

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Good evening everyone --

    I made it down to Charlotte, my husband came safely through his knee replacement, and my lovely kids are brilliantly handling the responsibility of getting their dad to hospital and taking care of everything while I am gone. Phew!

    Nancy - you are rolling in news. First you lost your wallet, then Risk (ALWAYS take Madagascar and hang on to it -- guaranteed winner) and you are heading for foot surgery! Yikes! I am also feeling your pain about the slight loosening of diet habits (alcohol rears its ugly head...). We should keep after each other the way we did over intervals. For foot-less exercises, go for intensive pilates, maybe rowing machine once you're past the worst, and leg lifts from sitting or other positions. I'm sure you can find lots to do, because 12 weeks without your treadmill would be rough!

    Lentil salad add-ons? My favourites are chopped cucumbers, fresh mango, celery, cilantro -- all very finely chopped. Broccoli might work as well, but I haven't tried it yet.

    Jeannie -- lots of us shorties are on 1200 calories. It isn't easy, but you do get used to it! Filling up on veggies, broth-y soups, non-fat milk, lowfat cheeses -- it is not too bad. I thought I'd be hungry forever, but it is going better most the time now. Not today, mind you!

    I hope everyone has a good night - I'm really looking forward to my rehearsal tomorrow with the pianist I will be performing with down here. After so many weeks of practicing it will feel great to put the parts together.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: I sent a message to several of our MIA members and received a reply from Genelace

    “I've been tracking but have been very busy - panic over with DBF's health, but now he is on the road to recovery he is a bit more demanding!

    I'm leaving on a trip next Tuesday so will be MIA for over a month. Genealace”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: The line dance performance group performed ten dances this afternoon at a convalescent hospital....since we hadn't had much time to practice together we met ahead of time and practiced the dances for an hour before we went to the performance location. I went to my regular line dance class in the morning so it has been a great day of dancing.

    Since I was gone all day, I left directions with Jake for cooking dinner and we had a fabulous meal of a whole chicken cooked on top of the stove in a big pot with potatoes and carrots. We have left-overs for tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, hearing about surgery with a 12 week stay of your feet recovery sounds terrifying:sad: :sad: :sad:(the recovery time, not the surgery) I know there are a lot of ways to exercise without your feet and I'm sure this great group of women will have some helpful ideas.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it was 31 degrees this morning and sunny all day.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    kackie - your poor dh and you! Good thoughts being sent your way. I guess I do the same thing as the "relief eating" but for a different reason. I have this feeling that "FCF" (friends come first) so I won't eat a lot to be sure there is enough for everyone else. That leaves me sometimes hungry, so when everyone leaves that's when I snack. Like tonight, after everyone left from bunco (actually, we played "mexican bunco" which really means that instead of bunco we played mexican train dominoes), I had cheese, popcorn, a mango, some rice krispie bars. Now I'm stuffed!!!!

    Another couple offered to host an "end of the year" bowling party. that's nice of them. The wife told me that they were thinking of supplying beer, brats, and burgers. Of course, when I told Vince this, he gave me a thumbs up....lol. Just doesn't appeal to me, tho. Hopefully, someone will bring some veggies with them. I'll bring a cake, but maybe I'll also bring some veggies.

    Say, a while ago the bowling alley got new pins so I got some of their old pins. I would think that they would make a neat gift, only I don't know what to do with them. I searched for crafts online, and didn't really find anything. I don't want to start drilling holes in them. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Another thing: One of the stores in FL had these .81oz boxes of Special K cereal. Only they no longer carry them. I could order them from Amazon, but I'd have to get 70! That would last me FOREVER. The last time we were by Jessica the hotel had these .63oz dishes of Rice Krispies. I can get them at Amazon, but I'd have to get at least 96! Does anyone have any thoughts as to who I can sell half of them to??? What I like about these is that they are maufacturer sealed so the humidity in FL won't affect them. But I don't want to have them for years and years, either

    Laura - I don't think I've ever used pumpkin in cake mix, but I have used it in brownie mix in place of the oil/eggs/water. You can taste a hint of pumpkin. I didn't mind, but pickey Vince thought it tasted "funny". I've also used pumpkin in angel food mix. that was pretty good.

    Liselyn - good news about your hubby!

    Did an hour today (Wed) of deep water, then a bit of food shopping, stopped at the pharmacy, then senior bowling. I did -- ehhhh... The first game was a dismal 85, but the second game was a 140, the third game was a 106 (hey, at least I broke 100!). Planning to do a weight DVD tomorrow then crochet class, then going out to eat with a friend of mine, the stopping at this jone store (they have triple coupons!)

