3" and I started out at 237. Down to 223, it's happening slowly.. but it's coming off.. It does feel discouraging to start out so high but I'm just looking forward to the day I'm under 200.. and then 180.. 160.. then 140.. I'm hoping a year from now I will be at my goal weight or atleasy close!! Anyone is welcome to add me or message me.. This is my first time trying to actually change my lifestyle and lose weight.. fingers crossed for all of us!!! :o) WE CAN DO IT! :D
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    I just started on this site about 10 days ago but a week before that I decided to start eating healthier and I started at 240 and I'm 5'8". Started training today to work toward a goal to run a 5K in October! eek!
  • Fowa
    Fowa Posts: 9
    Started today at 224. Have two heart stents. Did great on my diet and exercise from 2008 until six months ago. I had back problems from moving and lifting wrong. I went to therapy, but didn't start exercising and diet after .
    so ashamed. My thighs and knees are so ugly (fat) . I am trying not to be depressed and turn my depression in to working on my body. Need a lot of helpers with support.
  • 55Sugars
    55Sugars Posts: 2
    Hello There! I have only been on the site 3 days and I'm 5'5" and started this weight loss journey this week at 267 lbs. So you are not alone! The hardest thing for me so far is getting my walking back up to where it use to be. Eight years ago, I was walking 3 miles a day, but developed some health issues and personal issues and now I weigh more than I ever have. I'm really determine to get this weight back off, I have 4 beautiful grandchildren that I miss getting out and running with, without it nearly killing me...
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    My highest was 291. I got down to the 180s in 2010, but it's slowly crept back, as I slacked with watching what I ate. I was 235 at my last weigh in but I've since gone back to basics and am once again determined! Oh, and I'm 5'4".
  • My highest weight ever was 253, and I'm 5'9''. My goal is to be down in the 140's, and I just started My fitness pal not too long ago (I got sick and had to go m.i.a. for a while) and I'm getting ready for the long journey ahead! Feel free to add if you want. :)
  • Just started MFP 5 days ago at 248 I'm 5'6. Highest was 292 in '06 just before graduate school. I managed to get down to the 220s after graduating and picked up running at that weight HOWEVER regained last year after job change and relocating. Lost 15 pounds but hit a plateua with 5x/week exercise 1-2 hours, figure it's time to count some calories and get it together. Now my goal weight is 185. Trust me you are not alone!
  • talaysia3
    talaysia3 Posts: 84 Member
    Ne, you are not alone. I am 5'9 and starting in my 250's. This is going to be a long journey, but it will be well worth the fight. I just joined MFP about a month ago, and recently got the Fitbit to aid me. Feel free to add me.
  • catslyn
    catslyn Posts: 8
    I used to be at 296. So you are not alone.
  • lizbuzz
    lizbuzz Posts: 6
    You are definitely not alone.

    I'm 5'10" and starting on this site at 257. At my heaviest I was 272, and at my lightest (in recent memory) I was 227, which was 5 and a half years ago. My goal is to get under 200 pounds, and see how I feel then.

    Feel free to add me!
  • TempeB
    TempeB Posts: 43 Member
    I started using MFP back in November, and was around 234 at the time. Since then I've varied, at one point had lost about 18 pounds but then gained back about ten of that. I feel like I keep gaining and losing the same 15-20 pounds, over and over. It's rough. I'm type-II diabetic, so that means that blood sugar has a huge impact on how I feel, and on whether I'm thinking clearly, and also on my energy level. But, I'm still plugging away.