How do you feel about Diet Soda?



  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I would have been one of the folks to say..."diet soda has no impact on me" and then I stopped drinking diet soda and felt so much better. I quit because it was difficult to drink the eight glasses of water and all the soda I was consuming.

    Now I enjoy the water. Plus I like saving all that $$$$ when eating out. Last I had a soda with my meal I was charged $1.99. Add that up and it makes a difference.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    - That it rots your teeth - WRONG - only sugar can rot your teeth - real sugar. DIet coke is carbonated water, colouring and sweetners. Yeah ok its not nutritional and healthy but its not the end of the world

    Anything acidic can rot your teeth. That includes diet coke/soda.
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    No diet drinks in the house, neither me nor my wife like the taste and we won't feed it to our 4 year old.

    If there are any sodas, which is very very rare these days then they are full fat, sugar must be better for you than that chemical rubbish.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I like diet soda. I don't drink near as much as I used to, but I still love the flavor and the carbonation. Right now favorite flavors are 7-up and Sunkist Orange. Used to be Sprite zero until they kept screwing around with the price. Here at least it was 96 cents and then bounced to $1.56
  • jts10
    jts10 Posts: 37
    Here's the issue with diet sodas, artificial sweeteners, etc. -- yes, it is linked to weight gain and yes it is highly linked to diabetes.

    People always assume that diet soda causes diabetes because it has a lot of sugar in it, but obviously it has no sugar, and that's a huge issue. When you drink diet soda or use artificial sweeteners, you are telling your body that you put sugar into it and that it needs to break it down. However, since this isn't actually sugar, your insulin rises but your body doesn't break anything down. This then causes your body to overproduce insulin, which in large quantities, and over time, will cause diabetes.

    Also, they cause weight gain -- not because of the sugar -- but because they cause your body to think you aren't full. Artificial sweeteners trigger your appetite. Drinking a diet soda could make you hungry, but without the sugar, you don't get any satisfaction from the drink. Artificial sweeteners could also interact with your brain and prevent you from feeling full. Alone or combined, these effects could cause you to eat more than your should.\

    I'd say, if you truly are trying to live a healthy lifestyle, eliminate the diet soda to just special occasions. This is easy for me to say because I've never (seriously never in my life) had a can of diet soda or regular soda -- I don't even really know what it tastes like.

    Good luck! Replace it with water :)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    who loves (diet) orange soda?!!

    I do:smile:
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    who loves (diet) orange soda?!!

    I do!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I once cleaned battery acid out of a flashlight by soaking the plastic parts in diet coke. lol

    That said, I still enjoy an can or two a day - or none it all..depends on my mood, if I want the cafeine, or bubbles, or something sweet with a salty snack. Years ago I would go through a 12 pack in a day or two, realized it was horrible, expensive habit, went through withdraw and completely switched to water. Now adays I can take it or leave it.
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    Agree that the tests that are run are at VERY HIGH levels! I like one diet Cheerwine soda (Cherry Soda with Splenda) a day!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Diet soda encourages you to eat more, since there is so little satisfaction derived from diet soda.

    no it doesn't. you need to take responsibility for your own actions. just don't eat more. oh, and there is plenty of satisfaction derived from diet soda.
    Aspartame, nutrisweet, splenda, saccharin and the other artificial sweeteners are not considered safe sweeteners.

    again, no.
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    Not giving it up, studies are done at ridiculously high levels of ingredients that just do not represent true intake in humans.

  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member

    People always assume that diet soda causes diabetes because it has a lot of sugar in it, but obviously it has no sugar, and that's a huge issue. When you drink diet soda or use artificial sweeteners, you are telling your body that you put sugar into it and that it needs to break it down. However, since this isn't actually sugar, your insulin rises but your body doesn't break anything down. This then causes your body to overproduce insulin, which in large quantities, and over time, will cause diabetes.

    Nope. The artificial sweeteners used in diets sodas have no effect on insulin levels, and they do not cause you to crave more food. This has been shown in several studies.
  • kalikelli
    kalikelli Posts: 22
    I'm still drinking diet but trying to cut it totally out at some point, next weekend going to try and go to one a day.

    I don't think it gives me any cravings but in general I am trying to cut out as many products as I possibly can with ingredients I can't pronounce :)

    I was drinking 4-5 20oz regular sodas a day which was a huge wakeup when I started using MFP to track calories and a lightbulb in my head went off and I realized where a lot of my calories were coming from.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Some interesting information from one of my food chemistry classes:

    Artificial sweeteners bind more tightly to the tongue than regular sugar. This is what makes them sweeter than regular sugar. The actual sweetening compound is often "diluted" in the sweetener formula because of this. Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners also bind more tightly to your intestines than regular sugar. New research has shown that this could cause more food to be absorbed into the body. So if you eat a hamburger with water, you might absorb less calories from that hamburger than you would if you ate the same one with diet soda. Still, you'd be absorbing much less calories overall than if you drank a sugary soda instead.
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Diet Pepsi & I are good buds.
    Sometimes that's all I have for breakfast(all I have time for)
    So I'm kinda in love with diet soda. I've actually grown to dislike regular. too sweet.

    ^^This^^ I have switched from regular Diet Pepsi to Pepsi One though. Made with Splenda instead of aspartame. Tastes very close to the same. I drink one a day, only on work days though. It is my afternoon treat. It does NOT trigger cravings for sugar or anything sweet, (or anything at all, for that matter). Regular soda tastes WAY too sweet to me now.

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  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I love it, but only average about one a day. I would drink more, but it would keep me from drinking my water and it's so expensive when compared with water. I don't worry too much about the 'scary diet soda chemicals' because I really do soda in moderation.
  • superstankazz
    Agree that the tests that are run are at VERY HIGH levels! I like one diet Cheerwine soda (Cherry Soda with Splenda) a day!
    You must be from the south. We don't have Cheerwine here in the midwest. Last year I brought back a case of Cheerwine from our vacation to Oak Island , NC :tongue:
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Pop is my vice, so in order to retain my sanity, I allow myself to have one mini can of Diet Coke per day. It satisfies my need and hasn't hampered my weight loss whatsoever.
  • Bergiere
    Bergiere Posts: 39 Member
    I don't drink diet sodas. Mostly because I've never found one that tasted good to me and they use artificial sweeteners, which I stopped consuming awhile back.

    I don't drink regular soda either and finally kicked my 2-liter or more day pepsi habit. I find I don't miss it at all. :smile:
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Its bad for you. Just drink regular soda. The bad thing is the fake sugar tricks your brain into thinking it got sugar and when it realizes it didn't it wants it more causing you to crave more sugar. I occasionally drink a pepsi throwback but never diet soda.