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope you had a good hump day!
    Been spending alot of time with Violet.The weather is warm for march.80`s.
    Had a rough pt session.Everytime he tries to do more,my knee swells and pain for 2-3 days.Gets a little frustrating.I know it will take time,dr did a lot of repair.But with the warm weather I want to go go go.
    Love reading all the posts,but don`t seem to have time to respond to all.
    Have a good night!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    If anyone is interested, I've been collecting recipes on my pinterest page. They are mostly South Beach friendly ones. If you have recipes to share on pinterest please follow me there and I will follow you back. I haven't tried many of them yet but they sure look yummy. I did comment on the ones I have tried. Here's my page: http://pinterest.com/issypal
  • friigirl
    friigirl Posts: 7
    Your weight loss is very inspiring to me. I hope to loose 60 lbs. And seeing that you have lost over 70 makes me feel like it is doable.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    It has been real tough couple of days. Up and down with the horse first night. Took her to the vet yesterday. Blood work says she has a viral infection. Nothing they can do for her just let run its course. Think she got it from the neighbors new horses. Hopefully everything will be getting back on even keel.And now its snowing again.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I have such a stinking cold! Would really like to be free from it now. Still, there are so many people with far more suffering in their lives, who am I to fuss.

    Logging every day - just don't have the extra time to write much at present. Know that I am thinking of you all and sending you good vibes.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hello My Lovely Ladies:

    I am so sorry, I have been so far out of the loop I don't even know where to begin:noway:

    My laptop broke down at home last week and that was the beginning of it; I had to take it in for repair and I get to pick it up tonight :drinker: But, in the meantime, I have had no means to check in on you all. I hope you have all been okay.

    Hubby and I leave for our cruise tomorrow night, well early hours Saturday morning really and I am taking 2 weeks off work so I have been absolutely swamped at work, as you can imagine; they know are going to be off and they go into panic mode :laugh:

    I will get back to logging in properly once I get back from the Caribbean and I will have so much to catch up on with you all, however, in the meantime, I do hope you are all well, I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. I have not had time to read the posts so I have no idea what I have missed. I hope nothing serious has happened in this meantime to anyone.

    Well, My Friends, I have truly missed not being able to connect with you, I really have. I will be glad to have my laptop back. Tonight I have to get packing and such, tomorrow night will be an early night to bed as we have to leave home at 2:30 a.m. but I am starting to get excited for our trip plus just having some time off work will be nice too :wink:

    Then when we get home hubby and I have to start getting organized to start packing up the house and getting rid of stuff we no longer need!! Our kids are about to inherit a lot of "treasures", I think :laugh:

    So. I will be back in just over a week and talk to you then. Take care you all.

    Lots of Love, Cathy xx
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    It has been real tough couple of days. Up and down with the horse first night. Took her to the vet yesterday. Blood work says she has a viral infection. Nothing they can do for her just let run its course. Think she got it from the neighbors new horses. Hopefully everything will be getting back on even keel.And now its snowing again.

    Best wishes from my horses to your horse. I hope she feels better soon. It is so hard when pets are sick. They are such a part of our lives no matter how big or little they are.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Just a quick howdy-do on this snow-covered morning. Spring's not here yet, that's for darn sure. :grumble:

    Hubby started back to work this morning after being unemployed for over 2 years, yay yay and more yay! :happy: I'll have to manage my time much more seriously now, as there'll be lots more on my plate. I don't mean food, lol. :laugh:

    First things first, I'll need to make sure that I get my exercises in every day. That's a must. Strength training this morn, and aerobics. Not looking forward to push ups but I'll force myself to keep after it. The muscles in my shoulders and neck were sore for 2 days from doing 14 of those buggars on Monday. Gotta toughen up. :tongue:

    Have a great day everyone, and Sistas, let's keep those salads going strong! :bigsmile:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday, one day shy of Happy Friday!

