


  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    First I was like :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
    Then I was like :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:
    Now I'm like:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:
    But more so :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent:

  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    This thread reminds me of a famous quote I saw posted online:

    "Wow, I really regret that workout!" - No one ever
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    Ever since I started lifting more, I have come to hate machine cardio. I do enjoy being outdoors and playing sports and such.


    How's that pull up training going? Are you following the steps on that nerd fitness blog?

  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    IMO, the key to consistency is to find something you love doing. For me, it's yoga, which makes it necessary to add cardio to my workout routine. (At least I've always felt it was necessary.) I "tolerated" my cardio days until I found Turbo Jam. Now I look forward to it. I enjoy strength training too, and do it at least once a week, but I can't put on muscle to save my life.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    i didn't care for cardio until i started trail running.
    if you go fast on trails you are unfamiliar with, it's kinda like a video game. or an adventure movie.
    good times.

  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    This thread reminds me of a famous quote I saw posted online:

    "Wow, I really regret that workout!" - No one ever

    haha. love that quote!
  • humanreplica
    I hate cardio but I do it because it helps my back, legs and feet. When I was at my highest weight, I couldn't stand for long periods of time. When say long, one minute was pushing it. I'd ache everywhere. Now I'm able to stand for hours and I don't need to lean on anything to support myself. My back and legs are strong again.

    OH and I was winded after one flight of stairs. Now, I'm hopping up on my last steps when I reach the 3rd floor! I dont even breathe heavy.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I feel like a weirdo when I read these cardio vs. weights/resistance threads because I like to do both and don't view either as a necessary evil. I enjoy both for different reasons and my results are moving in the right direction.

    Now what I don't like is machine cardio. Even with music on or a TV to watch, it's tedious for me. I like things like kickboxing, step aerobics, and heck, even my walk to/from work. I'm easily bored/distracted and need activities that require me to move around and use space in order to stay motivated. If it's not fun for me, I won't do it.
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    Great read.
  • mmenuey27
    mmenuey27 Posts: 51 Member
    I wanted to say that I enjoyed this post. I find it hard to do cardio over lifting; it's so repetitive that it's boring to me. I know that there are some things that you can do to change that, but if I just do strength training with a little cardio in between that works for me. I like how strength training makes me feel, and unlike cardio I can tell that it's working. I can't do much for cardio right now anyway because I am healing from a foot surgery. I will probably incorporate a little more when I heal completely just for the sake of good heart health, and that will be minimal. Like someone else mentioned I might just do some sprinting 3 times a week and be done with it.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    I wanted to say that I enjoyed this post. I find it hard to do cardio over lifting; it's so repetitive that it's boring to me. I know that there are some things that you can do to change that, but if I just do strength training with a little cardio in between that works for me. I like how strength training makes me feel, and unlike cardio I can tell that it's working. I can't do much for cardio right now anyway because I am healing from a foot surgery. I will probably incorporate a little more when I heal completely just for the sake of good heart health, and that will be minimal. Like someone else mentioned I might just do some sprinting 3 times a week and be done with it.

    Yeah but all that lifting wont do nadda for your heart and your cardiovascular health.
  • mmenuey27
    mmenuey27 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, and I wrote that in my post. I can't do cardio right now because I am healing from surgery so I am not doing it till after.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    Good luck to you and with your foot healing.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I do cardio because of the health benefits and because I know that if I don't do it I will gain wait period regardless of how little I eat or how much I lift. I also kind of like the way I feel after a hard 30 minute or hour long cardio session.
  • mmenuey27
    mmenuey27 Posts: 51 Member
    I agree, and when I was still able to I did like that feeling after, but I find some cardio boring. The end result is I stop because of it. Then it takes me awhile to get back into it.
  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    A thread after my own heart. Former cardio queen. Now I don't do cardio at all.

    LIFE IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I feel like a weirdo when I read these cardio vs. weights/resistance threads because I like to do both and don't view either as a necessary evil. I enjoy both for different reasons and my results are moving in the right direction.

    Now what I don't like is machine cardio. Even with music on or a TV to watch, it's tedious for me. I like things like kickboxing, step aerobics, and heck, even my walk to/from work. I'm easily bored/distracted and need activities that require me to move around and use space in order to stay motivated. If it's not fun for me, I won't do it.

    This. I bought a treadmill back in the day and hated it. Interval running in different neighborhoods, hiking, or biking though--I can do those almost indefinitely, because it's the "staying on one place" that gets me.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I feel like a weirdo when I read these cardio vs. weights/resistance threads because I like to do both and don't view either as a necessary evil. I enjoy both for different reasons and my results are moving in the right direction.

    Now what I don't like is machine cardio. Even with music on or a TV to watch, it's tedious for me. I like things like kickboxing, step aerobics, and heck, even my walk to/from work. I'm easily bored/distracted and need activities that require me to move around and use space in order to stay motivated. If it's not fun for me, I won't do it.

    This. I bought a treadmill back in the day and hated it. Interval running in different neighborhoods, hiking, or biking though--I can do those almost indefinitely, because it's the "staying on one place" that gets me.

    I must be weird because I don't (always)mind doing cardio indoors. I do the TM and the arc trainer at the gym, TM at home and I'll do videos at home too. I do like to get out side to do running and all that but unfortunately bug season is long where I live and when we exit bug season it's almost winter! LOL!
  • Khymera
    It's all about what you enjoy (or at least don't dislike) and what your goals are.

    I'm still pretty new to working out, but I do both cardio and machine resistance. I don't *love* the cardio but I watch TV while I'm doing it, so I don't mind it. And I'll never lift heavy (no offense to you lady lifters out there) because while I want to be slim and fit, I don't want to be a hardbody.