Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?



  • My niece was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 2 yrs old. She put up a good fight for the last 2 years. Back in December she had a heart attack and stroke on New Years Eve. Then she passed on January 6th this year at the age of 4.

    God Bless all of the fighters and survivors of this horrible disease.
  • Cancer sucks

    My maternal grandmother survived thyroid and cervical cancer and passed away last year of an infection at the age of 87

    I have the privilege of being an RN on an oncology/haematology ward that cares for patients (and their families) from diagnosis, through treatment and palliation if they lose the fight. I have met so many beautiful people through my work and feel honoured to be able to share the journey with them

    *hugs* to all
  • eattherude
    eattherude Posts: 21 Member
    I was diagnosed with Leukaemia when I was 12. Went through just over two years of treatment (aka hell) and now here I am 6 years later!!! Hard to believe how time flies....
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    I've lost two grandparents due to cancer and one of my dear friends has cancer as well. That's actually one of the reasons I wanted to start losing weight. My friend inspired me to sign up to be a marrow donor and being overweight is a cause for them to turn you away. So I want to get healthy for me, but maybe for someone else too, if given the chance.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    My Grandparetns had it, One Grandma Double M, Both Maternal Granparents lost to it. My Mom had it in her neck, Aunt had a single M, and Sister had it....all survivors, It took my Brother in law this past January though.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    As a cancer survivor, I encourage all of you to use your brushes with cancer to motivate you to treasure your health and seize opportunities to strengthen your body and your spirit. It is a gift to me when I see my friends and loved ones take care of themselves. I know that if their health ever surprises them the way I was surprised that they will be equipped with strength and skill sets and habits that will really help them fight disease and have a better chance of returning to a normal life.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    My grandpa died of cancer last year. I don't remember what kind it was exactly, but he sure put up a heck of a fight. Miss you grandpa!

    I also know (well.. through facebook) the daughter of a friend of a friend. This little girl was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor at age 4. She was declared cancer free in January (a little over a year later.) Although she has still had some fevers and ear infections since then, Brave Kate, as they called her, is such an inspiration and proof of God's love and mercy.
  • pmslovak
    pmslovak Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a seven year breast cancer survivor. It DOES suck. It IS a horrible, horrible disease. My weird thing is on February 1, I decided I was going to live...and if I was gonna live, I had better start LIVING.

    Living for family and friends who loved and supported me through this journey.

    Living for those who didn't survive.

    Mostly, living for M Y S E L F.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    all on my mothers side
    great grand mother- breast cancer
    Great anunt-bladder cancer
    Grand mother Lung caner
    Uncle-lung cancer
    Uncle- melanoma
    Mother- melanoma, breast cancer passed 12/19/1991
    All deceased

    Bright side In my family there is no heart trouble that I know of. Both great granfathers were 100 and one great aunt reached 106.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Too many. And a few of them younger than myself. One friend underwent surgery for a relatively common tumor and while inside the doctors discovered a whole other kind of cancer - Leiomyosarcoma - which is super aggressive and has a 5 year survival rate of practically zero. Another friend has terminal lung cancer, probably from smoking. His doctors have told him to get his affairs in order... he's 39. My wife's cousin had a double mastectomy while she was pregnant for stage 4 breast cancer. She had a prenatal oncologist - can you even believe that job exists??? She's in the clear right now but because she was stage 4 metastasized her possibility of recurrence is terribly high. My wife's uncle died of lung cancer at 50 - we spent three days in a deathbed vigil - that was not pleasant. My aunt has had breast cancer three times and now it has metastasized into her bones. My uncle has a slow moving form of Leukemia that is under observation right now. My grandmother and grandfather on my mothers side both died of cancer - although they were in their late 80's. My dad's dad died when he was in his late 20's of leukemia - long before I was born.

