Always single!

Options I'm not sure what is wrong with me. But yet another guy just disappeared....Asked me out on a few dates....I thought they went well....all of a sudden the texts slow down and then nada. I just don't get it. Used to blame my I'm afraid its just me haha. Ugh...sorry just wanted to vent :(


  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    Don't worry about it. I think most of us involved in long term relationships wish their significant others would just disappear once in a while.
  • deedog007
    deedog007 Posts: 89 Member
    Why dont u communicate with them and see whats going wrong, or if there is anything wrong. Maybe....just maybe thats the problem (Lack of Communication),

    Which is most important in all relationships. ;)
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Are they blind? You look great, and sounds like you have a good personality.. don't know what's wrong with them, but I don't think it's you.
  • cairney4698
    cairney4698 Posts: 237
    Hey there. If they have disappeared then it is there loss. Do not blame yourself. As my Mum always tells me "What is for me will not go past me"

    I truly believe in this. If he is for you it will all work out. if not Mr right is out there somewhere
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Stop blaming yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with you. Don't change for a guy. They won't change for you, and you shouldn't change for them. Be yourself. If it isn't meant to be, it isn't meant to be. You will find someone...don't worry.

    However, maybe you should just ask. It might not hurt to find out why...especially if it will stop you from scrutinizing yourself.
  • tradaboie
    tradaboie Posts: 132
    Why dont u communicate with them and see whats going wrong, or if there is anything wrong. Maybe....just maybe thats the problem (Lack of Communication),

    Which is most important in all relationships. ;)

    I called and left a message and sent a couple of response.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Some days I feel destined to be single forever. We just have to remember that if it is meant to be it will happen then find a way to enjoy just being you. If you can't be happy out of a relationship you'll never be happy in one. Find ways to love yourself first!
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    There are a hundred reasons it may be happening, but I wouldn't blame yourself... unless you have a tail and billy goat feet. :tongue:

    The right one can take time to find. :flowerforyou:
  • tradaboie
    tradaboie Posts: 132
    Hey there. If they have disappeared then it is there loss. Do not blame yourself. As my Mum always tells me "What is for me will not go past me"

    I truly believe in this. If he is for you it will all work out. if not Mr right is out there somewhere

    I like that I'm going to remember that one....your Mum sounds smart :)
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Some of us are primarily single. There's nothing wrong with it either.

    Look at the common denominator. Find out what it is you think is killing the game for you.
  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    it seems in my opinion as I watch my daughter struggle w/ the same thing... there are very few men... real men out there....sorry men who read this that are the real deal... but you know what I mean
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I'd have to concur, it's not you...or at least all you. No matter how unromantic guys seem, sometimes they are looking for a je n'ais sais quoi or kismet or whatnot.

    It's best to look for Mr. Right, not Mr.Right now.

  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    Options I'm not sure what is wrong with me. But yet another guy just disappeared....Asked me out on a few dates....I thought they went well....all of a sudden the texts slow down and then nada. I just don't get it. Used to blame my I'm afraid its just me haha. Ugh...sorry just wanted to vent :(

    I hear ya!!! The same thing just happened to me....GREAT first date (HE said so afterwards, more than once), made plans to see each other again, then he just stopped replying to my texts. I was tempted to ask for an explanation, but what is the point??? It is really hard to believe that there isn't something wrong with me, even though everyone tells me that it isn't me. I don't really have much advice to offer since I feel like lately I am in the same boat, but I can let ya know that you're not alone! You look great, your progress is amazing, so don't let it get you down...I just try to tell myself that I wouldn't want a guy who thinks it's OK to just disappear with no explanation - that says a LOT about their character, and very little about anything you could have done wrong. Seems like people are always looking for the next best thing - they might think you are great, but maybe there is something greater. There are just too many options these days, that makes it hard. I swear that guys were much more committed and willing to settle down with me when I was in my early & mid 20's than they are now. I know what you're dealing with! :angry:
  • twinlaced
    twinlaced Posts: 46 Member
    Hehe nothing wrong with being single. Don't ever blame yourself for it, though. I guess I have a similar problem where I can never find a guy I like, no matter how many dates etc. So I've just learned to love myself and look at life differently. I enjoy being alone, and having all this time to do whatever I like (:
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    I called and left a message and sent a couple of response.

    That sucks. I hate that. It's time to move on. Anymore texts/calls to him and you are starting down the path of stalker.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member

    I hear ya!!! The same thing just happened to me....GREAT first date (HE said so afterwards, more than once), made plans to see each other again, then he just stopped replying to my texts.

    I've said dates were great, just because I couldn't think of what else to say. I've never made plans for a second date I didn't follow through on though.

    I mean you can't realistically say to someone you just met
    "Well, you seem like a great person, I'm just not interested."...we'll I suppose you could...but it'd be awkward.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I was actually at the point of resigning myself to being that "cat" lady after about four YEARS of horrible dates, fizzled relationships, and just bad experiences ... to the point where I was legitimately writing a book about my awful, awful adventures :) and then I met my current man. That was almost four years ago. So there is hope, and there are great ones out there! Unfortunately, you just have to pick through all the not so great ones in order to reach them. In the mean time, focusing on yourself, and being totally happy with the person you are and the life you lead is a great start! :)
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    well, some people just can't see a good thing even when it's right in front of them. that or you need to stop dating cowards, the whole disappearing act thing with no explanation in lame. hang in there
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    Well, I must say...Your experience sounds like a repeat of what I have been through. What you had happen is so standard in the dating world these days. This guy just does'nt know how to have a proper conversation with you about why he might not want to go out again. This is not about YOU. it is about him. And his lack of class.
    Do not play movies in your head and waste your valuable time even giving it a second thought. Keep your head up and if you should decide to take a break from the stress of dating do so. Otherwise, if you want to continue dating. It's been my experience not to put any expectations out there .It will save your sanity
    Sorry this had to happen to you.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    Like many others have said.

    No hurry. Before I met Nicole and started a family I dated countless women who there was no way they would get a 2nd date. It's 2012 and now most people aren't looking to settle down until mid-late 30's. I wasn't.

    Chances are that's a road block you are running into.