MFP Runner's Club



  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member


    Let me know what you think of Insanity. It looks great, and I'm thinking about it, but I'd like to hear what other people think before I committ. :happy:

    Absolutely I will report in! My favorite review for it is the following...
    *When I am doing INSANITY and :
    I can breathe, I swear out loud...a lot
    I can't breathe, I swear in my head...a lot*

    That one pushed me over the edge and I HAD to get it!

    A heads up, if you go for it, Jessmomof3 is a beachbody coach and you can save almost $20 in shipping by ordering through her!


    Sounds scary! :laugh: I love it! Thanks for the tip about going through Jess!
  • vegmunkee
    vegmunkee Posts: 2
    hello... would love to be in the runner's club.. just started running this week... i'm pretty awful, but i'm determined to get back to running like i did over 5 years ago!
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Just posting to get the newest thread. Hello MFP Runners! It's raininghere and I'll be out in it all evening so hopefully it calms down. Running tomorrow!! I hope :wink:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Just bumping.

    Missed my run yesterday - some days, life just gets in the way. Maybe tonight.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Happy Friday Runners:flowerforyou:

    6 miles at an easy pace for me this morning. I was almost sidelined with tummy troubles.:sick: Took an Altoid and headed out the door anyway. Yes those curiously strong mints cure tummy troubles.:laugh:

    Enjoy the day

    Oh by the way 99% humidity again this morning.:frown:
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Good morning runners! A rest day for me today, we ran 6 miles yesterday. I have a bit of heel/ankle pain, not unbearable just there. I think it's from doing speed intervals on that stupid treadmill :laugh:
    do you guys think i'll be ok to do my long run tomorrow? i don't want to aggravate it worse but i really want to run. i guess i'm still learning about all these things and what kinds of aches and pains are just normal or not. Happy Friday
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I did an easy 5 miles today. BUT I have trouble ahead. My long run is usually on Sunday and this week it's moving to Saturday. I have already run 4 days in a row -- :yawn: -- and now I'm skaert (that's really really scared) :noway:. Any advice? don't want to get hurt -- but I will have 36 hours between this morning's run and my run tomorrow evening. I'm supposed to up my mileage to 15 miles -- wish me luck...please!

    Kechie -- love those curiously strong mints too -- they are GREAT for tummy trouble! All peppermint is supposed to help -- which seems crazy to grab a mint when your gut is growling!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    hello... would love to be in the runner's club.. just started running this week... i'm pretty awful, but i'm determined to get back to running like i did over 5 years ago!

    WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou:
    This is a fabulous group to motivate and inspire -- and help with any questions too! Good luck getting back into the world of the running. It's a happy place to be!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning runners! A rest day for me today, we ran 6 miles yesterday. I have a bit of heel/ankle pain, not unbearable just there. I think it's from doing speed intervals on that stupid treadmill :laugh:
    do you guys think i'll be ok to do my long run tomorrow? i don't want to aggravate it worse but i really want to run. i guess i'm still learning about all these things and what kinds of aches and pains are just normal or not. Happy Friday

    Hi Jenny. Enjoy your rest day today and see how you feel tomorrow. I'm betting you will be ready to run tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    hello... would love to be in the runner's club.. just started running this week... i'm pretty awful, but i'm determined to get back to running like i did over 5 years ago!

    Welcome:flowerforyou: Are you doing Couch to 5K?
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Happy Friday, runners!

    Today is week 5 day 3 of couch to 5k for me- a 20 minute run :noway:

    It's thundering and lightening here as we speak, so I'm hoping that there will be a break in the storming for just a half hour later so that I can get in my run. I don't mind running in the rain, but it's probably not very safe to run in a thunder storm! :laugh:

    Weighed myself today and I'm down to my lowest weight since I started MFP!! :drinker: Wahoo!! :bigsmile:

    Good luck on all your runs today :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I did an easy 5 miles today. BUT I have trouble ahead. My long run is usually on Sunday and this week it's moving to Saturday. I have already run 4 days in a row -- :yawn: -- and now I'm skaert (that's really really scared) :noway:. Any advice? don't want to get hurt -- but I will have 36 hours between this morning's run and my run tomorrow evening. I'm supposed to up my mileage to 15 miles -- wish me luck...please!

    That sounds like a lot of running young lady.:laugh: I say rest the next 36 hours and be honest with yourself about how you feel. If you feel up to it, no yawning. Go for it.:tongue:

    :heart: -Kechie.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Happy Friday, runners!

    Today is week 5 day 3 of couch to 5k for me- a 20 minute run :noway:

    Weighed myself today and I'm down to my lowest weight since I started MFP!! :drinker: Wahoo!! :bigsmile:

    20 minutes! You can do it!:drinker:

    Congratulations on your weight loss!:drinker:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I did an easy 5 miles today. BUT I have trouble ahead. My long run is usually on Sunday and this week it's moving to Saturday. I have already run 4 days in a row -- :yawn: -- and now I'm skaert (that's really really scared) :noway:. Any advice? don't want to get hurt -- but I will have 36 hours between this morning's run and my run tomorrow evening. I'm supposed to up my mileage to 15 miles -- wish me luck...please!