    Fck cancer. I hate it with a passion.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    Maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather both died of lung cancer due to smoking.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    my dad pased away when i was 15. but two years earlier they caught the cancer removed most of his insides. it was from smoking but yeah it been 20 years since hes been gone what worse he died a week before his birthday. and just a couple of weeks ago i made the trip back home to wear my realitives live too see an uncle thats dieing of lung cancer from stupid smoking. they give him 2 weeks but his still fighting. i'll probly making the trip several times because my other uncles and aunts wont learn so they keep smoking away. i have big hate for smoking it a slow posion that will get you. my gym pet peeve how ever you spell it is people who smoke and yet show up at the gym doesn't defeate the purpose of both if you weigh each of them you will see i hope. i don't feel sorry for smokers who get cancer and then wine poor me not going to happen.
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    my best friend just had her last chemo treatment yesterday :) she had hodgkins lymphoma. she's only 26, she found out she had it a couple days before her birthday, which was also a couple days after returning from her honeymoon. it was stage 4 when they found it, but she kicked its *kitten* :)
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Lost my Father in Law on December 19, 2005 and my Grandmother (Nanny) on January 27, 2006 both to lung cancer. Lost a dear friend/classmate to colon cancer at the age of 43 on October 20, 2010. My best freind lost her dad to lung cancer in 2001. Another good friend lost her father to pancreatic cancer July 2011 and her mom just got diagnosed with colon cancer and is 3 weeks into chem and radiation. Such a NASTY disease that needs a cure found!!!!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My grandparents essentially decided they didn't want my sister or I in their lives.

    So my grandpa's sister loved us and was there for us like she was our grandma, she never married or had kids of her own. We loved her to pieces. She passed away October 2011. She fought pancreatic cancer for TEN years. She was an amazing woman =]
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    My mom passed away December 14th, 2007 from pancreatic cancer.
    I still remember it like it was yesterday.
    I was 19.
    It was the most horrible thing that has ever happened too me.

    I'm sorry for your loss. That's so young to lose your mother.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    My dad told us he had prostate cancer in March of 2004. The very next week my mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer. My dad had radiation and is thankfully now almost 8 years cancer free. My mom had a hysterectomy a few months later which got all the cancer, but they recommended radiation to make sure....a couple months later she was diagnosed with acute leukemia and died a few days after the diagnosis. Needless to say I really hate cancer.
  • My mom passed away May 24, 2011. She had cancer. Official diagnosis was small cell carcinoma but her CA-125 levels were over 500 and normal is between 0-35. By the time they found out she had cancer she was terminal...stage IV. She went through 2 rounds of chemo that did nothing but hasten her death. She passed away 2 months and 10 days after her 73rd birthday. It still feels like yesterday when she passed. Her birthday was on March 14th. Mine is on March 8th. It was a very hard day to go through. The very sad thing is she passed away the night before her 54th wedding anniversary. She passed away peacefully in the hospital under Hospice care. It still hurts to talk about it and remember. My mom was not a smoker. She had a pleural effusion in her lungs and sorry to get graphic, but they had to put in a drain just to keep it draining. I am not a big advocate of chemo or radiation. Anyone I know that had cancer died anyway. All it does is lower your immune system even more so you can't fight it. It kills off all the good cells along with the bad. You need the good cells to be working and multiplying. In my opinion, using chemo or radiation when you are at a terminal stage or stage IV is senseless, especially when you are dealing with the lungs. For ovarian cancer, most of the time when they find it, its already metastasized to other organs. My maternal grandmother had ovarian cancer. She had chemo and was cancer free for maybe one year. When it came back, it was all over and there was nothing more they could do. I hate, hate, hate cancer. And sorry to say, someone doesn't want to find a cure for cancer, no matter how much money they raise for research. They want to keep people sick because they are greedy. If there was a cure, they would not be getting rich off making the drugs that are keeping people sick. I know...I am jaded but that is how I feel. I will never have chemo or radiation. I would rather take my chances on holistic measures and faith.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My husband was diagnosed October 25th, 2000 with CML (leukemia). He was given 2 yrs to live and he's still here today! He'll always take his cancer medication and we worry every 3 months when he goes to the dr. He was also told he could never have more kids in November 2003 and then we were blessed with 2 more kids in 2005 & 2007.

    Our family was a huge support when we traveled to Portland, Oregon for treatment. In 2010 my uncle (we got a huge support from) was diagonised with cancer and passed away 3 months later. It's difficult to know how many people we have known who have lost their battle but we try to remember those as we continue to support those who are currently battling in hopes that they too can be a survivor.
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    My sister went to the dentist for what she thought was an impacted wisdom tooth. Turned out to be Stage 4 bone cancer in her jaw. She was 33 at the time. After many months of chemo, surgery, & radiation, I am happy to say she will be 5 years cancer free on August 31st.

    I went to th Gyn. because I thought I might be pregnant In Sept 2007. Turned out I was pregnant & had pre cancerous cervical cells. After my daughter was born & things had healed I returned for more testing precancer was now cancer & my how it had spread. Had a hysterectomy turns out I also had uterine cancer. Next month I will be 2 years cancer free.