    Michele- I've not tried to put pumpkin in brownies, but have done the angel food cake with crushed pineapple and that was yummy. Last night hubby said the cupcakes were good, but not very sweet:grumble: I told him it's because they are low in sugar and supposed to be that way...I'm just looking for ways around his sweet tooth:huh:

    Amanda- so glad that you are still popping in here even though you have lost the weight:drinker:

    Barbie- thank you for checking up on our MIA's, it's always good to know when it's just the busyness of life that has kept them away:flowerforyou:

    Cathy- Enjoy that cruise, we will look forward to hearing all about it. When hubby and I went on a cruise (Years ago) I managed to get to the gym a few days and worked out on the equipment, especially when my internal clock was so off and I was up soooo early:cry: and I know it really helped keep my weight in check.

    jb- hope hubbys first day back to work is all he was hoping for:flowerforyou: , my hubby has been unemployeed for one year this month and I am so looking forward to the day he gets another job:ohwell: . Best of wishes on organizing your life now that he's back to work:flowerforyou:


    I wish I had taken pictures of my stomach before I started my yogart experiment, I think it is going down, when I look in the mirror early in the morning the silhouette looks smaller:huh: and I'm not holding in the muscles...so maybe it's working...I can hope:ohwell:

    So ladies...what do you use for inspiration to keep going on this journey we have embarked on? I find that I am always looking a the topics of success stories with before & after pictures...our own Virginia has posted her photos there and it always inspires me to keep going:flowerforyou: There is NO reason that I can't do this if these others can so can I:wink: well that and all the clothes in my closet that are calling out to me "we miss you":sad:

    Must get going and attack all this paper work on my desk.

    Have a good day, logging, moving that body and drinking the water:drinker:

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    She's baaaaack!

    Hello all, sorry I've been AWOL this month. Life has been crazy, and I've only been able to get on here and log via my iPhone. Unfortunately, the iPhone app lets you reply to things on your news feed but doesn't give you access to the community forums. I'm going to browse this thread, but probably will just start replying going forward as going back would be too overwhelming and as crazy as stuff is here at work.

    It has been a rough couple of weeks. Besides life being crazy, I've had the flu, then Sunday before last I had a horrible bicycle wreck. Was on the C&O canal towpath and a dog not on a leash (OK, technically the dog was on a leash but no-one had ahold of the leash which kind of defeats the purpose) ran up in front of us. Hubby stopped, I tried to stop but skidded on the gravel surface went over the handlebars and landed on my right jaw on the forks of his bike. Not broken amazingly enough, but I've been on liquids then soft foods ever since. Just starting on solid foods today, but can only open my jaw so far.

    I've given up and changed my goal weight down from 175 to 165. I'm at 161 now and really need to stop losing. Hopefully now that I'm back on real foods things will stabilize.

    Last Saturday DH and I went back to the C&O canal towpath for another bike ride and did 25 miles on a dirt/gravel surface at about 1480 calories burned according to my HRM. It's truly amazing to me to have the stamina to do things like that now, considering I hated to walk from my desk to the bathroom when I was over 300 lbs.

    And that's about it for catching me up.

    Hope everyone has been well.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hah! :ohwell: I’ve been racking my brains trying to figure out why I’m not loosing weight this month, :grumble: even though I’ working out just as much and eating almost as reasonably well. Got it! I have only been at school about 5 days in March. At school I don’t sit down very often, so it’s six hours on my feet and walking. At home, on holiday, I spend more time on the computer, reading, sitting with DH and doing crossword puzzles, etc. Now that I've identified the problem I should...:laugh:

    Thanks to all of you for your comments on my foot surgery & 12-week recovery time. :flowerforyou: I will be able to swim, and when I go to the gym today I’ll give the trainer a heads-up to start work on a new exercise plan for me. I will also have to withdraw from the circuit training class and the spin class, give someone else the space. In the meantime it’s full speed ahead on phase 1 of The New Rules of Lifting for Women, I have 2 workouts to go before I’m done!

    Virginia – glad to hear from you! :smile: That bicycle accident sounds terrifying. It was brave of you to get back on the towpath again.

    Jeannie, It's 1200 calories a day for me too – I’m another shortie. It does get easier and it’s also a good incentive to exercise :wink: permission to eat more!

    Liselyn, I am going to rule the world from Madagascar, thank-you. I have a no alcohol on school nights rule, which I follow pretty closely. The challenge is when I’m on holiday – “the slight loosening of diet habits” as you so kindly put it.:noway: I am working on a strategy to deal with this. Did the rehearsal go well?

    Issyfit – Thanks for the link to the recipe page. I’ll check it out and keep you posted.

    Joyce, it’s snowing again here too. Sigh. Big, wet, heavy, depressing :grumble: Wait. Stop. It’s the watershed. It’s the creeks and lakes for a green summer. It’s the water for the orchards and the farms in the valley. It’s the lake levels... It's :grumble: depressing.