    That sounds like a lot of running young lady.:laugh: I say rest the next 36 hours and be honest with yourself about how you feel. If you feel up to it, no yawning. Go for it.:tongue:

    :heart: -Kechie.

    YOUNG LADY -- :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: -- that's me laughing my ...well you know!
    I haven't been called that in a long time!
    I agree it's a lot but I have a desk job so today will be resting -- and I don't go until 5pm tomorrow. I'm so excited about increasing my mileage that I think the adrenaline will help me through. Plus, next week in my training is the easy week with no long runs. (and yes I am trying to convince ME that it's okay! :embarassed: )
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    So, I've noticed quite a few of you doing tempo runs and I have many questions. I kind of understand how you do them based on what I've read but I don't really understand the why. Is it to get faster or build up your distance? And when do you start to do them? Do you have to be able to run a certain distance first or can you dive right in? How do you know what to run for the temp runs? Can you just look on RW? I know, a lot of questions but I'm wondering if I need to start doing these. I've been running about 3 1/2 months now. Is it too soon to want to do this? Also, I only run 3X a week @ 3 miles each time so I don't know if I have to up my mileage before attempting this and would I need to add another day of running to fit this in? I'm not really training for anything until next year so there is no urgency on upping time or mileage other than my own ego.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    It's official, I signed up for the Philly Livestrong 5k! If any of you are so inclined, I would appreciate sponsorships! So, its looking like I'll be running at least one 5k a week until then to get myself prepped. I know I can run it as it stands, but I'd like to have a decent time.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Congrats msarro -- great job!!!! You're going to have a blast!!!

    Well - I bit the bullet and bought the Garmin Forerunner 405 -- they had it on sale at Best Buy for $249 -- and I couldn't resist. I'll post my "review" once I get it!!! Didn't get the HRM but it said you can use most any and I already have a Nike one I could try. Whew -- and the addiction grows!!! but this time it was my husband urging me to buy it -- he must want something :huh: Oh well -- at least I got my garmin!!!! :drinker:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Congrats msarro -- great job!!!! You're going to have a blast!!!

    Well - I bit the bullet and bought the Garmin Forerunner 405 -- they had it on sale at Best Buy for $249 -- and I couldn't resist. I'll post my "review" once I get it!!! Didn't get the HRM but it said you can use most any and I already have a Nike one I could try. Whew -- and the addiction grows!!! but this time it was my husband urging me to buy it -- he must want something :huh: Oh well -- at least I got my garmin!!!! :drinker:

    Nah, we guys never have ulterior motives. Never ever! :wink:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    So, I've noticed quite a few of you doing tempo runs and I have many questions. I kind of understand how you do them based on what I've read but I don't really understand the why. Is it to get faster or build up your distance? And when do you start to do them? Do you have to be able to run a certain distance first or can you dive right in? How do you know what to run for the temp runs? Can you just look on RW? I know, a lot of questions but I'm wondering if I need to start doing these. I've been running about 3 1/2 months now. Is it too soon to want to do this? Also, I only run 3X a week @ 3 miles each time so I don't know if I have to up my mileage before attempting this and would I need to add another day of running to fit this in? I'm not really training for anything until next year so there is no urgency on upping time or mileage other than my own ego.

    Tempo runs and speedwork will help you run faster overall. Since they are so hard on my body, I only do them once a week. Since you are up to running 3 miles 3x a week and it's been a few months now, I think you're ready. You can either add another day or substitute one of your current days to do a speed or tempo workout.

    You can go to RW and use their Smart Coach tool for a specific workout or you can just do it on your own.

    Go to a track or find a pretty flat street. Since you are currently running 3 miles, here is a sample workout for you:

    Run an easy paced(you could have a conversation) mile to warm up. It is super important to warm up b/c you will be pushing your body.

    Then, run comfortably hard(you can say 3 words but you really don't want to) for a half mile or 2, 3, or 4 minutes. You can use a distance or a time for your hard running. Then jog for a quarter mile or 1, 1.5, or 2 minutes. Repeat this 2 times. Then, run a mile at an easy pace to cool down.

    You can also just add speed workouts to your current workout. Run a mile at your normal pace. Then, run comfortably hard to a mailbox, street lamp, or for a minute. Then, jog until you recover. Repeat until you get to 2 miles. Then finish up that last mile at your normal pace.

    Once you start doing some speedwork, you will notice improved pace on all of your workouts.

  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    good morning runner people! another "rest" day for me -- still a little sore from Wed, my first run in 3 wks, so i'm going to give it one more day before heading out again...

    anyway, thought i'd post a link here to some info that might be helpful. a local running store here publishes a monthly newsletter (I'm sure some of your locals do similar pubs). for those of you who don't have access to something like this, you can sign up for the mailing list to get it e-mailed to you. anyway, this one struck me because as you'll see there's a front page article on Body Glide, which I believe we were discussing not too long ago. also, there's an article about socks -- we weren't talking about socks directly, but i remember a lovely convo on blisters. i'll tell you -- i haven't worn plain cotton socks in years, and i've never had a blister. well, one time, on my first marathon, but that's been the exception. so, for what it's worth, hope you find this useful...
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