Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Shaggy - I miss potatoes, I can never seem to fit them in :sad:

    Mommyof2boys - What happened to your camera? Is it lost? Getting fixed? Thats one of those need to haves! Especially when you have little ones running around.

    Beachcomer - Have safe flights! Its so hard to eat right while you're traveling, but you sound like you're doing a bang-up job!

    So I've had a really good last couple days. I got some new tools for work that I really think will help me, diet is going 'okay.' I really haven't gone over but other than working in my garden, I haven't done a heck of a lot of exercise. Don't think I will see a big loss this week but oh well! :ohwell: Its finally cooling off here in southern Cali so I can leave my doors and windows open! Its actually freezing this morning and I'm huddled up with a blanket in front of the computer!

    Lots of work to do today, but will check in later! :drinker:
  • Mommyof2boys....I love the pic you posted. And, I'm also wondering what happened to your camera. :huh:

    Beachcomer: Happy and safe travels! :bigsmile:

    Shagy: The rollerbladding sounds like fun, but something I could never do! :noway:

    Hannah: Good luck with the tongue deal....makes my spine shiver just thinkin' about it! Hope it all goes well for you!!

    I won't be eating much today, but I will be eating on plan foods when I do eat. My allergies are about to kill me....can't breath!! BLAH! :grumble: Today is my Rest day as far as exercise goes...and I'll sure take it. Maybe I'll get some laundry done. I'm a little sore (okay alot sore) from yesterday's extreme clean attack! Sticking to plan for the weekend, and hoping all of you are having a good one!!

    If I don't see you back here later....I will see you in the AM for our Monday weigh-in!!! :bigsmile:

    Everybody please post the following in the morning:
    1. Monday's weight
    2. Goal for next week
    3. Goal for Month of August

    Thanks, ya'll. :flowerforyou:
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a blessed Sunday. Sassy, I am setting a goal of 190 for the month. OR 13 lbs from last weeks weigh in...
  • A circiut board shorted out in my camara. It is the nikon repair store in sacramento.... :sad:
    I miss it soo bad. Its one of my babies. I think I am getting it back some time this week but I am not sure...
    This is a picture I took at a motorcycle show.
    I am really thinking about doing stock photography.... when i get my camara back.
  • Hey everyone missed you all!!! I have had a house full of 14 people for 2 days so havent been on!! There gone now so I have to be like MS. SASSY and scrub, scrub , scrub hey sass you wanna come to may house???? LOL Cleaning or Fair I think Cleaning is so much funner don t you LOL just playing :wink:

    Any how the food log in is not working right now anyone else have problems with it? I been trying for ever.

    Well, I have to go answer door be back in bit!
  • mommyof2boys.....the 2 photos you posted recently are really great! You must have a good eye for it. I've always been interested in writing and photography. Had my first short story published a couple months ago, so now maybe I need to tackle photography. Don't think I'm as good at that though. maybe I could learn?? I've noticed they have photography classes at our local community college....do you think that would be worth it?? Give me your thoughts....thanks!! And, stock photography would be fun!

    magnificent mama....Sorry. No can do. I have more rooms in my house that need the same extreme clean that I did in the living room, foyer area yesterday. Did half of the dining room before I pooped out so maybe I'll get it finished tomorrow....or sometime. :grumble:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Say I would like to join you guys. I am just learning about carbs. I am a diabetic and I have came to the conclusion that my system can't take too many carbs. My name is Marie. I have been married to my husband for 53 years and yes I am fat too.See you in the morning if its not too late to join. Marie
  • Sassy- I think that if you want to take classes for it then you should:flowerforyou: . I have never taken classes though. I just go by what I think would make a good picture and trial and error.lol. What kind of book did you write?
  • MARIE: Welcome....we'll see you in the morning for the weigh-in. Glad to have you! :flowerforyou:

    Mommyof2boys: I, unfortunately, didn't write a whole book....just a short story. It was published in a book very similar to Chicken Soup for the Soul, called the Cup of Comfot. This specific one is called, "Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Special Needs." If you should run across a copy of the book, you'll find my story in there (about my son). Of course, it's not written by sassy.....LOL....my real name is Vivian Joy Phillips....I go by Joy.