    Cathy have fun on your cruise! :drinker: Your line about packing up the house “Our kids are about to inherit a lot of “treasures” gave me a flashback to the day my FIL arrived from the other side of the country in a truck loaded to the maximum with “treasures” he could not bear to give away.

    JB I’m celebrating with you and your hubby, so glad he’s back to work. Push-ups are the killer exercise in my book. :explode: Lunges come right next on the list.

    Salad Sistas – Lunch today is lentils with a variety of veggies, roast chicken breast and a tomato dressing.

    Laura, inspiration? I lurk on the MFP success story pages too. The changes I see in the mirror, improved stamina, strength and confidence in my physical ability are inspirations but they are slow changes in a long term commitment. When I am uninspired I just try to fake it “be the change” and “act the way I want to feel” and “turn that frown upside down”.

    Hasta pronto,

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    If anyone is interested in the Zaggora Hotpants that I have been using, here is a link to a current Groupon special. This is how I got started with them. I believe in them so much that I am going to purchase the deal and get the full length Hotpants. I LOVE THEM!


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    If anyone is interested in the Zaggora Hotpants that I have been using, here is a link to a current Groupon special. This is how I got started with them. I believe in them so much that I am going to purchase the deal and get the full length Hotpants. I LOVE THEM!


    thanks meg, i saw your post the other day i got the groupon and will be ordering the capri hot pants.....thanks again
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    She's baaaaack!

    Hello all, sorry I've been AWOL this month. Life has been crazy, and I've only been able to get on here and log via my iPhone. Unfortunately, the iPhone app lets you reply to things on your news feed but doesn't give you access to the community forums. I'm going to browse this thread, but probably will just start replying going forward as going back would be too overwhelming and as crazy as stuff is here at work.

    It has been a rough couple of weeks. Besides life being crazy, I've had the flu, then Sunday before last I had a horrible bicycle wreck. Was on the C&O canal towpath and a dog not on a leash (OK, technically the dog was on a leash but no-one had ahold of the leash which kind of defeats the purpose) ran up in front of us. Hubby stopped, I tried to stop but skidded on the gravel surface went over the handlebars and landed on my right jaw on the forks of his bike. Not broken amazingly enough, but I've been on liquids then soft foods ever since. Just starting on solid foods today, but can only open my jaw so far.

    I've given up and changed my goal weight down from 175 to 165. I'm at 161 now and really need to stop losing. Hopefully now that I'm back on real foods things will stabilize.

    Last Saturday DH and I went back to the C&O canal towpath for another bike ride and did 25 miles on a dirt/gravel surface at about 1480 calories burned according to my HRM. It's truly amazing to me to have the stamina to do things like that now, considering I hated to walk from my desk to the bathroom when I was over 300 lbs.

    And that's about it for catching me up.

    Hope everyone has been well.


    :flowerforyou: So sorry about your accident! Your accident reminds me of one I had last spring when we were riding and it was time for the deer to come out at the resevoir...when hubby saw them I tried to stop and wound up flying over the handlebars and skidding about 4 ft on my hands and shoulder...boy that hurt :sad:

    Glad to see you back, you have been missed.:heart:

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy Thursday.
    Today was nice. Took my son to the dentist and then we did some fun shopping, lunch and a movie. Just about used my calories for the day. Even only eating half of my lunch. I really did enjoy it though. Have a good night!
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Ladies...

    Pam..I ordered my full length Hot Pants today via Groupon... but in a size smaller than my first orderl! Also saw that they will soon introduce a Hotpants Top! Excited! $49 for $110 product which I am so confident with.

    Off work tomorrow and planning to shop for jeans in a size smaller...Will confess to feeling very "successful" in the last couple of weeks...which usually leads to a reality check. Down girl...Down Girl!!

    More tomorrow!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Good evening all --

    I don't have long to catch up, but it has been a fabulous day. My 81 year-old mother is a total inspiration, I got in some very, very intense exercise as well as a 3-hour rehearsal on the crazy recital I'll be performing down here Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, and then we had a super healthy dinner. OK, with beer. Well earned! Tomorrow, keeping up the hour of exercise with the 3 hour rehearsal, and enjoying being down south where there are leaves on the trees, grass on the ground, and flowers everywhere. :flowerforyou:

    Keep up the hard work, ladies, and enjoy the smaller sizes!