    So, I'm just stopping by to record my dinner in my food diary. going to relax the rest of the night and get ready for a tough week....lots on my schedule that I want to get done!! Also, trying to get some time to post some pics in my blog of me at my fattest and now. Wanting to keep a little picture diary of my progress so when I hit goal I will look back and see how awful it was....LOL!!! :bigsmile:
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on6BSfHlK_w
    Its called supersize me

    I watched this video and thought wow not mcdonalds any more for my family.
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    hey all! i've been sick for the past few days so I've been getting a lot of rest. however i haven't been following my eating plan and I haven't been exercising so on top of still being sick I feel fat and hopeless! I don't know if I can do this... it's so hard to get back on track! I really want to... I just need to start feeling better! I'm sure I've gained weight... I don't even want to go near a scale. It's depressing and so NOT motivating! i hate it! ahhhh!!!!!!!! say prayers for me ladies!!!!!!
  • CMSTIEF- Dont worry we all fall off the band wagon!!! I have too!! You need to weigh and start again!! We will support you believe me. Everyone has supported me lots!!! I felt horrible too! I am super afraid to weigh in tomorrow but, I know if i dont it will just get worse so its better late than never!! So STAY STRONG and tomorrow is another day and you WILL DO IT!!!

    CALIE- Glad to have you on board the more the merrier!!! Perfect time to start to since we weigh tomorrow ( I am scared but like I told CMS we have to do it!)
  • hey all! i've been sick for the past few days so I've been getting a lot of rest. however i haven't been following my eating plan and I haven't been exercising so on top of still being sick I feel fat and hopeless! I don't know if I can do this... it's so hard to get back on track! I really want to... I just need to start feeling better! I'm sure I've gained weight... I don't even want to go near a scale. It's depressing and so NOT motivating! i hate it! ahhhh!!!!!!!! say prayers for me ladies!!!!!!

    I am sorry to hear that you were sick:ohwell: . I hope you start feeling better soon:flowerforyou: . Dont give up <3 You know that anything that takes alot of work is worth it and you feel more proud of your self in the end.You also know that if you give up sooner or later you are going to wish you hadn't. Even if it takes you a while to get back on track atleast you are trying <3
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hey everyone and good morning!!!

    I am heading to the gym at 5:30 am and will be doing my workouts at the gym and home. I have downloaded all types of exercise dvd's. Tae Bo, pilates, yoga, etc.......... I even found the P90X, but haven't downloaded all 12 dvd's yet.

    I ate off plan on Saturday. We ate pizza, deep dish pizza and I told myself I was only going to eat the toppings. Well pizza came to the table and I couldn't help myself. It was very, very good too. I did eat a salad before the pizza came, so I kept it to 2 small slices. My hubby did not. We brought the rest home and ate it for supper.

    Sunday, I hardly had an appetite, so I didn't eat much at all. Forced myself to eat some Fage and blackberries around supper time. Other than that, I only had breakfast.

    Doing laundry at 3:25 am (Central time) and will be heading to the gym at 5:30 to get on the elliptical.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Say I would like to join you guys. I am just learning about carbs. I am a diabetic and I have came to the conclusion that my system can't take too many carbs. My name is Marie. I have been married to my husband for 53 years and yes I am fat too.See you in the morning if its not too late to join. Marie

    Hey Calie -

    I am glad you joined us over here!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Leo. Its nice to have friends around. Look like you are really taken this serious now. exercising and all. too small pizza shouldn't hurt too bad. I am into retaing fluild again. Dr. Michael Eades said in hhis book that low carb will help in retaining fluid. to drink more water than usally. I had a perfect day yesterday on my eating. only 10 carbs per meal And 10 carbs before bedtime. Thats 40 carbs total. and i was sattisfy.

    Sassy here iis my WI 194.4
    my goal is to lose 3 lbs ne xt week
    My total goal is to lose to 160 around the first of the year.

    I am having trouble getting my sugar and carbs adjusted. been having too many lows and too many highs. But yesterday I got it adjusted and work out fine. no lows and no highs. So I will see what today brings. Is anybody else on insulin?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Sassy here is my stats:
    1. Monday's weight
    2. Goal for next week
    3. Goal for Month of August

    1. 201.6 (retaining water from Saturday's pizza fest)
    2. 198 (-3.4)
    3. 185
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I would like to be down 10 lbs for August. that would make me 184 . Looking forward to reading all of your post. I have been trying to read all the back post. So Many will take me a while to get to know you all. You all seems like a fun happy group. this granny will need lots of help.:heart: Marie
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Expect the bashing to spill over to this thread, it has already begun on my own low carb forum..........

  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    Monday morning check in! I wasn't too optimistic about this one as I visited the family this weekend and all they eat is carbs! It was very tough to find other food to eat and I felt to guilty to turn down banana bread for the fifteenth time to my dad who made it just for me :( But it wasn't too bad this morning. I weighed in at 157.5 lbs and my goal for this week is 155lbs.

    Remember, if you slip, don't kill yourself over it and just get back on that horse! And my motto for the weight loss experience; "the harder something is to achieve, the more it's worth to have".
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